

Study on the Personality Traits of Patients with Dysfunction Uterine Bleeding’s and Different Syndrome Types

【作者】 王秋萍

【导师】 周萍;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:功能失调性子宫出血,是临床上的常见病,多发病,与神经内分泌失调有关,可能存在一定的人格倾向。相对激素治疗而言,临床以中医药辨证治疗效果较好,而证是在一定的体质基础上对疾病本质的反映。 本调查旨在研究功血患者的人格特征倾向及不同证型患者的人格表现,探讨功血发病的影响因素,为功血患者进行辨证施治,心身并治提供参考依据,提高功血临床疗效。 方法:研究采用卡特尔16项人格特质量表(16PF)对60例功血患者进行人格量表测试,以及中医证型诊断。所得数据在SPSS11.0上作统计分析。 结果: (1) 功血患者在16PF上表现为:乐群性(A)、敏感性(1)、忧虑性(O)、较常人高,聪慧性(B)、恃强性(E)、兴奋性(F)、有恒性(G)、实验性(Q1)较常人低。 (2) 不同证型功血患者在16PF上存在不同表现形式。与常模比较:肝郁证 稳定性(C)、恃强性(E)、兴奋性(F)、有恒性(G)低;肾虚证 聪慧性(B)、有恒性(G)低,忧虑性(O)高;血热证 敏感性(I)、乐群性(A)高,聪慧性(B)低;气虚证 聪慧性(B)、实验性(Q1)低,忧虑性(O)高。 (3) 不同证型间16PF某些因子存在显著差异: 在E因子上,肾虚证与肝郁证存在差异;在H因子上,气虚证与血热证、肝郁证存在差异;在Q1因子上,气虚证与肾虚证、血热证存在差异;在B因子上,肝郁证与其他三个证型间均存在差异。 结论:(1) 功血患者存在一定人格特征倾向。 (2) 不同证型功血患者在人格特征表现上存在差异。(3)证型间比较,不同证型功血患者在16PF某些因子上表 现差异。

【Abstract】 Objective: Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding(DUB) is a commom clinical disease which is related to the disorder of neuroendocine. Patients with DUB may have some personality character tendency. Treatment based on TCM syndrome differentiation can be take good effect than do by hormone. Syndrome is the intergrated reflection of the nature of disease on the base of some certain substances. The investigation aimed at studying the personality characters tendency and the personal representation of patients with DUB on variant syndrome types and approaching to influencing factors of DUB.Methods: Measure 60 patients with DUB and definite the syndrome type by using Cat tell’s 16PF.Results:(l).On 16PF,patients with DUB had obvious higher score on affectothymia tender-mindedness guilt proneness while they had lower score on intelligence dominace surgency superego strength liberslism than normal(p<0.05).(2).There were various expresstions in different syndrome types: a. Liver-stagnant type: lower on ego strength dominace surgency superego strength than other types(p<0.05); b. Kidney deficiency type: higher on guilt proneness than other types(p<0.05); c.Blood-heat type: higher on tender-mindedness and affectothymia (p<0.05) and lower on intelligence than other types(p<0.05); d.Qi-deficiency type: lower on intelligence and liberalism and higher on guilt proneness than other types(p<0. 05).(3)There were some difference between variance syndrome types on 16PF. According to the E factor, there was significant difference between Kidney deficiency type and Liver-stagnant type(p<0.05);while in the H factor, therewere significant difference between Blood-heat type and Qi-deficiency type, Liver-stagnant type and Qi-deficiency type (p<0.05) , and in the B factor, Liver-stagnant type differed, from other types(p<0. 05).Conclusion:(l)Patients with DUB exists some certain personality character tendency .(2)There were significant difference between Patients with DUB and normal on personality traits (p<0. 05).(3) There were different personality traits from different syndrome types

  • 【分类号】B845
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