

The Experimental Research of Effect of Realistic Therapy to Psychological Remedy of Misdemeanant

【作者】 马建军

【导师】 周萍;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 劳动教养是我国对有违法犯罪行为而不够刑事处分的人实行收容、强制劳动和教育改造的一种行政处罚措施。也就是说我国的各个劳教所承担着将“有违法犯罪行为而不够刑事处分的人”改造和教育好的重任。在我国,劳动教养人员是一个数量庞大而又特殊的群体,大量调查表明,他们的心理健康状况比正常人群显著要差。但是,目前我国针对这个群体所展开的教育工作大部分停留在对其进行心理咨询的层面上,心理矫治方面的研究非常少,仅有的一点零星的矫治研究工作也主要是由劳教所内的管教干警来完成,缺乏心理学专业人员的指导,研究方法单一,主要以传统说教的方式为主,缺少相应的理论支撑和说服力。 为了寻求针对劳动教养人员心理矫治的有效方法,提高劳动教养人员的心理健康水平,提高各个劳动教养机构的教育改造质量,我们采用格拉塞(Glasser)的现实疗法对湖南省直第一劳教所新进的29名劳教人员进行了心理矫治的实验研究。本实验采用实验组—控制组前后测准实验设计,以精神症状自评量表(SCL—90)和自尊调查表(SEI)的得分作为因变量。 本实验的研究结果主要如下: 1.劳动教养人员的心理健康水平显著低于正常人群的常模水平; 2.现实疗法能有效提高劳教人员的自尊水平; 3.现实疗法能有效提高劳教人员的心理健康水平。 据此,本文认为,现实疗法是适用于我国劳教系统、提高劳动教养水平、增强劳动教养效果的一种好方法。

【Abstract】 Reeducation through labor is an administrative penalty to take in and reeducate through labor the criminals who have violate the law not gravely enough to get a criminal sanction. That means all the centers of reeducation through labor shoulder the responsibility of reforming and reeducating all the misdemeanants. In China, the number of misdemeanants reformed and reeducated is very large. A lot of surveys reveal that this special group of people have worse psychological condition than the average. However, at present, we reeducate them only by giving the traditional instruction or some psychological consultations.No psychological remedies are studied and applied. Even if there are some, they are done not by psychological specialists but by policemen who guard the misdemeanants. Therefore, the methods are simple and not supported or proved by theories.In order to find effective psychological remedies, improve the misdemeanants’ health of psychology, and enhance the effects of all the centers of reeducation through labor, we adopted Glasser’s Realistic Therapy to remedy on the twenty nine newly taken-in misdemeanantsfreeducated in the First Center Reeducation Through Labor in Hunan province. This Experiment is designed as experiment group-control group and front-back test. The dependant variables are the scores of SCL-90 and SEI.The following are the result of the experiment:1. The psychological condition of the misdemeanants is lower than that of the normal people;2. Realistic Therapy can improve the misdemeanants’ self-esteemeffectively; 3. Realistic Therapy can improve the misdemeanants’ health ofpsychology.Therefore, a conclusion is drawn that Realistic Therapy is suitable for our reeducation through labor and is an effective way to improve the standard and the effect of reeducation through labor.

【关键词】 劳动教养现实疗法心理矫治
【Key words】 ReeducationRealistic therapyPsychology remedy
  • 【分类号】B845
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】474