

Preliminary Research into High School Students’ Compulsory Reading

【作者】 黎方云

【导师】 程大琥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 人生历程,阅读相伴。就阅读行为对人生发展的相对作用而言,其数量可分为全部阅读量(阅读总量)、必要阅读量、提高阅读量、专业(职业)阅读量、科研阅读量,本文对它们作了简要说明,探讨了高中学生的“必要阅读量”。论述之初,从阅读能力应达到的“七项目标”“五种能力”和“胡适先生的标准”三个角度对“熟练阅读能力”作了界定,征引了历代思想家、教育家和学者们对“必要阅读量”问题所作的明确或形象的表述,对古代语文教育的基本教材以及近20位具有“熟练阅读能力”的古今学者或读书名人有关阅读量问题的表述和他们在20岁以前(青少年时期)所读之书作了一些考察和分析,把阅读活动分解为精读和略读,把青少年特别是高中学生的必要阅读量分解为篇章阅读量和书册阅读量,把文言读物的字数按1:2的比例折算成白话文的字数,便于统计文中的有关数字。然后,统计出多组数字:九年义务教育阶段和高中阶段语文教材的课文篇数和字数(650多篇、327万字;精读量),高中阶段《语文读本》的课文篇数和字数(275万字;精读量),学者们提议的青少年书册必要阅读量(1500万字左右;略读量),新课程标准建议的高中学生课外书册阅读量(1414万字;略读量),古今学者或读书人20岁以前的书册阅读量(1000万字~2000万字;精读量和略读量);由这些数字大致可以得出高中学生必要阅读量的结论:2000万字左右。其中精读必要量——篇章阅读量为500万字~600万字,略读必要量——书册必要阅读量为1500万字左右。

【Abstract】 Reading in different periods of lifetime can be divided into categories as comprehensive reading, compulsory reading efficient reading professional reading and scientific research reading. This paper will provide a brief account about the compulsory reading needed by high school students. In the very beginning of this paper, the author tries to define the skilled reading ability form three aspects, that is, "seven goals" "five abilities" and "Mr. Hu Shi’s" "standards" which are supposal to accomplish. In this paper, the author makes a definite and vivid expression about compulsory reading by quoting from historical thinkers, educationalists and scholars. Observing and analyzing basic old Chinese textbooks reading viewpoints summarized by about 20 scholars who are skilled in reading, and their reading material, he divides reading into two parts e.g, selective reading and extensive reading, and also passage reading and book reading for teenagers especially high middle school student. He, meanwhile converts old Chinese reading books to modern Chinese according to proportion 1:2, which is considered convenient to make statistics about characters, and then he sums up some groups of figures. This figures are: more than 50 texts and 3,270,000 characters for selective reading during the 9-year compulsory education and high school phrase; 2,750,000 characters for selective reading in high-school Chinese-reading books; 15,000,000 characters for teenager’s necessary extensive reading suggested by scholars; 14,140,000 characters for high-school students extra extensive reading based on New Course Standards; 10,000,000-20,000,000 characters for scholars and students before 20 to read. According to these figures the conclusion can be drawnthat about 20,000,000 characters are needed for high-school students to read, Among them are 5,000,000-6,000,000 characters’ passage reading for necessary selective reading and 15,000,000 characters book reading for necessary extensive reading.

【关键词】 高中学生阅读量必要阅读量
【Key words】 high school studentsreadingcompulsory reading
  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】167