

Study on the Reform to Administrative Division of Province Level in China

【作者】 贺曲夫

【导师】 谢炳庚;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 行政区划是指一个国家根据行政管理的需要,将其领土划分成不同层次结构的区域,即“行政区”的过程。省,作为我国地方最高一级行政区划单位,自元朝开始,历经元、明、清及民国,延续至今已有700多年的历史,已经成为我国社会、政治、经济体制的重要组成部分,也成为我国行政区划战略的重要内容。 本文对我国元以来省制的形成、发展的过程作了回顾,并分析了其演变规律。目前我国的省级行政区划,包括23个省、5个自治区、4个直辖市和2个特别行政区共34个省级行政区,但其弊端明显,存在的问题主要体现在这些方面:省区范围偏大,辖县数目过多,省区悬殊过大;管理层次过多且复杂;省级行政区域边界犬齿交错,破坏了自然—经济区域的完整,容易引起边界纠纷,不利于安定团结;行政区划名称混乱,专名重名、通名含糊,且体系繁杂;省以下诸多体制如“市领导县”体制的弊端日益显现;并且对大城市尤其是特大城市重视不够等。针对这些问题,自清末以来,广大学术界进行了深入研究,先后提出了不少分省方案和建议,如谭其骧先生50道方案,浦善新的50~60个省(自治省、都市省和特别行政区)方案,刘君德59省方案,郭荣星的43个一级行政区方案等,均有自己的见解。 本文在前人研究的基础上,就我国省级行政区划改革的必要性和改革方向进行了研究,并分析了改革的制约性因素,在行政区划调整的一般原则的基础上,切合省级行政区划的特点,综合考虑相关因素,提出一系列具体原则,针对不同的实际情况,采用不同的方法,将全国的省级行政区由现在的34个调整到60个(12都36省8自治省4特别行政区)。通过划小省区、减少层次,提高行政管理效率,解决现行省制一的遗留问题(边界的“犬牙相入”、规范行政区通名、市县分等、乡镇自治),理顺关系,推进区域经济一体化发展,改善中央与地方的关系,巩固和加强中央的集中统一领导,促进各地经济发展等目的。同时,本文还提出一系列配套的改革措施以保证省级行政区划改革的顺利进行,如修改宪法有关条款及相关法律法规,并对全国各级政府机构的层级进行改革,以适应省县直辖的需要;加大投入,有意识地培养一些区域性中心城市等。同时强调省级行政区划的改革必须是在“先试点,后推广”、“先易后难”的基础上,循序渐进地进行。

【Abstract】 Regionalism is the process of a country’ s dividing its land into different kinds of regions for the sake of administration. Province, as the highest administrative district, has a history of more than 700 years. From Yuan Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, Mingguo till now, province has become an important part of our country’ s social political and economical system as well as an important content of administrative division strategies.Firstly, this paper gives a brief retrospect of province’ s formation and development and analyzes the law of its change. At present, there are 34 provincial level units in our country, including 23 provinces, 5 autonomous administration regions, 4 direct administrative cities and 2 special administrative districts. Secondly, the author points out the weaknesses of our country’ s administrative division. For example, some provinces and autonomous administration regions are too large to control and the division of those units destroys the integrity of natural and economical region, and this will take negative influences on the union of all peoples. Finally, the author compares different views of some famous experts in thisfield since the end of Qing Dynasty.Based on other people’ s research, this paper gives a research on the necessity and ways to reform the administrative division in our country, and at the same time points out some restricting factors arising in the process of reform. Under the general principles of administrative division, and based on the reality of our country at present, the author puts forward asolution---changing the present 34 provincial level units to60 provincial level units---and a series of relevant measuresto solve the above problems to serve and strengthen the building and development of our country.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】9
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