

Movement of Natural Persons under GATS and Chinese Countermeasures in Legislation

【作者】 李琴

【导师】 李先波;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自然人流动是GATS协定下的四种国际服务贸易方式之一,即一成员方的自然人服务提供者在任何其他成员方境内提供短期服务的贸易方式。促进自然人流动的自由化,是国际服务贸易发展和全球经济一体化发展的必然要求。然而,服务出口国与进口国对自然人流动实行种种阻碍与限制措施,阻碍了自然人流动的顺利进行,即构筑自然人流动壁垒,其方式主要有:出口国对跨国服务贸易经营者资格予以限制;进口国则对自然人流动市场准入或自然人入境予以限制,或在其入境后给予歧视性待遇。 为了削弱自然人流动壁垒,自然人流动被纳入GATS协定的范围。WTO为自然人流动提供了自由化谈判的平台,WTO中的争端解决机构为国际服务贸易争端的解决提供了制度上的保障,GATS协定为自然人流动构筑了基本的法律框架。此外,各成员方还对自然人流动做了具体承诺,这些具体承诺规定了实质内容,构成GATS下自然人流动法律制度的核心。但是,其存在的一些不足之处成为阻碍自然人流动在GATS框架下顺利进行的主要原因,应相应地予以改进:增加承诺部门,扩大部门承诺;扩宽准入的自然人类型,切实保障发展中国家的更多参与;减少限制性条件,增加现有条件的确定性;采用GATS签证制度,订立具体承诺范本。 我国现行的有关自然人流动的法律制度存在诸多不足,入世后,我国应针对不足,因应WTO所提出的要求和我国的具体承诺,进行改进:建立统一的劳务输出管理机构,制定专门的劳务输出法;改革我国签证制度;完善我国有关外国人就业管理的规定;统一国内有关资格认证、许可的标准,加强双边谈判;积极参加WTO谈判,促使其它成员方作出有利于我国的具体承诺;改善我国人力资本状况。

【Abstract】 Movement of Natural Persons (MNP), that is supplying a service by a service supplier of one member, through presence of natural persons of a member in the territory of any other member, is one of the four modes of conducting international trade in services. Promoting the free movement of natural persons is the demand of development of international trade in services and economic integration. However, importing and exporting countries take measures impeding the movement of natural persons.In order to weaken those barriers towards MNP, GATS bring MNP into its scope. WTO supplies a place negotiating for free MNP, the Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes provide regulations for settlement of disputes in international trade in services arid GATS builds the basic legal frame of MNP. Furthermore, Members of the WTO make specific commitments on MNP which stipulate specific rights and obligations, constituting the kernel of the legal system of MNP. The present specific commitments have some defects which need improvement. The paper gives some suggestions as follows: widen and deepen commitments concerning MNP, add more types of natural persons for entry to guarantee more participation of developing countries, reduce restrictions to improve defmiteness, and deploy "GATS Visa" regime and a model schedule.There are many defects in our present legal regimes on MNP in China. After entering the WTO, these legal regimes need to be improved according to the regulations of the WTO and Chinese specific commitments. The paper give some suggestions as follows: establish a unified administrative unit and stipulate specialized laws on labour export, reform our visa regimes, improve and perfect regulations on administration of foreigners’ employment, unify the domestic standards of authentication and permission of qualifications, take an active part in the WTO’s negotiations in order to promote other members to make specific commitments beneficial to China and improve and perfect the conditions of human capital.

【关键词】 GATS自然人流动壁垒具体承诺
【Key words】 GATSmovement of natural personsBarrierspecific commitment
  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】223