

On Hayek’s Common-law Rechtsstaat

【作者】 方林

【导师】 王涛;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作为西方古典自由主义的思想大师,哈耶克的法治理论自有其独特之处。在哈耶克那里,自生自发秩序是其理论的中心环节;普通法既为自生自发秩序的产物,又是自由的保障手段;自由则为其理论的目标。 哈耶克论证自由主义理论和法治理论的出发点是作为其认识论的进化理性主义。进化理性主义认为,人的认识能力是有限的,它不足以设计和刻意创造社会秩序、法律、道德等等,这些都是“人之行动的结果而非人之设计的结果。”因此,人类的法律等制度和规则都是自生自发地产生和发展起来的。这与建构理性主义的观点恰恰相反。在自生自发秩序中,各个要素自发进行互动和调适,从而具有自由。同时,自生自发秩序又是各要素自觉遵守内部规则或谓正当行为规则而形成的。普通法(及私法)就是这样一种规则。普通法是自生秩序的产物,也是社会这个大的自生自发秩序的保障,亦即自由的保障。自由国家具有普通法法治国的形式。 然而,哈耶克的法治理论存在众多问题,也不一定能够保障个人自由的存在,导致这种情形的根本原因在于对哈耶克自生自发秩序这一核心概念的理解上。哈耶克没有认识到社会中存在的自生自发秩序有种类和主体之别,有些根本性的自生秩序物与另一些对立,此时只有通过国家手段(包括法律和普通法)来确保一种自生秩序物而限制其对立面,从而限制了自由。另一方面,在同一自生秩序中也可能存在群体之间的利益差异,在这些差异存在的条件下维持该秩序的存在也就是对自由的限制。

【Abstract】 As a master known for restating the principles of the classical liberalism, Hayek’s theory for the rule of law presents some characters. Spontaneous order is the corn; common-law does not result from spontaneous order, but also is the safeguard of liberty; freedom is the goal.Hayek’s theories of liberalism and the rule of law begin with evolutionary rationalism. From the view of evolutionary rationalism, human’s rational power is too weak to design and create social order deliberately. Law, ethics and so forth, are the result of human action but not of human design. Therefore, all of the human’s legal systems and rules, etc., have spontaneously generated and developed. These standpoints are contrary to constructivist rationalism. Under spontaneous order every unit reacts and harmonizes spontaneously, then it has freedom. Meanwhile spontaneous order is the result of the units observing nomoses or the rules of just conduct consciously. Common law (and civil law )is one of the nomoses. It results from spontaneous order and is the stronghold against it, or rather the guarantee of freedom. Free country is the Common-law Rechtsstaat.However there are many dilemmas in Hayek’s theory of rule of law,and it may not guarantee individual liberty. The vital lies in the concept of spontaneous order. Hayek does not understand that there are some differences of types and subjects of spontaneous order in one society. Some are antagonistic to the others. In this situation, we only can use state-means (such as law )to maintain one of spontaneous orders and coerce its contrary aspects, then restrict our liberties. On the other hand, different populations may have different benefits. So, maintenance of this order means restraining freedom.

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