

On the Civil Pretrial Procedure

【作者】 周建国

【导师】 黄捷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法学理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 民事审前准备程序是民事诉讼中一个十分重要的阶段。从西方各国民事诉讼法的发展趋势来看,民事诉讼活动已由偏重开庭审理而转为审前准备与开庭审理并重。与之相比,我国民事诉讼法没有专门、独立的审前准备程序,这方面的理论研究也起步较晚。因此,本文首先探讨民事审前准备程序的基本问题,并运用实证法、比较法等研究方法加深对该程序的认识,在此基础上,立足国情,借鉴西方有益经验,为我国民事审前准备程序的建构提出较为具体的设计。全文共分为四章。 第一章:首先分析几个具有代表性的民事审前准备程序概念的定义并指出其不足,然后提出自己对该概念及其特征的理解。接着进一步地探讨民事审前准备程序的两个最主要的价值(即公正价值、效率与效益价值)和四个主要方面的功能。最后,为了更好地厘清民事审前准备程序的内涵,将其与庭审程序的联系与区别进行探讨。 第二章:从立法与实践两方面回顾与评析我国民事审前准备程序。笔者对我国民事审前准备程序的立法分为四个阶段,对每一阶段进行介绍,尤其侧重介绍与评析后一阶段对前一阶段不足之处的完善规定,其中重点评析了2001年12月通过的《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》;对我国民事审前准备程序的司法实务运作也分为四个阶段,同样,对每一阶段进行介绍,尤其侧重介绍与评析后一阶段对前一阶段的改革与完善。 第三章:通过对英美法系与大陆法系的民事审前准备程序的介绍,可以看出两大法系的民事审前准备程序存在一些差别,其原因主要是诉讼模式、法律传统与法官角色、面临的具体问题等因素的不同,但是两大法系的民事审前准备程序的共同特点也是显而易见的,主要表现在四个方面。 第四章:首先分析影响我国民事审前准备程序建构的因素,重点分析了超职权主义诉讼模式、重实体轻程序的传统观念和法官与律师资源的配置问题等三个不利因素。其次,明确我国民事审前准备程序建构的四项基本原则,即公正原则、效率与效益原则、当事人主导与法院指导相结合原则、和吸收、借鉴国外有益经验和适合国情原则。最后,对我国民事审前准备程序可具体设计为诉答阶段、发现程序和审前会议三个阶段,和为保证该程序有效运作必须建立与完善五项重要的配套制度。

【Abstract】 The civil pretrial procedure is a very important step in civil procedure. Viewed on the developing tendency of the Western civil procedural law, the civil litigation procedural emphasis has shifted from on hearing to both hearing and pretrial procedure. As compared with foreign legislation in this aspect, there is no special and independent pretrial procedure in China’ s civil procedural law, and theoretical study on this area is very late. Therefore, the thesis firstly study the basic problems of the civil pretrial procedure. Based on the following research methods, such as positive analysis and comparative analysis, etc, the thesis aims at making further study on the procedure considering China’ s condition and learning some useful experience from the Western, so as to put forward relevant legal reflection on the establishment of system of China’ s civil pretrial procedure. This thesis consists of four parts as follows.The first part: The author firstly analyses some typical concepts of the civil pretrial procedure, and points out their defects, then demonstrates the author’ s understanding of the concept and characteristics. Secondly, the author makes further study on two main values and four main functions of the civil pretrial procedure. Lastly, the author distinguishes the civil pretrial procedure from trial procedure in order to have a better understanding of the connotation of the civil pretrial procedure.The second part: the author reviewed and made a comment on China’ s civil pretrial procedure from the aspects of its legislation and practice. Legislatively, the author divides China’ s civil pretrial procedure into four stages, and introduces every stage respectively, especially comments on theperfection of the following stage made by the previous one, by which the author emphasizes making a comment on the judical interpretation of the Supreme people’ s court in December, 2001. Practically, the author, in the same way, divides it into four stages, and introduces them respectively, especially comments on the perfection of the following stage made by the previous one.The third part: Through making an introduction and comment between the Anglo-American judicial system and the continental judicial system, the author find their differences in the civil pretrial procedure. Then, the author analyses the main causes of their differences between the two judicial systems, including litigation models, law tradition and judge role, and specific problems. Lastly, the author makes a conclusion and simply analyses four common features of the civil pretrial procedure between them.The fourth part: The author firstly analyses the factors of affecting the establishment of China’ s civil pretrial procedure, mainly analyses three disadvantageous factors including strong litigation model, the tradition of stressing content and ignoring procedure, and the disposition of judges and lawers. Secondly the author gives four basic principles of China’ s civil pretrial procedure including the fair principle, the economic principle, the combining party leading and court guiding principle, and the absorbing foreign experience and adapting China’ s condition principle. Lastly, the author designes China’ s pretrial procedure as pleading stage, discovery procedure and pretrial meeting, and advocates the establishment and perfection of five relevant systems to ensure it’ s well-operating.

  • 【分类号】D915.2
  • 【下载频次】82