

Discuss Distribution of Burden of Proof in Civil Action

【作者】 文小中

【导师】 黄捷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法学理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 证明责任分配问题,是我国民事诉讼中迫切需要解决的问题之一,在民事诉讼中具有重大的实践意义,也是一个非常复杂的问题。当一个案件事实最终仍处于真伪不明时,法官既不能拒绝作出裁判,又因无客观事实作为依据而难以作出裁判,这时就需要有一种规则来引导法官对案件作出裁判。这在现代法律制度中主要涉及到证明责任的分配问题。 要做到合理分配证明责任,完善证明责任分配制度,首先必须明确证明责任的含义,它是证明责任分配的前提和基础。从古罗马法到现在,关于证明责任的概念的表述有多种不同的说法,目前较为流行的说法是证明责任应包括行为意义上的证明责任和结果意义上的证明责任双层含义,而二者又是紧密结合在一起的。证明责任的分配即是指这一双层含义上的证明责任的分配。 民事诉讼中的证明责任分配标准是具体案件中证明责任分配的关键,大致可分为具体标准和原则标准两大类。我国理论界关于民事诉讼证明责任分配的研究成果很多,其中绝大部分与分配标准有关。“谁主张、谁举证”是我国民事诉讼中关于证明责任分配标准的一般原则;举证责任倒置是我国民事诉讼中证明责任分配原则的例外与特殊情形;人民法院查证与当事人举证相结合是目前我国民事诉讼中合符国情的司法特色。 关于我国民事诉讼中证明责任分配制度的完善,作了如下设想或建议:第一,我国立法应明确界定、区分举证责任与证明责任的含义与范围。第二,结合我国实情,借鉴法律要件分类说等相关成果,进一步完善我国民事诉讼证明责任分配的一般原则,对“主张”的含义进行明确的司法解释。第三,明确规定举证责任倒置的含义和内容,将其内容细化到某一类案件的层次。第四,进一步规范人民法院的查证职责和职权,逐步过渡到完全由当事人履行举证责任、法官不参与收集证据,以保持其中立地位。第五,进一步规范推定、自认、司法认知的适用范围和条件,正确处理好三者与证明责任分配的关系。总之,民事诉讼中的证明责任分配制度的完善应与我国民事诉讼制度的改革结合起来,加强理论研究,完善立法规范,注重实践运用,朝着建立适合我国国情的现代证明责任制度的方向前进。

【Abstract】 Distribution of Burden of proof is one of matter which cry for solving about civil action in our country and which is significant in civil action and very complicated. When the case is not clear finally, the judge nether refuse adjudicating nor difficult to adjudicate without truth. In the case the regulation is needed to show judge work out adjudication .It mostly come down to distribution of burden of proof in mordem law system.For distribution of burden of proof with reason and consummating system about distribution of burden of proof, first of all the meanings of burden of proof is definited which is precondition and foundation about distribution of burden of proof. There are many different concept about burden of proof since Roman law. Now the popular concept is that the burden of proof include action and result burden, moreover they are tight hang together o Distribution of burden of proof is base the concept.Standard of distribution of burden of proof in civil action is the key in the case, it ususlly includes idiographic standard and principle standard .There are a lot of fruit of study about distribution of burden of proof in civil action in our country, most of them relate with standard of distribution. The general standard about distribution of burden of proof in civil in our country is that "who claim, who quote."; Shifting the burden of proof is the special provision and exception of the principle of burden of proof; investigating and cllecting proofs by the people’s court combine with sharing burden of proof by the parties is feature which accord with the situation of our country now.There are following suggests which are served as consummating the system about distribution of burden of proof in civil action in our country. The first, the concept of burden of proof and the concept of burden of providing proof must be differentiate. Secondly, we shouldconsummate the general principle about burden of proof in civil action combining with the situation of our country and using for reference "law condition sort theory" and so on. meanings of "claim" should be clear. Thirdly, the concept and content of shifting burden of proof should be regulated according to the sort of the case. Fourthly, we should regulate the authority and the responsibility of the people’s court investigating and collecting proofs, the parties should share the total burden of proof and the judge don’t attach themselves to collect proofs so that they hold neutral station. Fifthly, the understand, confession and justice cognizing should be regulated .The relation between them and the burden of proof must be exact deal with. In conclusion, we should attach consummating system about the distribution of burden of proof in civil action to reforming civil action system, and strengthen theoretic study and lawmaking, and pay attention to practice, and head for modern system about the burden of proof which adapt to the situation of our country.

  • 【分类号】D925.13
  • 【被引频次】2
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