

A Study of Substitution Compensation for Damage of Environmental Tort

【作者】 陈凌

【导师】 李爱年;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 法学理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代社会中,环境侵权数量正在日趋增加。而在我国,环境侵权作一种新型的侵权行为,其损害赔偿法律制度存在许多的不完善之处。一个合理的环境侵权损害赔偿制度,必须能同时兼顾环境侵权人与受害人双方的利益。一方面使受害人能真正得到及时完全的赔偿,另一方面又要使侵权者对其所造成的损害承担合理的责任,不至于使其承担过分的责任,以符合“污染者付费”原则。 环境侵权的替代性损害赔偿是一种特殊的赔偿制度,是对传统赔偿方式的突破。我们以往过大地夸大了环境侵权行为法在解决环境污染与破坏事件中的作用,而忽视了环境责任保险和环境社会保障这些替代性损害赔偿制度的作用。我们必须将环境侵权行为法与环境责任保险和环境社会保障三者结合起来,构建一个综合环境损害赔偿体系。 诚然,这一综合救济体系对侵权行为法造成巨大的挑战和冲突,而且,它的三大组成部分间的关系以及如何相互衔接配合在一定程度上就决定了这一救济体系的是否具有可操作性。作者在广泛的考察当今世界两大法系中各国的损害赔偿制度的基础上,并通过慎密的思考,在理论上设计出一个适合我国国情且与传统侵权行为法相互配合衔接的全新的赔偿模式。这就是这一论文的中心命题。 这一综合救济体系在倾力全面保护受害人的同时也考虑到了侵权方的需要,注重对其合法权益的维护,从而,旨在侵权者与受害人之间构筑一种利益的均衡,实现双赢的局面,并从社会整体之角度来运作。 世界各国十分重视通过立法确立环境侵权的替代性损害赔偿制度,而我国法律并未明确规定环境侵权的替代性损害赔偿制度,理论上也研究甚少。本文运用历史分析、比较分析、价值分析等多种研究方法,试图把握环境侵权的替代性损害赔偿制度的真正内涵,挖掘出其理论基石,为构建我国的环境侵权替代性损害赔偿制度提出大胆的设想,以期有效的防止环境侵权行为,维护受害人的合法权利。

【Abstract】 The quantity of environmental tort is increasing in the modem society .New as it is in China, there exist a lot of defects in our compensation system of damage. It is necessary for a rational system of compensation for damage of environmental tort that gives consideration to both infringers and victim. The first, the victim can gain real and prompt compensation; the second ,the infringers undertake the rational responsibility for damage, which will conform to the principle of "3P".The Substitution Compensation for Damage of Environmental Tort (abbreviated to SCDET) is one of the special compensation for damage , it is the breakthrough of traditional liability for damage .Formerly we exaggerated the effect of environmental tort in the pollution accidents ,and neglected the effect of SCDET(such as environmental liability insurance and environmental social security) . We should make environmental torts to be combined with environmental liability insurance and environmental social security now, and establish a comprehensive system of compensation for damage of environmental tort.Of course, The comprehensive system of compensation for damage of environmental tort will form the giant challenge and conflict for tort law. And, the relationship and coordination of three organizations determine the reliability of system. Basing on extensively investigate law of damage of Anglo-American law system and civil law system, the writer put forward a new ways of compensation.The system meantime meets the need of infringers, and protects their legitimate rights. So, it finds the equality interest between infringers with victim.As compared with foreign legislations in this aspect, SCDET is not clearly and definitely in Chinese law, and less scholars made studies on this area. Based on the following research methods, such as historical analysis.The thesis aims at illustrating the main connotation of SCDET, and defining the operation and legal liabilities of SCDET, so as to put forward relevant legal reflection on the establishment of system of SCDET in China . I hope that the system effectly guard against environmental torts and safeguard infringers’ the legitimate rights.

  • 【分类号】D912.6;D913
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】443