

Studies on the Extraction, Isolation and Bioactivities of the Seed Kernel Oil of Pinus Armandi

【作者】 李林强

【导师】 李建科;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 食品科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国华山松分布广泛,松籽产量大,目前,关于华山松籽油的研究开发报道很少,本文对华山松籽油作了较为系统的研究,并对华山松籽油中的不饱和脂肪酸进行了提取、分离和功能评价研究,为华山松籽油的开发利用提供理论基础。 通过气相色谱(GC)分析了华山松籽油的主要脂肪酸组成为:亚油酸63%,油酸26%,棕榈酸5%,硬脂酸2%,花生酸1%,芥酸1%,不饱和脂肪酸总量达90%。理化测定结果表明:华山松籽油相对密度为0.915,折光率为1.4778,酸价为5.1,皂化价为190.8,碘价为142.6,过氧化值为1.217meq/kg。 用经典的索氏提取法对华山松籽仁含油量进行测定,结果表明:华山松籽含油率为56.5%。同时还研究了其它几种提取方法:冷浸法,水代法及超声波提取法。结果表明:超声波处理提取华山松籽油是一种较为理想的方法。对于超声波强度、超声波处理时间、超声波处理时溶剂用量、超声波处理次数对华山松籽油提取率的影响进行了多因素分析,得出最佳处理条件:超声波强度为200KW/m~2、处理15min、样品与溶剂比(g:ml)为1:7,超声波处理2次,华山松籽油提取率较理想。提取溶剂以石油醚(30-60℃)较为理想。 经采用尿素包合法对华山松籽油中的多不饱和脂肪酸进行了分离。一次尿素包合后,经气相色谱(GC)分析华山松籽油,亚油酸从63%增加到93%,油酸由26%减少到6%,不饱和脂肪总量提高到99%。表明尿素包合法能有效地分离华山松籽油中的多不饱和脂肪酸,其较理想的包合条件为:乙醇作溶剂,脂肪酸,尿素的比为1:1.5,包合温度为0℃。 抗氧化研究采用Schaal烘箱法(63±1℃),即在松籽油中加入几种不同的抗氧化剂进行加速氧化。结果表明:二丁基对甲苯酚、没食子酸丙酯、特丁基对苯二酚对松籽油有明显的抗氧化作用,其中特丁基对苯二酚效果较好,柠檬酸对其具有协同增效作用,添加50ppm柠檬酸,抗氧化效果显著。V_E无显著作用。 用80只ICR雄性小鼠,分为三个剂量试验组和一个空白对照组及一个高脂模型组,对分离制备的华山松籽油不饱和脂肪酸进行了降血脂研究。结果表明:华山松籽油不饱和脂肪酸中剂量和高剂量组小鼠血清中甘油三酯(TG)的水平均显著低于高脂模型对照组(中剂量组P<0.05,高剂量组P<0.01)。华山松籽油不饱和脂肪酸低剂量、中剂量、高剂量组小鼠血清胆固醇(Tc)水平均显著低于高脂模型组(低剂量组P<0.05,高、中剂量组P<0.01),华山松籽油不饱和脂肪酸中、高剂量组小鼠血清中高密度脂蛋白(HDL一C)水平显著高于高脂模型组(中剂量组P<0.05,高剂量组P<0.01)。华山松籽油不饱和脂肪酸三个剂量组的低密度脂蛋白(LDL一C)水平显著低于高脂模型组(低剂量组P<0.05,中剂量组和高剂量组P<0.01)。华山松籽油不饱和脂肪酸三个剂量组小鼠动脉硬化指数(AI)显著低于高脂模型组(低剂量组P<0.05,中剂量组和高剂量组P<0.01)。上述结果表明,华山松籽油不饱和脂肪酸对小鼠的高血脂症和动脉硬化有显著的抑制作用。 华山松籽油不饱和脂肪酸对小鼠记忆能力的评价结果:在记忆获得过程中只有高剂量组小鼠错误次数显著低于模型对照组(P<0.05)。在记忆巩固过程中高、中剂量组小鼠错误次数显著低于模型对照组(P<0.05)。在记忆再现过程中华山松籽油不饱和脂肪酸三个剂量组小鼠错误次数显著低于模型对照组(高、中剂量组P<0.01,低剂量组P<0.05)。表明:华山松籽油中不饱和脂肪酸对小鼠的记忆能力有显著促进作用。

【Abstract】 Pirns armandi Franch.var.armandi yielding the seed kernel of pinus armandi was densely rooted in our country.but little study on the seed kernel oil of pinus armandi was carried over the time.this research attempts to make a systematic research on the seed kernel oil of pinus armandi and on its function evaluation on the polyunsaturated acids seperated from it, which would pay a way to the exploration and production of the seed kernel oil of pinus armandi.The composition of fatty acids in the seed kernel oil of Pinus armandi was analysed by GC. The oil consisted mainly of linoleic acid 63%, oleic acid 26%, palmitic acid 5%, stearic acid 2%, arehidic acid 1%, erucic acid 1%. The total amount of the unsaturated fatty acid was 90%. Physical and chemical tests results showed that specific gravity is 0.915 and refactive index is 1.4778 and acid value is 5.1 and saponitication value is 190.8 and iodine value is 142.6 and POV isl.217meq/kg.The results showed that the oil contents of the seed kernel of Pinus armandi was 56.5%. After a severe examination of several sorts of extraction solvents, it showed that light petroleum(30-60℃) was optium for the examination, meantime ultrasound wave treatment was a rather fitting approach to extract the seed kernel oil of pinus armandi. The seed kernel of Pinus armandi was treatmented by ultrasound wave for enchancing the extraction rate of pine nut oil. Effect of several factors (ultrasound wave intensity, treatment time, solution ratio, times) on ultrasound wave processing was explored. Obtained the optimum conditions of processing. The results showed that it is under the conditions (ultrasound wave intensity 200KW/m2, treatment time 15 min, solution ratio 1:7 (g:ml),treatment times 2) that extraction rate of pine nut oil was better.Unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid are rich in the seed kernel oil of Pinus ar/wawft.Uunsaturated fatty acids were separated and purified from the seed kernel oil of Pinus armandi via urea clathration .GC results showed that linoleic acid increased from 63% to 93%, oleic acid decreased from26% to 6% after one time urea clathration. Unsaturated fatty acids amount was up to 99%. Urea clathration was an effective method to separate unsaturated fatty acids from the seed kernel oil of Pinus armandi. The optimum urea clathration conditions were:alcohol serve as solvent, fatty/urea=l:1.5, clathration temperature O’C.Antioxidation research was made in oven (63 ± 1℃). Several antioxidants wasadded to the seed kernel oil of Pimts armandi. The results showed butylated hydroxytolene (BHT), propyl gallate(PG) and tertiary butylhydroquinonoe (TBHQ) were effective antioxidants. TBHQ was more effective than any others. Synergist tests showed that 50mg/kg lemon acid can improve antioxidation of TBHQ. VE had no significant antioxidation.The function evaluation on the unsaturated acids (i.e. consisting of linoleic acid93%, oleic acid 6%, linolenic acid 0.9%, they were separated and purified from the seed kernel oil of Pinus armandi via first urea clathration), was made through pouring stomach for the high fat chow group. The results showed that the level of the serum TG was far lower than that of high fat chow control group (middle dose groupP < 0.05, high dose group P < 0.01) and that the level of the serum TC was even lower than that of high fat chow control group (low dose group P < 0.05, high and middle dose group P < 0.01) and that the level of the serum HDL-C was much lower than that of high fat chow control group (middle dose group P < 0.05, high dose group P < 0.01) and that the level of the serum LDL-C was much lower than that of high fat chow control group (low dose group P < 0.05, high and middle dose group P < 0.01) and that the index of AI was lower than that of high fat chow control group (low dose group P < 0.05, high and middle dose group P < 0.01).It is concluded that the unsaturated acids in seed kernel oil ofpinus armandi could prevent from rats’ hyperlipemia and arterioseclerosis.Concerning the memeory capacity of rat, it

  • 【分类号】TS225
  • 【被引频次】4
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