

Institutional Change Degree and the Analysis of Economic Gap between East and West: A Viewpoint about Neo-institutional Economics

【作者】 乔国锋

【导师】 张毅;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 政治经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自从改革开放以来,中国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就。然而,随着市场化改革的深入,中国地区之间特别是东西部之间的经济差距却出现了扩大的趋势,这一问题已经引起了国内外学者普遍的关注。由于自然的、历史的原因,中国东西部经济差距一直存在着。建国后,中央政府为了促进西部地区的发展,缩小东西部之间的经济差距,向西部地区注入了大量的政策性资金。但直到改革开放前夕,东西部之间经济差距过大的问题仍然没有从根本上得到解决。随着我国改革开放的进行,东西部之间经济发展水平绝对差距扩大的速度加快,尤其是1980年以后,以推动市场化进程为特征的改革开放在我国逐步深化,东西部之间经济差距的扩大更加明显和突出。进入90年代,东西部地区经济差距扩大的速度进一步加快。因此,摆在我们面前的问题是,在我国改革开放前,东西部之间已经存在着经济差距,但是这种经济差距并没有扩大,为什么在我国实行市场化改革后这种经济差距却急剧扩大了呢?同样的制度变迁在同一国家内部两个不同区域之间为何也出现如此大的绩效差异呢?笔者正是基于这样的疑问来开展本文写作的。 本文的主要目的不是为了分析东西部经济差距形成的原因,而是重点探讨究竟是什么因素导致了市场化以来东西部经济差距的进一步扩大。近年来,我国学术界关于东西部经济差距扩大原因的研究比较多,主要有地理环境决定论、发展战略论、转移支付分配不公论、投资差异论、要素收益率差异论等。固然,各种观点均有其合理之处,但经济差距的形成与扩大是多种因素综合作用的结果,同时上述文献均是从静态的角度来考虑差距问题,而经济发展和经济差距的形成却是动态发展的结果,因此它们不能从根本上探求什么是导致东西部经济差距扩大的主要原因。本文在分析东西部经济差距扩大的原因时,认为资源、投资、地理区位等是一国或地区经济发展的必要条件,而非充分条件,因此资源禀赋、投资、区位等的差异并不是东西部经济差距自从市场化改革以来进一步扩大的主要因素,认为近年来导致我国东西部经济差距扩大的主要因素是东西部地区市场化程度即制度变迁程度的差异。也就是说,由于受东西部双方各自的现存制度环境和制度变迁成本的约束,东部地区由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转变的步伐快于西部,从而导致东西部的经济差距进一步扩大。除此之外,本文又重点从两个方面分析了导致东西部制度变迁程度差异的原因:第一,东西部现有制度环境差异;第二,东西部制度变迁成本差异。 本文除了引言外,分为四部分: 第一部分对相关的国外经济增长理论以及国内关于东西部经济差距扩大成因的观点作了简要的述评,指出它们的主要缺陷,并引出本文的主要观点; 第二部分通过对技术变迁理论的论述引出本文的理论基础,即制度变迁差异理论; 第三部分运用制度变迁差异理论对东西部经济差距扩大的原因进行理论分析,并着重从制度环境和制度变迁成本的角度分析了造成东西部制度变迁程度差异的原因; 第四部分在以上分析的基础上,从四个方面提出了关于缩小东西部经济差距的政策性建议:(一)加快西部国有企业改革的步伐,推动国有企业的制度创新和技术创新,通过不断的创新为西部地区市场化改革创造良好的所有制结构制度环境; (二)促进和加快西部地区产业结构调整;(三)加快西部地区事业单位改革步伐,精简机构,加大政府职能转变力度,减少西部地区市场化改革过程中的运作成本; (四)加快西部地区资源开发和利用方面的制度创新。 本文的创新之处主要有两点:(l)在新制度经济学的框架内,提出了制度变迁差异理论,对制度以及制度环境的内涵进行了进一步的细化,并将制度环境作为制度变迁的内生变量来对待;(2)运用制度变迁差异理论来对东西部经济差距扩大的成因进行了比较深入的分析。

【Abstract】 China has acquired noteworthy achievements since 1978. But the regional gap in China, especially the gap between the East and the West, has showed the enlarged trend along with the deepening of the system reform and the opening-up. This problem has been emphasized by many scholars home and abroad. Because of natural and historical reasons, the gap between the East and the West in China has existed before the foundation of new China. After that, in order to promote the Western economic development and shorten the regional gap, the central government invested a lot of money into the Western region. But until the reform and opening-up, the gap between the two was still unsolved thoroughly. Then with the carry-on of the opening-up, the enlarged velocity of the regional gap is fastening. Especially after 1980, the enlarging of the regional gap became more and more eminent. Since 1990s, the enlarged velocity of the regional gap fastened deeply. So the problem that we face is that, before the reform, the regional gap has existed, but hasn’t enlarged. Why does the gap enlarge in post-reform period? Why does the same institutional change show up so great different performances? On the basis of that, the writer begins the thesis. The thesis’s aim is not analyzing how the gap formed, but analyzing what factors lead to the regional gap’s enlarging since the reform and opening-up. In recent years, the research about the regional gap is quite a lot, for example the theory of geographical circumstances determination, the theory of development strategy, the theory of investment difference and so on. Although each theory is within reason, the regional gap’s formation and enlarging are the result of many factors. And also the above theories think about the gap from the static viewpoint, but the formation and the enlarging are the result of dynamic development, so they can’t find the main reasons that led to the gap’s enlarging. This paper thinks that the resource, the investment and geographical position aren’t the main factors of the gap’s enlarging, thinks the main factor is the institutional change extent’s difference of the East and the West. That is, because of the restraints of the present institutional environment and institutional change costs, the velocity of the Eastern institutional change is much faster than that of the West, which leads to the regional gap’s enlarging. Then this thesis analyses whatcauses the institutional change difference from two aspects. Firstly, the present institutional environment difference between the East and the West, Secondly, the institutional change cost difference between the East and the West.Besides the preface, the thesis includes four parts. Part one makes a brief comment about the outside economic increase theory and the inside viewpoint about the regional gap, and points out their disadvantages, then puts forward the paper’s main viewpoint. Part two puts forward the paper’s theory basis by way of the Technology change difference theory. Part three analyses the gap enlarging reason between the East and the West by using the Institutional change difference theory, And also is focused on analyzing what causes the institutional change difference between the East and the West from the institutional environment and the institutional change cost difference’s point. Part four puts forward how to shorten the regional gap between the two regions on the basis of the above analysis.The thesis’s creations include two aspects. Firstly, within the scope of the Neo-institutional structure, the paper puts forward the institutional change difference theory, and defines the meaning of the institution and the institutional environment deeply. At the same time the paper regards the institutional environment as the intrinsic function the institutional change. Secondly, the paper uses this theory to analyze the reason of the regional gap between the West and the East.

  • 【分类号】F127
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