

The Study on the Development of Young Children’s "Theory of Mind " and Relations Among ToM, Peer Acceptance and Social Behavior

【作者】 毛志宏

【导师】 陈青萍;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究对3-5岁幼儿心理理论、同伴接纳和社会行为的发展及其三者之间的关系进行了考察。研究首先采用同伴提名法在三个幼儿园的10个班,按照幼儿不同的同伴地位筛选了123名幼儿,测查了他们的社会偏好和社会影响分,并按其将幼儿分成了四种不同的同伴类型:受欢迎、被拒绝、被忽视和一般型;采用幼儿社会行为教师评估问卷,让教师对参加实验的每个幼儿在园的日常行为表现进行评估;然后采用四种心理理论任务,用现场实验法对幼儿逐个进行心理理论能力测验;考虑到言语对心理理论的潜在影响,采用《儿章心理综合量表》的言语—叙述和素语一词汇两个部分,对幼儿的言语能力逐个进行了评定。本研究主要考察四个方面的问题:一、幼儿心理理论、同伴接纳和社会行为的发展特点。二、幼儿心理理沦与同伴接纳的关系,以及言语被作为控制变量后的关系。三、心理理论与社会行为的相关。四、考察心理理论、言语能力和社会行为这些影响同伴接纳的认知和行为变量,对社会偏好和社会影响的预测作用。研究结果表明: 1、幼儿心理理论的表现,4岁半和5岁幼儿显著好于3岁和4岁;4岁幼儿显著好于3岁。表明:3岁儿童普遍缺乏ToM能力,4岁以后儿童才开始表现出ToM能力。 2、幼儿在不同ToM任务上的表现存在较大差异,他们通过不同任务的时间有先后顺序,表明ToM表现存在任务特异性。而且幼儿在不同ToM任务上的表现,总体存在某种潜在一致性。 3、幼儿心理理论能力和言语之间有密切相关,言语得分高低两组幼儿之间其心理理论表现有显著差异。 4、幼儿同伴接纳的社会偏好分随年龄的增大显著增高,女孩的社会偏好分显著高于男孩;社会影响分3岁幼儿显著高于4-5岁幼儿。 5、幼儿的亲社会行为随着年龄的增长显著增多,女孩的亲社会行为显著多于男孩;攻击行为男孩显著多于女孩。 6、幼儿在心理理论任务上的表现,受欢迎儿章得分最高,其次是一般型儿童,被忽视儿童,被拒绝儿童得分最低。控制言语后的协方差分析表明,言语对心理理论的表现有显著主效应,但同伴地位对心理理论表现的主效应不再显著,两者的交互作用也不显著。相关分析表明,幼儿心理理论的表现与社会偏好存在显著正相关,控制言语和年龄因素后相关依然显著。 7、受欢迎幼儿的亲社会行为显著高于被拒绝、被忽视和一般幼儿。被拒绝幼儿的攻击行为显著高于其他三组幼儿。相关分析表明,幼儿亲社会行为与社会偏好、社会影响呈显著正相关;攻击行为与社会偏好呈显著负相关,与社会影响有显著正相关;退缩行为与社会偏好有不显著负相关,与社会影响有显著负相关,控制一言语和年龄因素后,偏相关均显著。 8、幼儿心理理论表现与亲社会行为有显著正相关,与退缩行为有显著负相关,控制言语和年龄因素后,偏相关仍然显著;心理理论表现与攻击行为存在显著负相关,控制合‘语和年龄因素后,相关不再显著。 9、对社会偏好、社会影响的逐步回归分析表明,三个变量进入了回归方程。攻击行为对社会偏好有很好的反向预测作用,心理理论总分、亲社会行为对社会偏好有较好的预测作用;攻击行为、亲社会行为和错误信念任务对社会影响有较好的预测作用。

【Abstract】 This study probed into the development of ToM and relations among ToM peer acceptance and social behavior of 3- 5 year-old children. In this study, 123 young children who were selected in 10 classes from three kindergartens provided peer nominations that allowed determination of social preference and social impact scores, and classification in one of four peer status groups: popular, rejected, neglected and average. Head teachers in each classroom were asked to complete a Social Behavioural Questionnaire for each child participating in the study, according to their everyday behaviors in kindergartens. Then these children were tested on their ToM ability one by one using four types ToM tasks. That verbal ability has potential influence on ToM ability was taken into account, "language-narration" and "language-vocabulary" of PSSC-CCR were used to evaluate verbal ability of each child. The study focused on three topics as follows: 1.The develepment characteristics of young children’s ToM, peer acceptance and social behavior; 2.The relationships among ToM,peer acceptance and social behavior, as well as their relations after verbal scores were cotrolled ; 3.Investigation into the influence of ToM, verbal ability and social behaviors on peer acceptance in preschoolers, in order to predict social preference and social impact. The results are showed as the following:1. Young children’s performance in ToM of 4.5 and 5 year-old children is better than that of 3 and 4 year-old ones significantly; the performance of 4 year-old children is better than that of 3 year-old ones significantly. The results showed that 3 year-old children lack of ToM ability generally,and 4 year-old children begin to show it.2. There is great difference of young children’s performance in various ToM tasks, they pass various tasks in the sequence of time, which might suggest that their performance is evidently task-specific. Furthmore there is some potential coherence of performance in four tasks.3. There is a close correlation between children’s ToM ability and verbal intelligence, there is a significant difference of ToM ability between the two groups which verbal scores are the highest and the lowest.4.The children’s social preference scores are significantly increasing with theirgrowth, and the girls’ are significantly higher than the boys’; 3 year-old children’s social impact scores are greatly higher than 4-5 year-old children’s.5. Young children’s prosocial behaviors are becoming significantly more with their growth, and the girls’ are much more than the boys’, but the boys’ aggressive behaviors are much more than the girls’.6. Popular children are found to score the highest in ToM tasks, the average score secondly, the neglected, the rejected score the lowest. The covariance analysis with verbal scores controlled reveals that verbal ability has a significantly main effect on ToM, but peer status has no independent effect on ToM and interaction between them is insignificant. The correlation analysis shows that there is significantly positive correlation between young children’s ToM and social preference, and partial correlation is still significant after verbal scores and age were controlled.7. Popular children’s prosocial behaviors are much more than other groups, but rejected children’s aggressive behaviors are more than other groups. The correlation analysis reveals that there is a significantly positive correlation between prosocial behavior and social preference, as well as social impact respectively; there is a significantly negative correlation between aggressive behavior and social preference, but there is a significantly positive correlation between aggressive behavior and social impact; there is a significantly negative correlation between withdrawing behavior and social impact. Partial correlations are still significant even verbal scores and age were controlled.8. There is a significantly positive correlation between the children’s ToM and prosocial behavior, and a significantly negative correla

  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【被引频次】6
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