

Option Pricing Modol When Stock Pricing Process is a Jump-Diffusion Process

【作者】 宁丽娟

【导师】 刘新平;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 应用数学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现代金融市场有三大变化:第一、计算机、信息技术突飞猛进的发展,使设备功能不断增强,成本急剧下降,大大降低了市场交易成本,提高了市场交易效率,从而吸引了更多的入市交易者,使市场更加厚实;第二、金融创新通过分解与重组使金融企业绕过了许多限制,金融企业经营的业务范围与地域不断扩大,使原有的金融管理效果减弱;第三、交通运输与通信技术的改善,促使国际贸易迅速扩张,带动金融市场超国境限制,全球化趋势不可阻挡。细看这三大变化,不难发现,其中涉及三种技术:计算机技术、电信技术和金融创新技术所依赖的精密风险管理技术,正是金融市场与这三种技术的互动发展,促进了精密风险管理技术。想要对风险进行有效的管理,就必须对金融工具进行正确的估价;如何确定金融工具的公平价格是它们存在与发展的关键。在所有的衍生证券定价中,期权定价的研究最为广泛,这是因为:与其它衍生证券相比期权较易定价;许多衍生证券可表现为若干期权合约的组合或叠加;各种衍生证券的定价原理都是一样的,有可能通过期权定价方法找到一般衍生证券的定价理论。 期权定价理论是现代金融学的重要组成部分,促进了金融市场的繁荣,它与投资组合理论、资本资产定价理论、市场有效性理论及代理问题在一起。被认为是现代金融学的五大模块理论。 本学位论文主要致力于期权定价问题的研究,运用鞅论,随机分析等数学工具建立跳。扩散过程的期权定价数学模型,并推导出其定价公式。 本文共分为四章: 第一章是绪论,综述了期权定价理论的意义、起源、发展及动态。 第二章介绍了指数O-U过程的期权定价模型和Black-Scholes期权定价模型,运用鞅方法推导出定价公式。发现在这两种模型下,都能找到一个关于测度P的等价鞅测度P*和PL,在这两个等价鞅测度下股票价格的贴现过程都是鞅,于是找到了风险中性测度,在风险中性世界里股票的预期收益率都可以看作是无风险利率。这样,在指数O-U过程的期权定价模型和Black-Scholes期权定价模型中股票价格St都满足随机微分方程其中r和σ是两个常数,分别为市场的无风险利率和股价波动率;(Btt≥0是一维标准Brown运动。由此得到了这这两种模型并无本质区别,即股价服从指数O-U过程的期权定价和Black-Scholes期权定价是一样的,在这两种模型下期权有同样的价格等结论。 第三章研究了股票价格服从跳一扩散过程的行为模型.随着时问的推移,股票价格不仅有连续变动,而且有由于某些突发事件(例如经济危机,自然灾害,政治等)而带来的股票价格不连续的变动.把股票价格的不连续变动称之为跳,建立了股票价格服从跳散过程的期权定价模型.并且在假定股票的跳过程为比Po88ion过程更为一般的更新过程时,研究了当跳过程为一类特殊的更新过程时的欧式股票期权定价模型,得到了欧式看涨期权的定价公式C(t,St): OCI无e(‘,st)一艺岛一,(、)。。[s。11(1+认)e一E二·”场一‘。,、(‘1)一、e一‘丁一,,、(南)] k=0‘=0 第四章研究了股票支付红利的跳一扩散过程的欧式股票期权定价模型.在假定股票支付连续的红利率p,且服从跳一扩散过程时得到了股票价格又所满足的随机微分方程为擎一(r一。一*二(。,))“十。飒+u‘从Ot并且在此基础上得到此类支付红利的跳一扩散过程下的欧式看涨看跌期权的定价公式及其它们之间的平价公式.

【Abstract】 Effective management of risk occupies the right evaluation of derivative securities.The critical thing that the financial derivative securities exist reasonably and develop properly is how to value its fair price.Among all the pricing systems,the investigation of option pricing is most extensive.The reasons for this are:Compared to other derivative securities,option is easy to price;many derivative securities appear in the form of optionjthe pricing principles are same to all sorts of derivative securities,so it is possible to find pricing theory of common derivative securities through the option pricing methods.Option pricing theory,the important part of modern finance,has promoted the prosperity of financial market .Together with the portfolio selection theory,the capital asset pricing theory,the effectiveness theory of market and acting issue,it is regarded as one of the five theory modules in modern finance.This dissertation is intended to study option pricing problems,so as to establish the mathe-matic r- ’dule of option pricing with jump-diffusion process by means of mathematical tools such as martingale theory and stochastic analysis, to deduce the option pricing equation .This dessertation is divided into four chapters:Chapter 1 is preface,which summarizes the sigmificance,origin,development,academic trends.In chapter 2,we introduce the models of stock price submitting to the exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and Black-Scholes option pricing ,and we found that they are equal under the equivalent martingale probability measures P* and PL equivalent to P.Under the two models their stock price have the same stochastic differential equation:so the price of options are equal.In chapter 3,the variation in price of stock not only has a contiuous of time ,but also has brusque variation( release of an unexpected economic figure.major political changes or natural disaster) .we call the discontinuous function of time "jump" .under the hypothesis of stock price submitting to jump-diffusion process model,we gets its option pricing formula by use of the martingale approachand the jump process is renewal process.In chapter 4,considering dividend.we establish the option pricing model with jump-diffusion process. Under the hypothesis of continuous dividend, if the continuous dividend rate is p ,then the price of stock St submit to the stochastic differential equation: we get European call and put option pricing formula and their parity.

  • 【分类号】F224
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