

Mass Organization and Its Reform in the Political Development Field of Vision

【作者】 刘勇

【导师】 王振亚;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 政治学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在全球性“社团革命”方兴未艾之际,中国社团也随着改革开放的深入发展呈现出“爆发式的增长”。它们积极活跃在政治、经济和社会生活的各个领域,并越来越深刻地改变着民众参与的方式、规模和程度,作为一种新兴的社会力量,它们对当代中国政治发展的影响日益深刻。一方面,社团发展及其功能的发挥,有力地促进了民主和善治的实现程度;另一方面,我国社团在发展过程中还存在许多问题,如不及时进行治理、改革,必将成为政治发展的障碍性因素。因此,研究社团发展并提出相应的对策具有重要的理论和现实意义。 本文以政治发展理论和国内外关于社团的理论研究为理论基础,以社团发展的历史进程为线索,从政治、经济、社会环境入手,通过全面反映社团与政治发展的互动关系,分析社团发展的路径,社团与国家(政府)的关系,社团发展的特点、存在的问题及形成的原因,在此基础上提出社团改革的对策。 本文的研究主要涉及了以下一些重要问题:1、关于社团的认识问题。认为从多维的角度对社团进行界定,可以更深刻、全面地揭示社团的内涵。为更好地认识社团,对市民社会、非营利组织、非政府组织等概念与社团关系进行了必要的廓清。同时,还根据社团的起源和发展趋势、官方化或民间化程度、在社会生活中实际发挥的作用、与法律秩序的关系等对社团进行了分类。2、关于社团与政治发展的关系问题。通过分析认为,在现代社会中大量存在的社团组织,其对政治发展的积极作用在于,可以为民主政治创造良好的社会基础,组织公民的政治参与,培育公民文化,协助政府实现善治并对政府权力形成有力的制约。但社团的作用也有其局限性并可能对政治发展产生负面影响。上述关于对社团的认识问题,关于社团与政治发展的关系问题的分析为全文的研究奠定了必要的理论基础。3、关于我国社团与政治发展的互动关系问题。通过对社团发展进程的分析可以清楚地看出,我国社团发展始终未打破“政府主导”的格局,这决定了中国社团在发展过程中必然具有某些不同于西方的特点,而社团发育不成熟等问题也都与此相关。虽然至今为止,中国社团还未充分具备组织性、民间性、非营利性、自治性、志愿性等一般意义上的社团特征,但其在中国政治发展进程中始终具有重要的地位和作用。由于受客观环境的制约,其所处地位和发挥的作用在不同的历史阶段又有所不同。4、关于社团改革的问题。随着社团发展呈现出参与领域不断扩展,利益表达功能逐步强化,自主性逐渐增强,影响力日益扩大的趋势,将对政治参与、政治权威、政府决策、政府权能、机构改革等形成了巨大的挑战。因此,对社团进行相应的改革具有必要性和紧迫性。根据我国国情和社团发展路径,社团改革必须建立在打破传统的国家(政府)与社会二元分离和对抗,构筑政府与社会的协商与合作关系,并积极实现从管理到治理的转变为前提,通过政府改革、制度建设、社团自身建设等途径不断促进社团发展。

【Abstract】 When" the mass organization revolution" is on the rise all over the world, the Chinese mass organization also presents in the way of "explosive growing" along with the advancement of reform and open policy. They positively enliven in every field of political, economical and social life, and they are more and more profoundly changing the way, the scale and the degree which the populace participation, as one kind of emerging social strength, they are day by day influencing the contemporary China political development. On the one hand, the development of mass organization and its display of the function powerfully promotes the realization degree of the democracy and genially governing; On the other hand, the mass organization in our country also has many problems in the developing process, if we do not put it in order and make reforms on time, it will certainly turn into barrier factor in the political development. Therefore, the research on development of mass organization and putting forward the corresponding countermeasure has important theoretical and practical significance.This article take the political development theory and mass organization’s fundamental research from home and abroad as the rationale, take the historic course of mass organization as the clue, start with politics, economy and the social environment, through the-comprehensive reflection of interaction relations between mass organization and the political development, it analyzes the way which the mass organization develops, the relations between the mass organization and the country (government) , the characteristics which the mass organization develops , the existing problems and its forming reasons, in this foundation it presents reform countermeasures of the mass organization .This research has mainly involved the following important questions:1. The understanding of mass organization. We may define the mass organization from the multi-dimensional angle, therefore we may more profoundly and comprehensively promulgate the connotation of the mass organization .In order to know the mass organization well, we have carried on essential cleaning up about the concept and mass organization relations of the civil society, nonprofit organization and non- official organization. At the same time, we have also classified mass organization according to the origin and the development tendency of the mass organization, the official or the civilian degree, the actual display function in the social life, the relations of the legal order.2. Relations between mass organization and political development. Through the analysis we think that massive existing mass organizations in modern society play a positive role in the political development, they may create good social basis for the democratic politics, organize citizen’s political participation, cultivate the citizen culture, assist the government to realize friendly governs and form the powerful restriction to the government authority. But mass organization’s function also has its limitations and possibly has the negative influence to the political development. The mass organization’s understanding and the analysis of the relations between the mass organization and the political development above have established essential theoretic basis for the research of the whole article.3. The interaction relations between our mass organization and political development. By analyzing the advancement of the mass organization development, we may clearly find out the development of our mass organization has not broken the pattern "the government leading" all the time, this has decided the Chinese mass organization inevitably has different characteristics with the western one in the developing process, so questions like immature growth of the mass organization are re.Iv.ced to it. Although until now, the Chinese mass organizati1-still does not fully have such general characteristics as the organizational, nongovernmental, nonprofit able, autonomic, voluntary, but it has the important

【关键词】 社团改革政治发展
【Key words】 mass organizationreformspolitical development
  • 【分类号】D0
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