

On Study of "Jian Deng San Hua"

【作者】 王慧林

【导师】 冯文楼;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 所谓“三话”,是指瞿佑的《剪灯新话》,李昌祺的《剪灯余话》和邵景瞻的《觅灯因话》,后人合称“三话”。“三话”在中国文言小说史上占有重要的地位,但是“三话”自问世以来,便遭到统治者的禁毁,很少有人对其进行研究,即使今人对其的评价也不甚高。进入九十年代以来,文学界才开始关注“三话”,但大多是单篇文章的分析或一个作家的研究,缺少整体的审视和系统的探讨。有鉴于此,本文选此题目作专题研究,试图对“三话”的思想内容和叙事特点作比较全面、系统的研究,旨在揭示其深层的文化意蕴,窥视其创作的奥妙。 除引言外,全文共分六个部分: 第一部分是“三话”的概况,分为两小节,分别介绍“三话”的成书背景和研究状况。 第二部分是全文的核心所在。它从三个方面对“三话”中的婚姻爱情故事作了较为全面的分析、概括。“三话”中,前二话的成就较高,故本文的重点也在前二话上。“二话”中的婚姻爱情作品不再是才子佳人式的诗词唱和、密约偷期,而是被放置在元末明初这一战乱的大背景中,让读者和主人公一起去经历那由战乱导致的撕心裂肺般的爱情悲剧。但是侧重点却各有不同,《新话》重在表现战乱给人们造成的灾难,并提出“只怨干戈不怨天”的反战呼声。而《余话》并不仅仅表现战乱造成的灾难性后果,而且还把战乱作为一种手段,一种使人格升华的契机。相比较而言,《因话》重在说教,旨在为当时失范的社会重建一种道德伦理和文化秩序。但是,由于作者的出身经历,所处时代背景的不同,使他们在处理“情”、“理”的关系时,出现差异。瞿佑注重表现人对自然欲望的渴求,以“情”胜;李昌祺重在表现“理”对“情”的匡正,用“情”立“教”,以“理”胜;邵景瞻的道学气味更浓,纯为说教而说教,爱情只是其中的一点花絮而已。同时,“三话”中也涉及到人与异类的爱,写的最好的是《新话》中的《金风钗记》和《余话》中的《贾云华还魂记》,赞扬了她们为爱情而出生入死的精神。 第三部分论述作者对现实的批判与重建。对权势说真话是文人特有的精神,因而他们敢于“批龙鳞、探龙颌”,对现实的不公,统治者的腐败进行抨击。作者在批判现实的同时,也抨击世情的浇薄,谴责道德的沦落。这些都体现出作者眼光的敏锐及其对社会的深切关注。 在批判的同时,作者也进行重建。这一重建主要表现在对孝子、贞节烈妇以及义的伦理规范的宣扬上。“孝子孝女”的范型构设,旨在建立一种伦理典范;对 “贞节烈妇”的赞扬,则意在树立一种妇德妇行的楷模;对“义士义女”的歌颂,目的在于提供一种行为标准和价值取向。同时作者为重建伦理道德规范,还运用大多数人都能接受的因果报应之法。对此,我们不能以“封建迷信”而一笔抹杀,应看到作者欲借此为失范的社会提供拯救良方的良苦用心。 第四部分是探讨文人遭遇的。建功立业治国平天下是中国古代文人一生之抱负,然而却被科举制度无可选择地分为两部分,面临两种结局:一朝交泰或沉沦下僚。瞿佑、李昌棋分别为这两种结局中的一员,因而瞿佑多反映怀才不遇之士的愤感和心路历程,李昌棋则多表现历经劫难之余的仕宦心态,并流露出对仕途前程暂时的灰心和跻身功名的一丝淡淡的悔意。 第五部分实际上是第四部分的余绪。《新话》的作者为怀才不遇之士,因此借神怪之外衣,浇胸中之块垒。故事中主人公的个体性情则都极度张扬,并敢于斗争。《余话》的作者生活于如履薄冰的官场,故事中的主人公则多为谨小慎微之人。其实,这也是作者内心感受的一种体验而己。第六部分则从叙事学的角度对其艺术成就所作的分析。 总之,‘我们将“三话”并列时,不能不看到它们之间的区别。既不能夸大也不能缩小其思想文化意蕴,只有站在各自不同的时代背景中,才能做出比较公允的评价与让释。

【Abstract】 "Jian Deng San Hua" is a novel’s collection. They are writed separately by Qu You, Li Chang Qi, SHao Jing Zhan. "San Hua" occupies the important position in the novel history of the Chinese classical culture. Because of being destroyed by the ruler’s taboo, few people study them. Since the 1990s, the literary circle has begun to pay close attention to "San Hua". But most research of analysis focus on a article or a writer, run short of close examination of systematic discussion . The thesis selects these works and study, aiming at looking into its mystery, announcing deep cultural implications. This thesis is divided into six sections.The first part gives overview of "Jian Deng San Hua", and including two parts, introduction background of novels and appraisal of researching state.The second part is the basic key of the whole text. The article makes an overall analysis, summarizing from three respects of marriage and love in" Jian Deng San Hua". Works on marriage and love in "San Hua" occupy sizable proportion. Writers put these marriage works of love among the big background of chaos caused by war, let readers go through that grieved love caused by war with protagonists. But the emphasis point has nothing in common with each other. "Xin Hua" focuses on displaying the disaster caused by war, and proposes the anti- war voice." Yu Hua" does not focus on displaying the calamitous consequence caused by war, but regards chaos caused by war as one means, one opportunity of making personality of distillation. "Yin Hua" aims at offering ethics and culture for society. However, writers comes from the experience, the difference of the background of era, their works present difference while dealing with "emotion" and "ethics’;The third part expounds the fact that the writers criticize realistic and reconstruct ethics. It is scholar’s peculiar spiritual consciousness to tell the truth to power. First, writers condemn on unjust to reality and ruler’s corruption. Second, they condemn on the falling of social trends and the ethical degeneration. While criticizing, writers rebuild it too. Writers give "good" examples as models to his readers in order to rebuild his society’s ethics; and then give "bad" models, in order to rebuild society’s religious faith. Furthermore, their deep and comprehensive criticism runs out society’s politics all the way down to feeling and customs, including every aspect of the individual’sexistence.The fourth part probes into scholar’s experience. Making contributions and starting one’s career is aspiration of China ancient scholar, but exam system has no optional dividing into two parts: climbing safely or sinking into the official bottom. Qu You, Li Chang Qi is a member in two kinds of final results respectively. Therefore, Qu You reflect resentfulness and soul of person that have unrecognized talents, Li Chang Qi displays the psychology of the officer of going through the disaster and value orientation.In fact the fifth part is Yu Xu of the fourth part. The writer of "Xin Hua" is the person having unrecognized talent, these protagonists of stories dare societal system. The writer of "Yu Hua" lives in officialdom treading on cat ice, these protagonists of stories are tame, overcautious people. Actually, these are their experienced express.In a word, these novels should be analyzed and appreciated from their emergence against the backdrop of Ming Dynasty society, in order to obtain a valid evaluation.

  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】8
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