

Pragmatic Equivalence and Hawkes’ Version of Hong Lou Meng

【作者】 田玲

【导师】 杨铭;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 翻译等值,历来是一个有争议的话题,在翻译史上,对该问题的探讨已持续了两千多年。在此期间,学者们充分借鉴了多种学科的知识,从各个角度对这一问题进行研究,从而出现了诸如“形式等值”、“语义等值”、“语用等值”等各类等值。在回顾了以往对翻译等值研究的基础上,本文作者选取了语用等值作为研究对象,这是基于以下两个原因: 首先,追求语用等值与翻译的性质一致。著名翻译理论家奈达曾说过,翻译及译意,而此“意”并非总是话语的字面意义,很多情况下,话语在字面意义之外常含有“言外之意”、“弦外之音”,而这“言外之意”、“弦外之音”正体现了说话人或作者的交际意图,也就是该话语的真意所在。追求言外之意的等值恰是语用等值的宗旨。 其次,追求语用等值,可以使翻译方法灵活多样、不拘一格,这在一定程度上可以缓解直译与意译之争。因为把语用等值作为翻译目标或原则,译者可采用任何翻译方法,只要能有效传达原作的言外之意,达到原作的交际目的即可。因此本文作者把语用等值作为研究对象。 在此基础上,作者深化了对语用等值的分析,并指出在文学文本及包孕深刻文化内涵的作品中,语言经常具有间接性、含蓄性,富含了大量的言外之意。故而,在翻译这类文本时,更应把语用等值作为一种翻译目标。为了使本文的论证不流于空泛的理论分析,作者选用了英国翻译家大卫·霍克思的《红楼梦》英译本作为个案研究对象。通过对该译本的分析,我们发现语用等值是可以实现的,只要能保证原文交际意图的传译,任何方法皆可采用。本文作者在第五章中总结了霍克思为达到语用等值而使用的翻译策略,其他译者可以此为参考,作进一步的研究。 然而,任何翻译理论都有其局限性,语用等值也不例外。例如:有些文本如科技与应用文体,其语言讲究精确、直观,一般不含有言外之意,字面义就是其本身意义。在这种情况下,根本不存在语用意义(言外之意),更谈不上语用等值;还有些文本如诗歌,形式本身就具有某种意义,所以形式或句法对等应作为其翻译目标;另外,有些文本的翻译就是为了进行严格的文化传递,那么就不能只以语用等值为标准,随意改换或删除原语文化。总而言之,我们不能在任何情况下都盲目地把语用等值作为翻译目标,而应视原文文本、翻译目的、读者对象而定。 当然,本文作者对语用等值所做的探讨还远远不够,只希望以此抛砖引玉,引起更多学者对该问题的关注,从而进行更为深入的研究。作者深信,随着中外交流的进一步扩大,文化差异将越来越小,语用等值与语义等值将有更多的相同之处。届时,翻译工作将大为简化,人们相互之间的交流也更为容易。

【Abstract】 Translation equivalence, as a disputable issue, has been discussed for over 2000 years in translation studies. In this process, a lot of scholars have adopted multi-disciplinary methods to study it from different perspectives, as a result of which kinds of equivalence have appeared, such as formal equivalence, semantic equivalence, pragmatic equivalence, etc. The author of this thesis, having reviewed translation equivalence, takes pragmatic equivalence as the focus. For one thing, pragmatic equivalence is in agreement with the nature of translation. Nida asserts " translating means translating meaning." The real meaning of an utterance is not necessarily the liteal meaning. In many cases, utterances have illocutionary meaning implied, which reflects the user’s real intention or communicative purpose. That is exactly what pragmatic equivalence pursues. For another, pragmatic equivalence may in some sense solve the dispute between literal translation and free translation. In the pursuit of pragmatic equivalence, as long as the user’s intention or the communicative function is realized, any method may be used. This is a dynamic view. Then the author furthers her analysis, and finds pragmatic equivalence applies better to literary texts and works abounding in cultural factors for the rich illocutionary meanings implied in them. Besides the theoretical explanations, the author also uese Hawkes’ version of Hong Lou Meng, The Story of the Stone, as the text of case study. By this case study, the author finds pragmatic equivalence can be achieved and it should be set as an aim or principle when pragmatic meaning is implied in an utterance. To achieve pragmatic equivalence any method may be used as long as it can effectively convey the original writer’s communicative intention. In Chapter five, the author lists some strategies used by Hawkes in "The Story of the Stone", which may be a reference for other translators.However, any theory or principle has its limitations, and pragmatic equivalence is no exception. For instance, in such a text as poetry, the translator should give priority to syntactic equivalence in that the form of poetry itself is meaningful. And also the translating purpose of some texts is for the strict transfer of culture, so we can’t still blindly pursue pragmatic equivalence and permit the change of the original cultural images. To sum up, pragmatic equivalence is not applied to all cases. In translating weshould take text type, translating purpose and readership into full consideration and choose the appropriate principles and methods.The author is quite sure that with the widening communication between different cultures, pragmatic equivalence and semantic equivalence will have more in common. Then the translation work will be easier and people in different countries will communicate better.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
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