

Studies on Simultaneous Saccharification and Lactic Acid Fermentation of Rice Straw

【作者】 李双祁

【导师】 谢达平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 生物化学与分子生物学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 植物生物质作为自然界最主要的碳水化合物储存物,包含纤维素、半纤维素和木质素三部分。因此,水稻秸杆的降解需要纤维素酶各组分与半纤维素酶的协同作用。本研究从自然界分离,并通过紫外线、γ-射线、亚硝基胍进行诱变,筛选到了适于水稻秸秆降解的纤维素酶产生菌T-LSQ-18,进行固体发酵条件的优化,探讨水稻秸秆降解过程中纤维素酶各组分及半纤维酶之间的配比对水稻秸杆水解的效果,当木霉T-LSQ-18与黑曲霉SP-77的固体酶(麥曲)的比例在6:1时,其水解水稻秸秆的效果最好。通过HPLC分析酶解液中的单糖与二糖;通过X-射线衍射分析水稻秸秆处理前后的纤维素结晶度的变化;扫描电子显微镜观测不同酶液对水稻秸秆纤维表面结构的影响,从不同侧面证实了纤维素酶各组分之间的协同关系。 在100ml、150ml的三角瓶与血清瓶中进行水稻秸秆的同时糖化与乳酸发酵条件的优化。采用分批培养,在B10F-2000 10L发酵罐中进行放大培养,通过对温度、pH、搅拌速度、溶解氧等参数的控制,初步优化了水稻秸秆同时糖化与乳酸发酵过程的10L发酵罐的放大培养工艺。通过各种发酵工艺的优化,使水稻秸杆的净减率达35.3%,乳酸生成量达22.3g/L。

【Abstract】 Plant carbohydrate, the major reservior of fixed carbon in nature, is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The degradation of rice straw is required the cooperation of cellulase and xylanases. In this study, producing high eco-1, 4- B -D-glucanase , A Trichoderma Reesei-T-LSQ-18 is screened, which is isolated from nature and mutated by UV-ray,Co-ray and NTG. The solid fermentative medium of T-LSQ-18 and SP-77 is opitized. Through experiments of degrading race straw by different ratio fermentative mixture between T-LSQ-18 and SP-77, the effeciency of degrading race straw is the best when the ratio of T-LSQ-18 and SP-77 is six to one. Analysis of mono-sacchrides and di-sacchrides in enzyme degradative liquor by high pressure liquid chromatography,comparison of X-ray diffraction of race straw crystalline intensity before and after incubation with cellulases, scanning electron microscopy(SEM)investigating micrographical changes of rice straw structure after incubation with cellulases,reflect the cooperation of cellulases from different sides.The conditions of Simultaneous Saccharification and Lactic acid fermentation of rice straw is optimized in 100mL and 150mL trigonal tank. Though batch cultivation, the fermentative condition of Simultaneous Saccharification and Lactic acid fermentation of rice straw in BIOF-2000 10L tank fermentaor is optimized by experients of temperature,pH,stirred rate and dissolved oxgen. At last,the weight of rice straw decreases 35.2 per cent,and the productivity of Lactic acid reach 22.3 g/L.

  • 【分类号】TS252
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】402