

Impacts of Quality of Fruit on Different Treatments of Cover Bags of Citrus Grandis Var Jiang Yong

【作者】 唐文胜

【导师】 王仁才; 何成红;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种植, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 香柚(citrus grandis var jiang yong)属芸香科(Rutacese)柑桔属,为沙田柚(citrusgrandis var shatinyu)系。是我国著名的柚类品种之一。为了提高香柚的果实品质,减少农药污染,生产绿色食品,生产中对香柚进行了套袋推广。但由于不知各种袋型在生产中对香柚果实品质有何影响,因此香柚套袋推广中存在很大盲目性,且效果不理想。目前,香柚套袋对果实品质的影响以及套袋机理研究和报道较少。为此,笔者于2002年4月-2003年6月以20年生挂果香柚为试验材料,用黑膜、红膜、监膜、黄膜、白膜袋以及牛皮纸袋等袋型进行不同香柚套袋处理,研究其对果实品质的影响,探寻较好袋型,为香柚优质栽培提供参考。 主要研究结果如下: 1、香柚套袋可以提高香柚外观品质。套袋果面光滑、细嫩,着色均匀一致,有光泽,病虫危害和机械损伤少,与对照相比,其外观品质显著提高。其中以套黄褐色牛皮纸袋的果实外观最漂亮,且有蜡质层。其次是套蓝膜袋。但套牛皮纸袋,果皮表现有少量黄褐小锈斑,套膜袋则果面易出现少量小红点和小黑点。 2、套袋处理对果实大小、果形指数、果实硬度、果皮厚度、可食率没有显著性差异。在采后去袋处理中,套袋可以少量增大果形指数,使果皮增厚、硬度减小、可食率降低;黑膜袋、黄膜袋、牛皮纸袋果实比对照重,其余比对照轻。在采前去袋处理中,套袋使可食率有所增加、果皮增厚、硬度增加,果形指数减小。套袋处理的果实除黄褐色牛皮纸袋比对照稍重外,其余均比对照轻。 3、在采后去袋处理中,对果实内含物没有明显影响;在采前去袋处理中,果实Vc含量除套黄竭色牛皮纸袋、白膜袋与对照无显著性差异外,其它袋型Vc含量均比对照低,且具有显著差异。 4、采前去袋与采后去袋两种方式相比,采前去袋可以显著提高香柚果实外观着色度,特别是套膜袋果。

【Abstract】 Citrus grandis var Jiang yong which belongs to Rutacese and citrus grandis var shatinyu is one of the famous types of shaddock assortment of our country. In order to improve its quality of fruit, reduce the pesticide pollution, produce no public hazards food, we popularize cover bags to it in production. However, we don’t know the impacts of various types of cover bags on its fruit during production, therefore cover bags have very heavy blindness in popularizing, and the result is unsatisfactory. At present, there are less impact on quality of the fruit of cover bags, mechanism research of cover bags and reports. For this reason, regarded twenty-year tree of citrus grandis var Jiang yong as tested materials from April of 2002 to June of 2003 with black membrane, red membrane, blue membrane, yellow membrane, white membrane bags and cow hide container bag, etc for dealing with different types of cover bags, studying its impact on quality of the fruit, seeking better bag of types, and offering reference for high-quality culture of citrus grandis var Jiang yong.The main result of research is as follow:1. The cover bag can improve appearance quality of citrus grandis var Jiang yong. The appearance of the fruit with cover bag which has little disease worm endanger and damage with machinery is smooth, delicate, even and unanimous to colour, and glossy.Then comparing with its appearance quality, it raises notably than ever before. Among all of the cover bags, the appearance of fruit which covered by yellow-brown cow hide and has wax layer would be the most beautiful. Secondly it’s blue membrane. But if it’s covered by cow-hide container bag, peel display will have a mall amount of yellow-brown rusty spot. Then covered by membrane bag, it is easy for a small a mount of little red spot and little dark spot to grow in the appearance of the fruit.2. Treatment of the cover bag have a certain influence to the fruit. During the process of taking away the cover bag before picking the fruits, cow hide container bag and white membrane bag that deal with the Vitamin C content of fruit have no difference notably with contrast, the others that deal with Vitamin C content lower than contrast notably. Weather it adopts the way of taking off the bags before or after picking the fruits, the different treatments have less notable influence to the fruit of hardness, eating rate, solubility shape thing, and content of sugar and acid.3. The method that takes away the cover bag after picking fruits had no effect on fruit content however the method that takes away the bay before picking the fruit deceased the total content of Vc significantly besides yellow-brown cow hide bag and membrane bag.4. The method that takes away the cover bag before picking the cover bag before picking the fruits enhanced the fruit colour significantly especially to membrane bag, compared with that takes away the cover bag after picking the fruits.

  • 【分类号】S666.3
  • 【被引频次】7
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