

Studies on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Water Caltrop Starch and Developments of Its Modified Starch

【作者】 李向红

【导师】 邓放明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 食品科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 菱属于菱科,菱属,其学名为Trapa spp.,又名菱角、龙角和水栗,主要品种有两种即四角菱(T. quadrispinosa. Roxb)和二角菱(T. bispinosa)。经测定新鲜菱角中淀粉含量为25.96%,因此,菱角可以作为一种较好的淀粉提取资源。淀粉作为重要的可再生资源,由于其具有广泛的用途和潜在的应用领域,越来越受到各国的广泛重视。淀粉的理化和功能性质受到淀粉来源的影响,开发新的淀粉资源,深入研究其理化特性和功能性质,对开辟淀粉的用途具有积极的意义。 本课题采用水洗法和酸洗法两种方法提取菱角淀粉,并以玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉作对照,采用扫描电镜和RVA快速粘度测定仪等仪器设备,对淀粉的理化性质和功能特性进行了深入研究,测定了菱角淀粉的颗粒性质、直链与支链淀粉含量、糊化性质、溶解度和膨胀度、透光率、老化性质等。在对原淀粉性质研究的基础上,开发了两种改性淀粉产品——淀粉磷酸酯、H2O2氧化淀粉。弥补了目前菱角淀粉特性研究的空白,为菱角的利用提供了理论依据和基础数据。本研究的主要结果有如下几方面: (1) 菱角淀粉的理化指标方面,水分含量(8.32%和7.75%)比玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉都高,灰分较少(0.15%和0.13%),蛋白质含量(0.86%和0.57%)低于玉米淀粉,脂肪含量(0.07%利0.06%)较少。 (2) 在菱角淀粉的颗粒性质方面,颗粒呈圆形、椭圆形或多边形;扫描电镜证明,菱角淀粉颗粒表面较光滑;酸洗法得到的菱角淀粉,在电镜下不能看到清晰的淀粉颗粒,露出明显的层状结构,表面出现沟槽。 (3) 菱角淀粉的理化性质方面,菱角淀粉中直链淀粉含量为15.76%,介于玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉之间;RVA分析所得粘度曲线的特征值表明菱角淀粉的最高粘度和达到最高粘度所需的时间介于玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉之间,而其他特征值都高于其他二者;菱角淀粉糊随着浓度的增加其粘度增加;此外,在蔗糖及一些不同盐存在的条件下,菱角淀粉的粘度变化较大,通常在NaCl、蔗糖和明矾存在时,其淀粉糊的粘度降低,但是硼砂存在时,淀粉糊的粘度反而增加;菱角淀粉的溶解度和膨胀度都随着温度的上升而增加,在65℃时膨胀较小,在85℃-95℃时膨胀较快,存在一个初始膨胀阶段和迅速膨胀阶段,为典型的二段膨胀过程,属限制型膨胀淀粉;菱角淀粉比玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉的糊化温度高;菱角淀粉的透光率为58.4%;菱角淀粉的老化特性受浓度的影响很大,4%的浓度时老化值最大,而且pH 6.0的条件对淀粉的老化影响最大。 (4)磷酸酷改性菱角淀粉糊化时一达到最大粘度的时间降低,磷酸酷菱角淀粉能够完个冷水溶胀,「!有一定的粘度未经洗涤盐处理,磷酸酚菱角淀粉的粘度较低,其浓度为冲朋寸,粘度为463cp,但经酒精洗涤脱除盐后,相同浓度下其粘度达到919Cp,比未经洗涤i涂盐的提高了45(3ep。 菱角淀粉经11202氧化改性后,淀粉糊的稳定性提高,凝沉性大大减弱,冷却后凝结成凝胶的倾向减小,流动性高,透明度人幅度提高,胶粘力强。

【Abstract】 Water caltrop belongs to caltrop group. Its scientific name is Trapa spp. , also called the name of caltrop, dragon horn and water chestnut. There are two main kinds which are T. quadrispinosa.Roxb and T. hispinosa. Fresh water caltrop contained up to 2:1. 96% starch, which could be a kind of better resource of starch. The starch, as an important renewable resource, because of its extensive use and potential application that has, has received the extensive attention of various countries more and more. Physical and chemical properties of starch and its function characteristics are influenced by the starch source. Developing new starch resources and furthering its physical and chemical properties and function characteristics investigation, have positive significance to the further use of starch.This topic applied two kinds of method to extract starches from water caltrop, which are water washing and acid washing, and compared their physical and chemical indexes. Modern analytical instrument and equipment such as SEM and RVA, etc. were adopted, and further investigation to the physical and chemical properties and function characteristics of the starch were carried on, at the same time the maize and potato starch were drawn as reference objects. The particles properties were determined, the content of amylose and amylopectin, gelatinization properties, solubility and swelling power, per cent transmittancy and retro-gradation properties, etc were determined as well. On the basis of the study about original starch properties, two modify starch products - phosphate starch and hydroperoxidized starch were developed. These researches made up for the study blank of water caltrop starch properties. And provided the theory foundation and basic data for the use of water caltrop.(1.) The physical and chemical indexes of water caltrop starch showed: the water content of water caltrop starch (8. 32% or 7. 75%) was higher than maize and potato starch, and its ash content (0.15% or 0.13%) was low, the protein content (0.86 % or 0.57%) was lower than maize starch, the fat content (0.07% or 0.06%)was lower as well.(2)Of the particle properties, SEM showed that the particle shapes of water caltrop were elliptical, round and polygon. Water caltrop and potato starch were with the smooth surface, but there existed some pores on the surfaces of the maize starch. The particle properties of water caltrop extracted by acid washing indicated obvious layer constitution, and grooves in the surface.(3)Of the physical and chemical properties, the amylose content of water caltrop starch is 15. 76% which was between the maize and potato starch. Amylogram characteristics of water caltrop starch indicated the characteristic values of the highest peak and the time when the highest peak arrived were between the maize and potato starch, others were all more than the the maize and potato starch. Its Pasting temperature was 80.15C which was higher than the maize and potato starch. Viscosity of gelatinized water caltrop starch increased when the concentration of starch increased. What’s more, its viscosity changed largely when different salt or sucrose existed. Usually its viscosity decreased when sodium chloride, sucrose and alum existed. But on the contrary when borax existed its viscosity increased. Solubility and swelling power of water caltrop starch both increased when temperature increased. It swelled slowly at 65癈, fast between 85-95癈. There were a beginning swelling stage and a fast swelling stage, then the water caltrop starch had typical bi-swelling process, and belonged to limited-swelling starch. Per cent transmittancy was 58. 4% of the water caltrop starch. Both the water caltrop starch and the maize starch retro-graded more easily than the potato starch. The starch concentration (4%) affected their retro-gradation values much more, and at pH 6. 0 there were bigger retro-gradation values.(4) Of the phosphate modified starch, its peak time reduces. And the phosphate starch could be completely cold water-soluble, also had the certa

  • 【分类号】TS235
  • 【被引频次】11
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