
烟草青枯病(Ralstonia solanacearum)内生细菌及根围拮抗细菌研究

A Study on the Tobacco Endophyte and the Inhibitive Strains Antagonized Against Ralstonia Solanacearum

【作者】 尹华群

【导师】 罗宽;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 烟草青枯病是烟草上的一大毁灭性病害,至今还没有一种有效药剂能够防治它,因此找到一种有效的生防菌进行生物防治,意义重大。 本研究于2001~2002年,从湖南永州、郴州、衡阳和宁乡等地采集病株及健株共分离到青枯菌菌株19株、内生细菌菌株160株,经鉴定青枯菌菌株2316为强致病力菌株,32株内生菌菌株在室内对烟青枯病菌株有拮抗作用。根据形态特征和生理生化性状,初步鉴定了001、009、011三个内生菌株的分类,认为内生菌株001为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis),内生菌株009与011为短芽孢杆菌(Bacillus brevis),其田间初步防效试验证明:内生芽孢菌001、009、011对烟草青枯病都有很好的防治效果,防效分别达到了82.5%、100%、84.5%。 烟青枯病根围拮抗菌菌株湘2—3和2—轻—9在多年的田间试验中,具有较好的生防效果,为了使这两种菌株能够大规模用于工业化生产,对菌株湘2—3和2—轻—9的发酵条件进行了系统的研究。试验结果表明,菌株湘2—3的最佳发酵培养基配方为:豆饼粉20‰,鱼粉3‰,CaCO33‰,KH2PO40.8‰,最佳发酵条件为:发酵温度28℃、发酵时间24h、接种量4%、容氧量120ml;菌株2—轻—9最佳发酵培养基配方为:豆饼粉25‰,鱼粉3‰,CaCO34‰,KH2PO40.7‰;最佳发酵条件为:发酵温度30℃、发酵时间26h、接种量3%、容氧量80ml。

【Abstract】 Tobacco bacterial wilt is a very important quarantine bacterium on the tobac -co,which has not yet been inhibited effectively .so it is significance to find a bio -controlled bacterial strain to inhibit the disease.Nineteen pathogen were isolated from inflected plant and one hundred sixty endophytic bacterial strains were isolated in health tobacco from Yongzhou , chen zhou,Hengyang and Ningxiang region in the research. By identifying, the pathogen strain 2316 was most strong one on inflecting capability. Thirty-two endophytic strain had antagonistic action to tobacco bacterial wilt. According tomorphologi -cal ,physiological and biochemical characteries ,strain 001,009,011 were identified and the strain 001 belong to Bacillus subtilis .strain 009 and 011 belong to Bacillus brevis. By strain 001,009,011 used as bio-control agent against tobacco bacterial wilt in frield, the results show that the three strains had strong inhibitive effect. The inhibitive efficacy was respectively 82.5%, 100%, 84.5%.The inhibitive strain xiang2-3 and 2-qing-9 have good controlled effect for many years in the field .The fermentation conditions are studied in order to enable the two strains to be used for industry product. The result showed that the optimum culture medium for the strain xiang2-3 is : soybean cake meal 20 %, fish mea13% KH2PO40.8%,CaCO3 3%; the optimum fermentation conditions is : fermentation temperature 28C,fermentation time 24h , inoculum size 4%,dissolved oxygen120ml; The optimum culture medium for the strain 2-qing-9 is : soybean cake meal 25 %, fish mea13% KH2PO4 0.7%,CaCO3 4%; the optimum fermentation conditions is : fermentation temperature 30C .fermentation time 26h ,inoculum size 3%,dissolved oxygen80ml.

  • 【分类号】S435.72
  • 【被引频次】2
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