

Studies on Applied Basis and Key Techniques of Seed Production in Two-line Hybrid New Combination Kang201S/R527

【作者】 王伟平

【导师】 肖层林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 康201S是湖南农业大学水稻所新选育的光温敏核不育系,用其与川恢527配组的新组合康201S/R527,在湖南省区域试验中表现高产、优质、抗逆性较强,即将审定推广。本研究对该组合亲本的生育期温光特性、异交特性,高低温对R527的影响及相关制种技术进行了研究和探讨。主要结论如下: 1 R527感光级别为Ⅰ级,感温级别为Ⅲ级,属于弱感光弱感温类型;康201S感光级别为Ⅶ级,感温级别为Ⅷ级,属于强感光强感温类型,双亲对光温反应特性不同。 2 从3月30日至7月10日分期播种,R527播始历期为101-73d,播始历期与生育期各阶段有效积温之间存在着显著线性关系,其中与播种至3叶期的有效积温存在着极显著线性关系。有效积温在播种至6叶期变异系数较大(>10%),6叶至始穗期变异系数较小。康201S播始历期95~55d,播始历期与生育期各阶段有效积温的线性关系不显著,从播种至始穗期各生育期阶段有效积温变异系数均较大(>10%)。整个播始历期有效积温R527较康201S稳定。 3 R527抽穗历期约为8d,抽穗较集中;康201S抽穗期约为15d,抽穗不整齐。康201S虽单穗花期与R527无显著性差异,但单穴花期明显延长。双亲花期相遇程度低,高温(33℃)和常温下(27.4℃)的花时全遇率均不高。 4 R527产粉量大,每花药约1199粒,优于R80、明恢77、R288和明恢63,与R207相当;康201S的柱头外露率低于培矮64S,高于陆18S,张颖角度大于培矮64S和陆18S,但柱头体积小于后两者。 5 用平均温度为36.33℃高温对进入幼穗分化Ⅴ期的R527每天处理6h,处理3d无显著影响,处理6d花药中的正常花粉数减少,花粉活力减弱,自交结实率下降,处理时间越久,危害程度越大。用平均温度为20℃低温连续处理处于幼穗分化Ⅶ的R527,处理3~6d,对父本影响不大;若处理时间延长,则产生危害,表现为花药中的正常花粉数减少,花粉活力减弱,颖花退化数增加,自交结实率下降,播始历期延长。高温危害大于低温危害。 6 R527高温和低温处理后,叶片的PoD活性变化趋势不同,均与花粉育性变化有关。高温处理花药中淀粉、脯氨酸和可溶性蛋白含量下降,可溶性糖含量上升,淀粉含量变化与花粉育性关系最密切。低温处理脯氨酸含量下降,与花粉育性关系最密切。 7康2015采用每穴双株和三株移栽、直播和抛秧四种方式栽培,每穴三株移栽的抽穗历期约为13d,单穴花期平均为14.3d,较其它处理抽穗历期和花期分别缩短1一4d,且单位面积颖花量在4.52 x 108以上,达到高产群体结构要求。 8在中等肥力条件下,R527移栽后追施复合肥3O0kg/ha,幼穗分化n期补施尿素120kg/ha,抽穗历期约为11d,单穴花期平均为12.7d,可延长花期2一3d,且667Inz花粉量在9.38 x 10,0以上。\

【Abstract】 Kang 201S,newly breeded by Rice Research Institute of Hunan Agricultural University,is a photo-thermo sensitive genie male sterile line.And the hybrid new combination Kang 201/ R527, combinated with Kang 201S and Chuanhui 527,shows higher yield,good grain qulity and stronger resistance in the regional experiments of Hunan Province,and will be popularized very soon.The applied prospect of the combination is good. The charateristics of the combination, including temperature and photoperiod sensitivity, outcrossing traits,and corresponding techniques of seed production were studied and discussed in this dissertation.The main results were as follows:1 R527,whose sensitive level of photoperiod and temperature was first and third respectively, was classfied as weak photoperiod and temperature sensitive variety.However,Kang 201S, whose sensitive level of photoperiod and temperature was seventh and eighth respectively,belonged to strong photoperiod and temperature sensitive variety.And the sensitivity to photoperiod and temperature between them were different.2 The days to initial heading of R527,which was 101 to 73 days by split seeding from March ,30 to July,10,had a significant linear relation with EAT in different growth stage,and had a extremely significant linear relation with EAT from seeding to 3-leaf stage.The C.V (Coefficient of Variation) of EAT from seeding to 6-leaf stage (transplanting stage) was much bigger(>10%),and the same one from 6-leaf stage to initial heading was rather smaller.The days to initial heading of Kang 201S,which was 95 to 55 days in different seeding dates,didn’t show the significant linear relation with EAT in different growth stage.The C.V of EAT from seeding to initial heading was rather bigger(>10%).And EAT of R527 during the whole days to initial heading was more stable than the same one of Kang 201S.3 The heading stage of R527 was about 8 days.and the heading characteristic was relatively accumulative.However,the heading stage of Kang 201S was about 15 days,and the heading characteristic wasn’t uniform.Compared with R527,although the flowering stage of single panicle of Kang 201S wasn’t significantly different,the flowering stage of single cave was obviously longer.The synchronization level of flowering stage between parents was low.And the whole synchronization rate of anthersis wasn’t high under either high temperature or normal temperature condition(33℃ and 27.4℃).4 The pollen amount of R527,whose pollens in per anther was about 1199,was superior to R80,Minghui 77,R288 and Minghui 63,and equal to R207.The stigma exsertion rate of Kang 201S was lower than that of Peiai 64S,higher than that of Lu 18S.The spikelet opening angle of Kang 201S was much bigger than that of Peiai 64S or Lu 18S,but the stigma bulk of Kang 201s was smaller than the latter ones.5 By daily 6-hour treatment to R527 in differentiating 5th stage under mean high temperature of 36.33℃ condition,the result of 3-day treatment wasn’t significant.And 6-hour treatment showed that the amount of normal pollons reduced,pollen activity got weaker, incrossing seed set rate decreased. Moreover,the longer the treatment time was,the worse the harm was. By daily continous treatment to R527 in differentiating 7th stage under mean low temperature of 20℃,the influence of 3-day or 6-day treatment wasn’t significant.If the treatment time got longer,the harm existed.And the harmful performance of low temperature showed that the amount of pollens reduced,pollen activity got weaker,the amount of degenerative spikelets increased,incrossing seed set rate decreased,and the days to initial heading became longer.High temperature harm was worse than low temperature one.6 The trends of POD activity in leaves of R527,which were different under between high temperature and low temperature condition,were both relative to the change of pollen fertility.Under high temperature condition,the contents of starch,praline and soluble protein in anther reduced,and t

【关键词】 康201SR527生育期制种异交特性
【Key words】 Kang 201SR527Seed productionGrowth stageoutcrossing characteristic
  • 【分类号】S511
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