

Studies on Occurrence of False Smut of Two-Line Hybrid Rice Infected by Ustilaginaoidea Virens and Its Integrated Managements

【作者】 黄守行

【导师】 高必达;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 种植两系杂交稻具有明显的增产优势,但随着施肥水平的提高和品种的更换,稻曲病已上升为两系法杂交稻的主要病害。稻曲病发病严重,不仅造成水稻损失产量,而且造成稻谷污染,米质变劣,因此稻曲病的发生已成为两系法杂交稻大面积推广上一个必须解决的问题之一。为了搞清稻曲病的发生规律和阐明影响稻曲病发生的因素;掌握稻曲病综合控防技术,本人从1997年到2002年对两系法杂交稻稻曲病的发生规律和控防技术进行了研究,现将结果简单汇报如下: 一、阐明了稻曲病发生流行规律、组建了产量损失预测模型 1、稻曲病发生流行规律。田间系统调查结果表明:稻曲病菌萌发侵入花器后,在颖壳合缝处露出淡黄色菌块,逐渐膨大包裹内外颖两侧,呈孢子球,外覆盖一层银灰色薄膜,随着孢子球膨大而破裂,孢子球的颜色逐渐变为黄绿色至墨绿色,最后龟裂,散出墨绿色粉末,即病菌的厚垣孢子。从生育期来看稻曲病田间发生流行规律,侵染期在孕穗期,始见期在水稻抽穗扬花期,发生高峰在灌浆至乳熟期,黄熟期病情趋向稳定。从发生流行的时间来看,稻曲病9月8日左右始见,9月中旬为大田始发期,9月下旬为病害迅速扩展期,10月上旬为流行高峰期,10月中旬以后为病害稳定期。稻曲病发生流行规律(除抗抗性组合外)可用逻辑斯蒂曲线模型拟合,直线回归模型在时间定义域内(0≤t≤30天)也能很好地拟合病情消长状况。稻曲病空间分布型为聚类分布,聚积原因为环境因素引起。 2、产量损失。稻曲病产量损失与病情指数、病穗率、百穗病粒数关系密切。本研究组建了以病情指数(X)预测产量损失率(yi)的韦伯模型:以病穗率(X1)、百穗病粒数(X2)预测产量损失率(yi)的直线回归模型; (?)=0.00421+0.197X1+0.004626X2经检验,模型的预测值与实测值吻合良好。 二、明确了栽培技术对两系法杂交稻稻曲病的发生与防治的影响 两系法杂交稻对稻曲病的抗性是影响稻曲病发生程度的最重要因素,利用抗性组合是防治稻曲病的经济有效措施之一。移栽密度大,偏迟施氮,偏氮少钾,有利于稻曲病发生流行:种植两系法杂交晚稻时,7月巧日前秧龄25一30天时移栽,亩栽】.5万丛,采用宽窄行处理,在插后10天开始追肥,亩施氮肥12.5一15公斤,氮钾比例为l:0.8,进行科学管水,稻曲病发生轻,两系杂交稻产量高。 三、确定了稻曲病病情调查方法和防治指标,掌握了两系法杂交稻稻曲病的化学防治技术 用平行线取样法调查稻曲病的病情,对达到防治指标的田在孕穗末期使用对口药剂防治,较感病与感病品种要连续施药两次,施药间隔期为7一10天。通过药效对比试验,筛选出了一批对口药剂,其中以瘟曲克星亩用150克、络氨酮亩用10Oml、三哇酮亩用100克防效较佳。 四、提出了两系法杂交稻稻曲病综合控防技术,并取得很好的示范效果 两系法杂交稻稻曲病综合控防技术体系:合理调整组合布局,积极推广抗性良种;推广健身栽培技术,提高控害增产效果(种子与苗床消毒,两段育种。宽窄行移栽、配方施肥、合理灌溉);加强田间监测,准确预报,筛选对口农药,适时进行药剂防治。在1999年10月经专家组现场调查及测产,证实该项综防技术能经济、安全、有效地控制两系法杂交稻稻曲病在经济闭指以下,有显著的经济、社会和生态效益。

【Abstract】 It has conspicuous advantage of yield enhancement to cultivate two-line hybrid rice. However, with the improvement of fertilization and alternation of varieties, rice false smut, Ustilaginoidea virens (Cke) Tak has become a main disease in two-line hybrid rice. Occurring severely, this disease not only causes rice yield loss, but also results in contaminated and bad-quality rice. So this disease has become a pending problem involved in wide extension of two-line hybrid rice. Its occurrence, infecting factors and integrated control tactic were studied. The disease epidemic was illustrated and the forecasting model of yield loss was established(1).The field observation showed that the pathogen invaded into floral organ at booting stage and light yellow blocks first appeared as spore balls with silver membranes at the cleft of lemma to wrap the lemma at flowering and heading stages. The spore balls, with expanding, changed from orange to dark green in color and finally breaks out, giving off dark green powders, i.e. chlamydospores. Epidemic peak period is from grouting to milky-stage, and the disease incidence tended stable at yellow-ripeness. On the two-line hybrid rice as second season, the earliest symptom was found in early September, spore balls increased in number in the middle September expands in size rapidly in the late September. The infection prevailed in the early October and tends to stable after the middle October. The epidemic dynamics fit to Logistic curve. The spatial pattern of the disease is aggregation distribution affected by environment factors(2). The statistical analysis showed that yield loss is correlated with disease indices, the rate of disease spikes and the number of disease grains per 100 spikes. Two models were built: Weber model: disease index (X), theoretical production value (Yi) Linear model: the rate of disease spike (XI), the number of disease grain per 100 spikes (X2), theoretical production value (Yi) The value by the model accords with the practical one through test.The influence factors on occurrence and control of false smut on two-line hybrid rice were examined. The disease resistance of two-line hybrid rice is the most important factor. High plantdensity, late or excessive nitrogen fertilization, and deficient Kalium supply were in favor of disease prevalence. Two-line hybrid rice still gave a high yield due to less disease when rice seedlings at age of 25-30d and with planting mode of wide-narrow row, were transplanted with density of 225 thousands of plants per ha before July 15th and when the paddyfields were initially fertilized with 187.5-225kg/ha nitrogen fertilizer, with the 1:0.8 ration of nitrogen to kalium 10d after transplantation, and when reasonable irrigation are applied.The investigation method of stage of this disease and economic threshold are ascertained. And chemical control technique is established.The paddies with disease indices, determined by the sampling of parallel line, beyond the economic threshold were sprayed with suitable fungicides at the end of booting stage. Susceptible varieties were continuously sprayed two times with an interval of 7-10d. The author selected an assortment of correlative fungicides with best control.The integrated management of rice false smut is suggested with good demonstration examples: cultivation of disease-resistant rice cultivars; sterilization of seeds and seedbed; two periods of seeding stage, planting mode of wide-narrow row; reasonable irrigation and fertilization and fungicide spray e in time based on an accurate monitoring and forecasting of this disease.A yield testing on the spot in October 1999 came into a conclusion that the integrated management effectively controlled this disease to the level of economic threshold and gave obviously economic, social and ecological benefits.

  • 【分类号】S435.11
  • 【被引频次】2
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