

A Study on Seed Dormancy Characleristic in Photoperiod (Thermo-) Sensitive Genetic Male Sterile Rice Peiai 64S

【作者】 孙君亮

【导师】 肖层林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种植, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 培矮64S是目前广泛应用的光温敏核不育系,种子具有一定的休眠特性。本研究对其休眠特性进行了初步研究,主要结论如下: 1 培矮64S种子具有深休眠特性。种子成熟季节不同、产地不同,休眠期不同,海南春季繁殖的培矮64S种子休眠期(发芽率达80%的时期)约为60天,完全休眠期(种子发芽率达最高的时期)约为105天;而湖南夏季繁殖的培矮64S种子休眠期约为45天,完全休眠期约为77天。海南春季繁殖种子的休眠期和完全休眠期较湖南夏繁种子分别长15天和28天。 2 用培矮64S在同地同季制种的培两优288和培两优500种子,其休眠期表现与培矮64S种子无明显差异,说明培矮64S种子的休眠基因控制着杂交种子休眠特性。 3 处于休眠状态的培矮64S种子在清水中的吸水速率总是高于在强氯精1:500溶液中的吸水速率,且吸水差值存在一个较为明显的上升、平稳和下降曲线:吸水速率与种子的休眠关系不密切。 4 用0℃和5℃的低温处理休眠期已过的培矮64S种子5天、10天、15天,对其发芽率无显著影响,不能使其发生次生休眠。 5 用40℃和50℃的高温处理培矮64S种子2天、4天、6天,均可使其发芽率显著提高,对解除种子休眠有一定作用。 6 用不同浓度的赤霉素处理处于休眠期的培矮64S种子,可一定程度地解除其休眠,其中浓度为200ppm、150ppm的赤霉素效果较好,达到了显著水平,而在处理时间上,12小时、24小时、36小时的处理效果相当,未达到显著水平。 7 浓度为15%、20%的H2O2对解除培矮64S种子休眠种子有一定作用,与对照比较达到了显著水平,而浓度为25%处理未达到显著水平。处理时间之间(2小时、4小时、6小时、8小时)效果相当,未有显著差异。 8强氯精对解除培矮645以及杂交组合培两优288和培两优500种子休眠有极显著效果,三种浓度(1:125、1:250、1:500)与对照相比均达到极显著水平,尤以1:250处理效果最佳;而处理时间之间(24小时、36小时、48小时、60小时)无显著差异。用强氯精液浸种是解除休眠的最经济有效,简便易行的方法,具有推广的意义。 9处于休眠状态下的培矮645种子(发芽率为20%)Q淀粉酶、Q+p淀粉酶的活性均低于解除休眠状态(发芽率为90%)的相对应的酶的活性,种子中淀粉酶的活性与休眠存在负向相关关系。 10从本研究结果分析,培矮645种子的休眠原因不是因种壳种皮不透水透气障碍造成,而是生理休眠原因,其具体原因有待进一步研究。本研究结果为培矮645及其杂交组合的种子准确检验发芽率时期和纯度种植鉴定提供了依据,为解除种子休眠找到了最好的方法。

【Abstract】 Peiai64S, a widely-used photoperiod(thermo-)sensitive genie male sterile rice, had a characteristic of dormancy.In this experiment, its dormancy was studied systemically, and the main results were as follows.1 The seed of Peiai64S had a character of deep dormancy, and the dormant periods of seed, which was ripe in different climate and different regions, were different.The dormant period (its germination percentage was 80%) of seed multiplicated in Hainan, was about 60 days, and the completely dormant period (its germination percentage was the maxium) was about 105 days.However, the dormant period of the same seed multiplicated in summer from hunan, was only about 45 days, and the completely dormant period was about 77 days. The dormant period of the former was longer than of the latter.2 The dormant periods among Peiai64S seed, Peiliang-you-288 and Peiliang-you-288 seed produced at the same region and period, had not significant difference. The results showed that the dormant gene of Peiai64S seed controlled the dormant character of hybrid rice seed.3 The absorbing-water rate of Peiai64S seed, which’s in dormancy, was more rapid in water than that of in Qianglvjing solution.And the difference of the rate between in water and in Qianglvjing solution had a significant graph with ascent, stable and descent. Moreover, the relation between the absorbing-water rate and the dormancy of Peiai64S seed wasn’t significant.4 The germination percentage of seed wasn’t significantly changed as compared to the check after the seeds being treated with 0℃ and 5℃ for 5, 10 and 15 days.5 The germination percentage of Peiai64S seed was increased significantly as compared to the check after the seeds being treated with higher temperature such as 40℃ or 50℃ for 2,4 and 6 days respectively. Theresults showed that higher temperature could effectively break the seed dormancy.6 The dormancy of Peiai64S seed could be broken to some extent after being treated with an available concentration of GA3 solution.Especially, the result of being delt with GA3 for 200ppm and 150 ppm, reached a significant level.But there was no significant difference in the treatment of 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 hours.7 The treatments of H2O2 for 15% and 20% were both effective, and reached significant level in comparison with the Check.But the difference, between the treatment with 25% and the Check, wasn’t significant .The difference among the treatments of time wasn’t significant as well.8 The results of removing dormancy of seeds of Peiai64S and two hybrid combinations Peiliang-you-288, Peiliang-you-500, treated with three kinds of solution concentration of Qianglvjing, reached extremely significant level in comparison with the check, and the best one was 1:250.There lied no significant difference among the treatments of time. So it was the most economical, convenient and reliable to immerge seed with Qianglvjing, and had a greatly popularizational prospects.9 The amylase activity of Peiai64S seed, including a-amylase and a +B amylase, was much lower in dormancy (the germination percentage was 20%) than in undormancy(the germination percentage was 90%).The amylase activity was negatively correlated to the dormancy of Peiai64S seed.10 The result of this study showed that the dormancy of Peiai64S seed was caused by physiological factors, not the dank and ventilative obstacle of seed chaff or seed capsule. And the dormant cause was worth to be further studied. The research result supported the theorical basis both for detecting exactly germination percentage periods of Peiai64S and its hybrid combination seed, and for identifying seed purity. Moreover, the best method of removing seed dormancy was found in this study.

【关键词】 培矮64S种子发芽率休眠强氯精
【Key words】 Peiai64SSeedGermination percentageDormancyQianglvjing
  • 【分类号】S511
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