

Metaphor in Dunhuang Jiangjingwen

【作者】 张全生

【导师】 张燚;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以敦煌讲经文中的隐喻话语为研究对象,运用现代语义学和认知语言学的理论对出现在不同层面上的109例词语隐喻、316例句子隐喻和12例语篇隐喻进行了穷尽式分析。全文由五部分组成,概述如下: 第一部分“隐喻理论和敦煌讲经文概说”分析了“隐喻理论”的:研究现状,简述了“概念隐喻理论”的基本观点,指明了隐喻作为认知思维方式的本质特征,并介绍了“敦煌讲经文”的研究情况,特别说明了讲经文文本中出现大量隐喻话语的原因。 第二部分“语义实体的存在状态“分析了讲经文文本特殊的时空观、讲经文文本中语义实体的存在状态、人在认知理解语义实体时存在的认知可及性强弱的问题,指出隐喻认知思维是一种理解语义实体的转换工具。 第三部分“讲经文中的词语隐喻”从形式结构和语义内容两方面分析了出现在讲经文词语层面上的隐喻话语。 第四部分“讲经文中的句子隐喻”对讲经文句子层面上的隐喻话语从构成的形式结构类型和本、喻体所表达的语义实体类型两方面进行了分析,并且讨论了句子隐喻中喻词的特点和喻象本土化的问题。 第五部分“讲经文中的语篇隐喻”就讲经文语篇层面上的隐喻话语进行了探讨分析。首先,从形式结构上考察了两方面的问题:一、语篇隐喻是否为讲经文原创,二、表达语篇隐喻的语体的情况;其次,逐个分析了12例语篇隐喻的本、喻体所表达的语义实体的情况。 通过本文所做的研究,尤其是后三部分对讲经文文本中出现在语言表达单位不同层面上的隐喻话语的分析,我们可以比较清楚地看到,敦煌讲经文文本的特殊性致使其隐喻话语在隐喻共性基础上具有了一些特性,即隐喻不仅是概念间相互理解的工具,而且是不同时空间相互理解的工具,从而进一步明确了作为语义认知思维工具的隐喻在人们进行日常言语交际、认识世界的过程中所发挥的重要功能。 目前对汉语语料中的隐喻所做的研究很不充分,更何况考察讲经文文本中的隐喻话语可以从一个侧面反映出中古汉语在表达上的某些特点、当时人们认知思维的特点以及敦煌讲经者对佛教理念的认识,此外,还可以进一步挖掘蕴藏在汉语中的文化信息,对此,本文只是做了一个初步尝试。

【Abstract】 This paper is centered on the metaphorical discourse in Dunhuang Jiangjingwen. The author employs theories of the modem semantics and cognitive linguistics to analyze the metaphorical discourse exhaustively, including 109 words, 316 sentences and 12 contexts respectively. This paper is composed of five parts as following:The first part reviews the former studies of metaphor and Dunhuang Jiangjingwen. Firstly, this part presents the current research about metaphor and displays the general opinions about the theory of conceptual metaphor, indicating the nature of metaphor as a way of thoughts. Secondly, the researches on Dunhuang Jiangjingwen is introduced, with the illustration of the reasons why there are so many metaphorical discourses in it.The second part is on the existing situation of semantic entity. It consists of the analysis of the special concepts of time and space, the existing situation of semantic entity in DunHuang Jiangjingwen, and the different levels of cognitive accessibility. This part concludes that the metaphorical thought functions as a transmission instrument to understand different semantic entities.The third part is about the metaphorical discourse in words, which is analyzed from both the form and the semantic content.The fourth part is about the metaphorical discourse in sentences, which is analyzed in two aspects: the form and the semantic content. In addition, this part dwells on the characteristics of the words connecting the source and the target of metaphor, and the localization of the metaphorical image.The firm is the metaphorical discourse in contexts. Two questions on the form are probed into: firstly, whether the metaphorical discourse in DunHuang Jiangjingwen is original. Secondly, the style used in the metaphor in contexts is discussed. At last, this part analyzes the semantic entities expressed by the source and the target of metaphors in these 12 contexts one by one.According to the analysis in this paper, especially the last three parts, the author analyzes the metaphors at different linguistic units in DunHuang Jiangjingwen in order to reveal the peculiar characteristics of the metaphor in DunHuang Jiangjingwen. Besides the universal characteristics, these metaphors are the instrument not only to understand different concepts, but also to understand different time and space. Then the author further illustrates theimportant functions of metaphors--as the cognitive instrument in everydaycommunications and in understanding the world.At present, the researches about metaphors in Chinese materials are far from adequate. What’s more, by studying metaphor in DunHuang Jiangjingwen, some characteristics in the expressions of the Mid-aged Chinese, the thoughts at that time and the understanding by the preachers can be shown here. Further studies on cultural messages hidden in Chinese are expected.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】142