

【作者】 郭明

【导师】 刘建国;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 背向滑步推铅球技术是现今大多数推铅球运动员采用的投掷技术,因而国内外对其研究的比较多,但是大多数的研究都是定性的和两维平面分析。随着科研方法的改进,三维分析研究不断增多,但也很难揭示其下肢用力及游离投掷臂对铅球用力的实际情况,本文采用三维摄影方法和三维测力板和河北师范大学体育学院与合肥智能工程研究所联合研制的数字化铅球(研究成果三维数字铅球已申请了国家专利,专利号:02292897.9),对我省四名女子铅球运动员在实验条件下,用运动学和动力学相结合的方法对她们的技术进行研究,尤其是数字化铅球的采用是属国内外首例,因此本研究具有创新性,并且本论文以左侧技术为切入点对四名女子铅球运动员的背向滑步技术进行整体研究。实验结果表明:左侧肢体的运动形式是整个投掷技术的前提条件,并且动力学研究表明左腿的离心—向心收缩能力对成绩的影响很大,对于在最后用力过程中形成良好的左侧支撑起到关键作用,同时数字化铅球的测力结果表明,在最后用力过程中应该强调技术动作的向上发力,以此增加器械的飞行时间和飞行远度,以此来提高最后的成绩。总之,我们以此来探索新的研究方法为体育运动的发展尽自己的微薄之力。同时也希望为河北省体工队的铅球训练提供一点有意义的建议。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, back gliding shot put technique is adopted by most of athletes. Therefore, there are a lot of researches about it in home and abroad . But most of them are two-dimensional or qualitative analysis. With the improvement of research method, three-dimensional analysis is increasing . However it is difficult to reveal the fact which how lower limbs and throwing arm enforce power . In this paper , we adopted method of three-dimensional photograph ,three-dimensional-testing force platform and digital shot put to study the techniques of our province’s female shot putter in the experimental condition, in which we combined the kinematics and dynamics to study their techniques and have the left technique as a main research point. In the research, we found that the movement of left limbs is the premise of the whole throwing technique. Moreover ,dynamics research found that the capability of the eccentric and concentric contraction has an effect on the achievement. And as the same time ,the testing force of the digital shot put found that we should emphasize the movenfent of the upwords enforce power of the technique so as to enhance the flying length of the apparatus. We adopted it to explore new scientific methods and make a contribute to our province’s athletic train of female shot put.

  • 【分类号】G824.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】249