

【作者】 汪素芳

【导师】 邢建昌;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 铁凝小说具有独特的视角:社会化集体和内在化个体的面点结合,形成探井人视角;女性视角和男性视角的融合形成第三性视角;探井人视角和第三性视角重合为原点视角。 本文把铁凝作品作为一个整体系统,以文本细读的方法,从铁凝小说的独特视角入手,着重从以原点为中心辐射出的四种女性社会关系入手来探讨铁凝小说所呈现的人性复杂之真况。以关系为骨,以人性为肉,通过对纤细而复杂的女性关系纠葛的理顺,探察波诡云谲的人性本相,并从铁凝变幻莫测的人性叙事中寻绎出其中蕴含的恒久不变的人性理想,从铁凝对失望的人性真况的描摹中发现她满怀希望的人性憧憬。

【Abstract】 Tie-ning’s works have a unique angle of view: The combination of socialization and individuality .external and internal ,forms a well-explorer’s angle of view. The harmony of female and male angle forms the third gender’s angle. The superimpose between well-explorer’s angle and the third gender’s angle comes back to the angle of crossing point. It is also a standng point , which stretches out four relations of woman: woman and herself, woman and man, woman and woman, woman and society.With these four relations, the thesis stressed on the thorough inquiry of human nature’s truthfulness. With the relations as skeleton, human nature as mustle, this dissertation tries to look into the essence of human nature’s appearance through the confusion settling of complicated and subtle women relations.Finally, this thesis tries to find out the permanent ideal about human nature implicated in the changeable and unpredictable narrate stytle of Tie-ning’s works, and her prospective about human nature hidden in her description of the disappointing human nature’s truthfulness.

【关键词】 原点视角关系人性
【Key words】 angle of viewrelationhuman nature
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】515