

【作者】 高德罡

【导师】 王宏斌;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 福州船政局是近代洋务派兴办的规模最大、门类最全、成效最显著的造船厂。在近代工业和海防上发挥了不可替代的作用。船政局不但在技术、设备上全盘移植于西方先进国家,在企业管理上也对其进行积极的借鉴。迄今为止,学术界对福州船政局已经做了大量的研究。但在丰硕的成果之外,还有遗珠之憾,具体船政局企业管理,还有待学术界进一步挖掘。有鉴于此,作者就已经搜集到的档案资料及先贤时哲的研究成果,对船政局的企业管理进行研究尝试,通过对其工资管理和技术管理系统地论述、分析,论证福州船政局在企业运营管理上已经达到相当高的程度,从而对19世纪后半期,在引进近代工业模式上所取得的成效做出客观且更为积极的评价。 本文主要选取分两大部分进行论述: 第一部分论述福州船政局的工资管理制度,其中又根据员工的不同层次具体论述,包括管理人员、外籍员工和工人三部分。对待不同层次的员工,船政局依据他们的岗位特性和技能高低采取不同的工资标准考量,而同一层次的员工,船政局又抛开单一的报酬量予方式,采用多重标准衡量员工的工作。固定工资以外的津贴及其它额外报酬更显示其工资结构的复杂性、合理性。 第二部分论述福州船政局的技术管理制度。技术管理一直是船政局企业管理的重要环节,其在技术引进上循序渐进、由浅入深,根据这一特点,又可将其技术管理分为三个环节:车间传授、学堂教育及留学交流。三个环节层次分明,又互为补充,构成一个富有效率的管理体系。 工资管理和技术管理是福州船政局企业管理中制度比较健全,成效比较显著的部分,是其做为近代企业的重要标志。管理模式以法国为主的西方国家为蓝本,又结合当时中国的社会现实,走出了一条近代企业之路。

【Abstract】 Foochow Dockyard is the biggest, most complete and most remarkable dockyard that the Yang Wu Group has set up. It has taken full effect that anything else could not substitute in neoteric industry and coast defense. The Dockyard not only entirely transplanted from the west developed countries, but also actively used their experience in enterprise management for reference. So far the academy has done a lot of research work for the Foochow Dockyard. Even though there has been plentiful and substantial production, there is some regret. The idiographic enterprise management of it needs more academic excavation. So the author will use the files he has collected and the research production of other people to study the enterprise management of the Foochow Dockyard. After the discussion and analysis of the wage and technique management of the dockyard, the author demonstrates that the Foochow Dockyard has reached quite high degree in running the corporation, then the author can estimate the achievement that the Foochow Dockyard has achieved effect in introducing into the neoteric industry mode at the second half of the 19th century.This thesis mainly chooses two main parts to discuss:The first part, discuss the wage management system of the Foochow dockyard, which is discussed concretely according to the different administrative levels of the stuff, including the manager, the foreign stuff and the worker. For the different employee, the Dockyard adopted different wage standard according to their post characters and skill level. Moreover, as to the employee of the same level, the Dockyard threw off the simplex reward system, and adopted many other standards to weigh the work that the employee has done. Except for the permanent wage, the allowance and other extra reward way show the complexity and rationality of its wage structure.The second part, discuss the technique management system. Technique management was the important management chain all the times. They advanced gradually in fetching in techniques. According to this character, we can divide its technique management into three chains, namely workshop initiation, school education and study abroad. These three parts was clear in arrangement, made up to each other and formed an efficient administer system.The wage and technique management are the relatively right and notable parts of the enterprise management of the Foochow Dockyard, which is the important symbol of the neoteric corporation. France, the representative of the west countries, is the original version of the administer mode of the Dockyard. Combining the social fact of that time, the Foochow Dockyard is the door to neoteric enterprise.

【关键词】 福州船政局企业管理工资技术
【Key words】 Foochow Dockyardenterprise managementwagetechnique
  • 【分类号】K256
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】275