

The Effects of Team Task and Team Type on Team Performance

【作者】 李江璐

【导师】 翟洪昌;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本次研究通过3个实验,考察团队作业特征与团队类型对团队绩效的影响,同时尝试把实验方法引入团队的研究。实验中以团队成员完成作业的时间或数量为指标,并且记录团队成员完成作业过程中查看原图的次数、尝试错误的次数,另外通过行为评定的方法,对团队成员完成作业过程中的一些特征,如适应性、协调、决策、人际交往技能、领导过程和沟通情况进行评定。实验一显示:对于简单的团队作业,不同团队类型完成作业的绩效有明显差异(p<0.05)。其中平行团队和系列团队完成作业的绩效之间没有明显差异,平行团队和系列团队完成作业的绩效明显好于互依团队。实验二显示:对于中等难度的团队作业,不同团队类型完成作业的绩效有明显差异(p<0.05)。其中平行团队和系列团队完成作业的绩效之间没有明显差异,平行团队和系列团队完成作业的绩效明显好于互依团队。实验三显示:对于高等难度的团队作业,不同团队类型完成作业的绩效有明显差异(p<0.05)。其中互依团队完成作业的绩效明显好于系列团队,系列团队完成作业的绩效明显好于平行团队。最后的研究结论是:团队作业特征和团队类型影响团队绩效,对于简单的和中等难度的团队作业由平行团队或系列团队来完成能取得更好的绩效。对于高等难度的团队作业,由互依团队完成作业,取得的团队绩效最好,系列团队次之,平行团队最差。

【Abstract】 There are three experiments in the study, the effects of team task and team type on team performance are tested. And we attempt to make use of experiment method in team studies. In experimentSjtime or quantity of task finished are tested,and some characters in process are assesses by behavior assessment methodJn experiment l,as to easy team task, there were significant difference on performance among team types (p<0.05) . there were no significant difference on team performance between pooled team and sequential team,but team performance of pooled team or sequential team is better than that of reciprocal team significantly. In experiment 2, as to normal team task, there were significant difference among team types (p<0.05) . there were no significant difference on team performance between pooled team and sequential team,but team performance of pooled team or sequential team is better than that of reciprocal team significantly. In experiment 3,as to difficult team task, there were significant difference among team types (p<0.05) . team performance of reciprocal team is better than that of sequential team significantly, team performance of sequential team is better than that of pooled team significantly.The eventual result is that: team task and team tape infuence on team performance .As to easy team task and normal team task, team performance of pooled team or sequential team is better than that of reciprocal team. As to difficult team task, team performance of reciprocal team is best,that of sequential team is better.

【关键词】 团队团队作业团队类型团队绩效
【Key words】 TeamTeam tasktask typeteam performance
  • 【分类号】C936
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】811