

The Study on Land Use/Land Cover Change in the Western Taihang Mountain Area of Shijiazhuang

【作者】 黄志英

【导师】 葛京凤;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 区域和地方尺度上的典型区土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)研究,不仅可以深入地探讨土地利用变化的有关科学问题,同时也为土地利用变化的综合分析乃至全球环境变化研究提供丰富、准确的信息。 石家庄西部山区属河北太行山区中段,生态系统脆弱性和敏感性显著,对其进行LUCC及其驱动力研究,为太行山区以及其他生态脆弱山区的可持续发展提供经验和模式具有重要的现实意义。 本文采用遥感图像处理软件Erdas 8.5对研究区1987年Landsat TM和2000年Landsat ETM遥感影像进行校正、增强与镶嵌。在利用控制格网对影像数据、栅格数据、矢量数据及其他相关数据统一坐标投影系统的基础上,运用遥感信息与地学资料相结合,室内判读与专家经验、野外调查相结合,综合分析与主导分析相结合的原则,建立影像判读解译标志,并通过人机交互判读得到图形和属性数据库。利用地理信息系统软件Arc/Info进行空间叠加分析,结合运用ArcView和FoxPro软件,提取发生变化的数据。 LUCC分析综合目前土地利用研究的各类模型和方法,对LUCC时空演变及空间格局演变进行如下定性与定量分析:(1)利用单一土地利用类型动态度和综合土地利用动态度模型揭示土地利用类型数量的变化速度;(2)利用土地类型转移矩阵进行土地利用程度时空演变分析;(3)利用综合土地利用程度变化量模型测算土地利用变化程度;(4)利用土地利用类型的相对变化率指数模型揭示土地利用变化的区域差异;(5)以时间-空间信息分析为手段,利用两期覆被图对土地利用的空间格局进行定性分析,通过景观多样性指数、景观优势度指数、景观均匀度指数和景观破碎度指数测算,对景观空间格局结构进行定量分析。 最后,通过降水、气温、地形、地貌、土壤等自然因素和人口、政策、资源开发、经济发展等人文因素综合分析,进一步探讨各土地利用类型动态变化的驱动力。 本论文做了以下方面的尝试:1)运用GIS和RS手段,综合各类模型和方法,河此师范大学硕士李位论久石家发西部太行山区土地利用l土地a被变化研究首次对生态系统脆弱的石家庄西部太行山区进行土地利用动态变化分析。2)通过自然和人文因素综合分析,探讨了各土地利用类型动态变化的驱动机制。由于作者水平有限,疏漏和谬误之处在所难免,恳请专家批评指正。

【Abstract】 The study on land use / land cover change in typical area on areal and local scale, can not only deepen the discussion of relevant scientific problems on land use change, but also provide more abundant and accurate information for comprehensive analysis of land use change, even for study on global environmental change.The western mountain area of Shijiazhuang belongs to middle part of Taihang Mountain area in Hebei Province. Its ecosystem fragility and sensitiveness are all remarkable. The article takes it for example to study LUCC and its driving force, then offers experience and pattern of sustainable development for Taihang Mountain area and other fragile ecology mountain area. Undoubtedly the study will produce great realistic meanings.The author captures land use data from Lansat TM image TM in 1987 and ETM in 2000. First, the article uses remote sensing image processing software Erdas 8.5 for geometric correction, image enhancement and mosaic and beset the data. Then, on the base of uniform the reference projection frame for image data> raster data> vector data and other relevant data by control grid, the article adopts some principles to set up the signs of image identification and interpretation, including the principle of remote sensing information combined with geographical materials, the principle of indoor interpretation combined with expertise and field investigation, the principle of comprehensive analysis combined with dominant analysis. Meanwhile, figures and attribute database are obtained through man-machine interactional interpretation. Finally, the article carries out spatial overlay analysis by geographical information system software Arc/Info, and draws change data by combing with ArcView and FoxPro software.The analysis of LUCC integrates all kinds of models and methods of present land use study, and gives qualitative and quantitative analysis on LUCC space-time evolvement and LUCC space pattern evolvement. This article describes the changespeed of land use type number according to the model of dynamic degree of single land use and the dynamic degree of comprehensive land use and uses land type transition matrix to analyze space-time evolvement of land use degree and calculates land use change degree by comprehensive land use degree change model and gives the regional differences of land use change by the relative change rate index model of land use type and makes qualitative analysis of land use spatial pattern based on overlay of two periods by time-space information analysis; make quantitative analysis of spatial pattern of landscape through calculating the landscape diversity index, landscape advantage degree, landscape equality degree index and landscape breakage degree index.At last, the article gives comprehensive analysis of nature driving factors and humanity driving factors. The former includes precipitation, temperature, topography, physiognomy, soil, etc; the latter includes population, policy, development of resources, economic development, etc. The driving force of land use type dynamic change is discussed further.This article has made some innovations. Distinctive quality are as follows: 1) It is the first time to analyze land use dynamic change for fragile ecosystem, the western Taihang mountain area of Shijiazhuang. It adopts GIS RS methods and integrates various kinds of models and methods. 2) It has probed into the drive mechanism of every land use type dynamic change through analyzing nature and human factors.

  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】320