

【作者】 苏肖

【导师】 刘虹;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对同文馆办学背景、办学过程、招生情况、师资情况、教学情况等分析,可以发现同文馆英语教育具有以下几个特点:第一,有较好的英语师资。体现为以下几点:教师大多是母语为英语的外籍教师,且受过高等教育;教师大多拥有多方面的知识和能力;教师大多中文有一定造诣,熟悉中国文化;教师有很强的敬业精神。第二,重视教学实践活动,如让学生翻译条约、报刊、电函和参加政府外交谈判活动等。第三,注重英语教学的同时,注重汉文功课。第四,在课程设置上注意到了语言和专业课程相结合。第五,办学经费充足。 同文馆在教学上注重教学实践,学用结合,其之所以能培养出一大批外交人才,与此教学特点密切相关。我国当前英语教育存在的问题之一是学生语言应用能力差。为改善这一状况,可借鉴同文馆经验,改进我国英语教学方法,尽量给学生提供多种形式语言实践机会。同文馆之所以能成功地用英语教授“西学”课程,原因是它拥有一批即懂“西语”又懂“西学”的教师。我国目前正掀起双语教育的热潮,即用英语讲授一门课程。但我国缺乏既懂英语又懂专业的教师,因此双语教育难于真正展开。我们可以借鉴同文馆经验,选聘一些既懂英语又懂专业的教师来承担双语教学的任务。同文馆从第五年开始开设专业课程,毕业生除掌握了大量的英语语言知识之外,还掌握了广泛的其它领域知识,所以能够胜任多方面工作。目前我国需要那些即懂英语又懂经济、法律、商贸等领域知识的复合型人才,因此我们可以借鉴同文馆经验,改革我国课程设置,拓宽大学阶段专业课程范畴。

【Abstract】 After analyzing the background, process, recruitment, teachers and instruction of School of Combined Learning, I summarize five features in her English instruction. First, the teachers are well qualified for the English language teaching. Most of the teachers are foreign teachers who speak English as their native language, receive higher education; They possess quite a few knowledge and abilities; Most of them not only have great attainments in the Chinese language but also know well the Chinese culture; Most of them work hard. Secondly, the school has good ways of teaching practice. Such as translating treaties, newspapers, magazines and electric letters; participating diplomatic negotionations; studying abroad. Thirdly, the school attaches importance to the combination of language and professional courses in establishing courses. Fourthly, the school values the Chinese language teaching. Fifthly, the school has ample found for English teaching.School of Combined Learning cultivates a large quantity of talented persons in diplomacy for the school stress teaching practice and combination of learning and practicing. One of the problems in our present English teaching is that students are poor in using the English language. In order to improve this condition, we might as well learn from School of Combined Learning, improve our English teaching method, and offer students many opportunities to practice. School of Combined Learning succeeds in teaching scientific courses for she has some teachers who know English and science as well. At present there is a great mass fervors in bilingual education in our country, that is to say, teaching a course in English. However, we are lacking in the teachers who know not only English but also scientism courses, so it is difficult to carry out bilingual education in China. We may learn from the school and select and employ the teachers who know not only English but also scientism courses for bilingual teaching. School of Combined Learning established professional courses in the fifth year. The graduates master comprehensive knowledge in other fields besides abundant English knowledge, therefore they were qualified for various kinds of jobs. Nowadays our country is in need of the people who know English and the knowledge in the fields such as economy, law, business etc. We may learn from the school, reform the course establishment of our country, enlarge the professional course category in university.

【关键词】 同文馆英语教育研究
【Key words】 School of Combined LearningEnglishEducationResearch
  • 【分类号】G529
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】490