

The Mechanism and Effect Study of Dephosphorization of Under-Ground-Ditch-Pattern Sewage Zoology Treatment System

【作者】 史莉

【导师】 张笑一; 彭润芝;

【作者基本信息】 贵州师范大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要研究了地沟式污水生态处理系统除磷效果以及其除磷的主要机理。 在动态小试的基础上,确定了系统有关的试验设计参数。系统共运行21个月,获得15400多个数据。试验结果表明,地沟式污水生态处理系统对TP具有很高的去除率,出水TP的平均浓度为0.305mg/L,去除率平均为96.60%,并且季节的变化不会影响该系统对TP的去除效果。各级净化床中第一净化床对TP的去除起主要作用,有70.55%的TP将会在第一净化床中被去除。该系统在处理低浓度生活污水时,系统进水的BOD5/TP与CODcr/TP值对除磷效果影响不大,该系统还具有一定的抗有机冲击负荷和水力冲击负荷能力。 地沟式污水生态处理系统净化污水的主要基质是填料,而填料是通过吸附沉淀作用来去除污水中的磷的。因此,选择填料对磷的静态和动态等温吸附实验来进行吸附机理的研究。同时,还对植物和生物对磷的去除作用作了一些初步研究。研究结果表明,所选五种填料的最大吸磷量分别为:石灰土为每克土壤吸磷1430.1μg,紫色土为每克土壤吸磷1212.9μg,黄壤为每克土壤吸磷1188.6μg,石灰石为每克石灰石吸磷1383.75μg,粉煤灰为每克灰样吸磷1154.04μg,五种填料的静态等温吸附曲线与三种吸附方程的吻合性都很好。填料对磷的吸附过程一般有两个阶段:第一阶段是表面吸附,第二阶段是由表面向内部的进一步转移与转化,前者进行得快,后者较慢。研究中还发现,填料对磷的去除率在吸附平衡前随时间增加而迅速增大,吸附平衡后随时间增加变化不大;填料对磷的吸附量和吸附速率在反应初期随时间增加而迅速增大,反应后期随时间增加变化不大;在实验供磷溶液浓度范围内(20~160ppm),五种填料的动态等温吸附曲线与四种动力学方程的吻合性也很好;由动力学方程推导出的一些参数可以反映出填料对磷吸附的规律,表观速率常数(Ka)是随供试磷溶液浓度的增加而减小:而相对扩散系数(R)是随供试磷溶液浓度的增加而增加;由Elovich方程得到的a、β值是判断吸附反应速率的可靠因子,a值越大,吸附速率越大,B值越大,吸附速率越小。从植物对TP去除研究的盆栽实验中发现,各种植物对磷的去除率只占磷的总去除率的0.35一2.38%。系统采用的何歇布水装置使得系统处于厌氧和好氧交替状态,这样系统中的聚麟菌在厌氧条件下释放磷,吸收污水中的有机物获得能量并以PHB的形式贮存在菌体内;在好氧条件下,可将积贮的PHB好氧分解,释放能量并且吸磷,整个过程表现为PHB的合成与分解。

【Abstract】 The effect and mechanism of dephosphorization of Under-Ground-Ditch-Pattern sewage zoology treatment system were studied by auther in this paper.The design parameters with test system were confirmed on the base of the dynamic small examination. The system had ran for 21 months and 15400 datas were got. According to the experimental results, the system had a high dephosphorization rate which was 96.60%. The average concentration of the discharged water was 0.305mg/L. Furthermore the dephosphorization effect of this system wasn’t effected by the different seasons. The first disposal bed acted primary action for dephosphorization in all disposal beds and its dephosphorization efficiency was 70.55%. The ratio of BOD5/TP and CODcr/TP didn’t effect the dephosphorization effect for disposing the low concentration sewage. This system also had the ability of resisting water power and organic concussion load.The main substance for purifying polluted water is the fillings which dephosphorized the sewage through the function of adsorption and deposition. So that the phosphoric static and dynamic isothermal adsorption experiments were elected for studying the mechanism of adsorption. At the same time the dephosphorization effect of plants and biology were also studied simply. From the results the calcareous soil’s maximal adsorbent phosphor quantity is 1430.1ug per gram soil, the purple soil’s maximal adsorbent phosphor quantity is 1212.9ug per gram soil, the yellow soil’s maximal adsorbent phosphor quantity is 1188.6ug per gram soil, the limestone’s maximal adsorbent phosphor quantity is 1383.75ug per gram limestone and the Coal Ash maximal adsorbent phosphor quantity is 1154.04 ug per gram Coal Ash. The static isothermal adsorption curves anastomose well with three adsorption equations. The phosphoric adsorption process by the fillings has two phasesrone phase is a superficial adsorption process, the other phase is a farther transfer from surface to inside. The former progress is fast and the latter progress is slow. The dephosphorization rates of the fillingsadd fast with the time increasing before adsorption balance and add slow with the time increasing after adsorption balance. In the former reaction the quantity and velocity of absorption add fast with the time increasing and add slow in the latter reaction. The dynamic isothermal adsorption curves of five fillings also anastomose well with four kinetics equations within experimental phosphor solution concentrations (20~160ppm) . Some parameters that were concluded from kinetics equations can reflect the rule of adsorbing phosphor by the fillings. The apparent velocity constant (Ka) minishes and the relative diffuse coefficient (R) adds with experimental phosphor solution concentrations’ increasing. The value of a, B from Elovich equation are dependable genes for judging adsorption reaction speed . The value of a is bigger and the adsorption velocity is faster .The value of B is bigger and the adsorption velocity is slower. From plants’ potted experiment we could find the removed rates, of phosphor of the plants only occupied 0.35-238% in total removed rates of phosphor of the system . The interim distributing equipment of this system makes the system in the alternant anaerobic and aerobic state. The combined phosphorus bacterium in this system releases phosphor in anaerobic condition and absorb the organic substance of the sewage to get energy and reserve energy in the form of PHB in the thalli. In aerobic condition the combined phosphorus bacterium can decompose PHB to release energy and absorb phosphor. The whole process represent the synthesization and decomposability of PHB.

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】5
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