

【作者】 吴月芽

【导师】 张明龙;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是一个人均土地资源稀少,人地关系矛盾尖锐的国家。在我国,要用占世界7%的耕地养活占世界25%左右的人口,如何提高土地资源利用率,显得尤为重要。我国经济体制改革的目标模式,是建立社会主义市场经济体制。在市场经济条件下,资源主要由市场配置。市场配置资源,具有信息充分、交易费用低、运行效率高等优点。土地作为一大生产要素,同社会上其他生产要素、经济资源一样,也必须通过市场化来实现效益最大化。 目前由农民自愿与政府推动相结合的农村土地使用权流转,尽管在我国已拉开了序幕,但还存在不少问题,如土地承包经营权流转弱市场化,集体建设用地使用权流转非市场化等,出现目前农村土地资源利用低效混乱的局面。究其原因,主要是现行土地资源的配置方式基本上还是非市场机制,即主要通过集体组织运用行政力量强制性地推动或禁止土地使用权流转,而真正按市场机制配置土地资源的制度还没有形成,从而阻碍着我国农村经济的发展。可见,探讨农村土地使用权流转,及如何实现市场化流转,是一个关系到亿万农民的大问题,研究高效、合理的土地资源配置方式,具有重大的理论和现实意义。 本文通过实地调研与广泛查阅文献资料的途径,运用理论与实际相结合、规范与实证相结合、定性与定量相结合的方法,对我国农村土地使用权流转市场化问题,进行比较深入系统的分析。针对目前农村土地使用权流转市场中存在的供需不平衡、操作不规范、管理不科学和违法侵权现象严重等状况,阐明农村土地使用权流转市场化是我国社会主义市场经济发展的客观要求,有其改革的充分必要性。运用制度经济学和现代土地产权理论,从理论上论证市场化配置土地使用权的可行性,从土地供需市场、现行政策法规,及经济体制的宏观环境等方面,分析市场化配置土地使用权已经具备的实践基础。通过分析制约农村土地使用权流转市场化的种种因素,设计相应的对策措施,包括建立适应农村土地使用权市场化流转的产权制度、完善农村土地市场体系、健全土地使用权流转的运行机制及相应的配套措施等,试图揭示农村土地资源在我国特定国情下优化配置的客观规律,为实现农村土地使用权的整体市场化流转提供理论借鉴。经过研究,本文得出如下结论:为了创新农村土地使用权流转制度,改变土地利用低效混乱现状,必须建立以市场调节为主、政府调控为辅的市场化农村土地使用权流转制度。 本文创新之处主要表现在两个方面:一是在研究角度上,努力突破仅仅研究农用地关于土地承包经营权流转的传统模式,把集体建设用地使用权也纳人分析视野,对整个农村土地使用权的市场化流转进行系统探索。二是在内容上,运用新的分析框架阐明自己一些新见解。(1)对农村土地使用权流转市场化的内涵,作出比较科学的界定。(2)用制度经济学原理,论证农村土地使用权流转市场化制度创新的可行性。③按现代产权制度的特征设计现代土地产权制度,并在此前提下,构建土地流转市场的主体和客体,探讨土地流转的市场化运作机制和相关配套措施。(4)提出通过发展社会保障制度与拓宽农民就业渠道的途径,突破我国土地资源察赋对土地使用权流转市场化的制约。

【Abstract】 China is a country characterized by its scanty land resources per capita and sharp conflicts between population and land. It is, then, of special importance how the utility of land resources can be enhanced in a country where 7% of the world’s total arable land is exploited to support 25% of the total population. The target model of China’s economic system reform is the establishment of a socialist market economy in which resources are primarily allocated by the market. This facilitates better accessibility to information, lower transaction cost and higher operational efficiency. Land is an important production factor, whose profit, like that of other production factors and economic resources in the society, should only be maximized via marketization.The present circulation of land use-right in the country co-initiated by farmers’ willingness and the government’s encouragement, while having been inaugurated in China, has aroused many problems as well, such as the low marketization in circulation of the contracting management rights of land, and the non-marketization in circulation of the use-right of collective building land. These result in the confusing management and low utility of land resources in the country. The reason lies primarily in that the present allocation of land resources is not a market-based one, in other words, the land use-right circulation is pushed forward or prohibited mainly by collective groups with their administrative powers, and a system which allocates land resources in accordance with the market mechanism is not yet established. This is retarding the economic growth in China’s rural areas. Thus, the circulation of land use-right in the country, particularly the realization of its market circulation, is crucial to hundreds of millions of farmers in China, and the research on some feasible and efficient means of land-resource allocation is of great theoretical and practical significance.This thesis, through field surveys and extensive documentation, makes a profound and systematic analysis of the circulating marketization of land use-right in China’s rural areas, by integrating theories with practice, norms with demonstrations, and qualitative methods with quantitative. Probing into the status quo of the land use-right circulating market in rural areas characterized by unbalanced supply and demand, nonstandard operation, unscientific management, and serious torts, it argues that, as the circulating marketization of land use-right in rural areas is an external requirement of China’s development of socialist market economy, it is of imperative necessity to exercise the reform in this regard. It then elaborates on the feasibility ofallocating land use-right in the market by means of institutional economics and modern theories of land property right, and demonstrates the reality basis for the marketized allocation, including the land supply-and-demand market, existing policies and regulations, and general surroundings of the economic system. By an analysis of the various factors that tend to retard the circulating marketization of land use-right in rural areas, it puts forward the corresponding strategies and measures, including the establishment of a property-right system that favors the marketized circulation, the perfection of the land market, and the accomplishment of the operational mechanisms and supporting policies; it attempts to reveal the objective rules for optimizing the allocation of land resources in rural areas in the light of China’s specific reality, thereby offering theoretical reference to the comprehensive circulating marketization of land use-right in the country. The thesis concludes that a marketized circulating mechanism of land use-right in rural areas, regulated primarily by the market and secondarily by the government, is a must for innovating the land circulation system in the country and rectifying the confusing management and low utility of land at present.The paper is creative mainly in two ways. First, in its perspective of research, it breaks the t

  • 【分类号】F321
  • 【被引频次】11
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