

A Study on the Agricultural Products Differentiate Competition

【作者】 孙赛英

【导师】 陈红儿;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国的农业正由传统农业向现代农业转化,中国的农村正在走向工业化和现代化,正在为实现全面小康、实现现代化而奋斗。没有农村的稳定就没有全国的稳定,没有农民的小康就没有全国的小康,没有农业的现代化就没有整个国民经济的现代化。不论何种经济体系和社会制度,农业始终是最为重要的经济部门。中国是农业大国,研究中国的农业发展问题更是中国经济学者义不容辞的责任。 我国农业发展进入了一个新的阶段,农产品市场极大丰富,由“卖方”市场转变为“买方”市场,农产品出现了区域性、结构性、阶段性的过剩,价格竞争仍是农产品竞争的主要手段,农民增产不增收、丰产不丰收的现象时有发生。但随着国际新形势的发展、人们收入的提高和新的消费浪潮的兴起,质量优异、有特色的农产品却供不应求。由此可见,农产品的过剩只是一种相对过剩,低成本的价格竞争陷入了困境,亟需符合中国国情的农业经济发展理论作指导。笔者以市场需求为着眼点、以发展农业特色经济为出发点、以增加农民收入为归结点,提出了实施农产品差异化竞争的新思想,这是本文的创新之处。 农产品差异化竞争研究的理论基础是70年代后期发展起来的新产业组织经济学的重要理论——产品差异化理论。但西方经济学的产品差异化理论是用于分析企业定价行为的,适用的对象是工业品,而非农产品。但事实证明,农产品同样也存在着品种、质量、口感、外形等方面的差异。本文在对产品差异化理论评述的基础上,分析了产 农产品差异化竞争研究品差异化与竞争之间的关系,概括出了农产品差异化竞争的基本内涵和类型。由于农产品的天然特性,其差异化竞争必定不同于工业品的差异化竞争,通过比较,本文归纳出了实施主体、农产品供给、农产品营销、农产品需求、农产品差异化展示这五方面的特殊性。 本文采用理论与实证相结合、归纳与演绎相结合以及比较分析等研究方法,遵循什么是农产品差异化竞争—为什么要进行农产品差异化竞争—怎样进行农产品差异化竞争的技术路线。在阐述了农产品差异化基本理论之后,又着重揭示了实施农产品差异化竞争的必然性,紧接着分析了影响农产品差异化竞争的四个主要决定性因素:农业特色经济的发展、生态农业的实施、技术创新的进行、品牌的经营。最后有针对性地提出了实施农产品差异化竞争的对策与基本思路。 实施农产品差异化竞争不仅可以满足特色化、个性化的市场需求,调整农产品内部结构,提高农产品市场竞争力,增加农业比较利益,更是新时期搞活农产品市场、实现农民增收、统筹城乡协调发展的一种新思路。

【Abstract】 Chinese agriculture is being converted to modern agriculture from traditional agriculture, and Chinese country is heading for the industrialization and modernization. Realizing comparatively good living standard and modernization is the common target for the whole Chinese people. There is no stability of the nation without the village stability, no good living standard of the nation without the good living standard for the peasants, also no modernization of the nation economy without the agriculture modernization. Agriculture has been the most important economic department in whatever economic system and social system. China is a big country of agriculture. It is the Chinese economists’ duty to study the Chinese agriculture developmental problems.The agriculture in our country has entered a new development stage, and the agricultural products are abundant in the market. The market has changed from the seller’s market into the buyer’s market. The agricultural products have appeared the regional excess, construction excess and stage excess. The price is still the major competition way for the agricultural products competition. The income of the farmer does not increase when the outputs increase, the money is not abundant when the products is abundant. These circumstances occurred constantly. But with the new international situation developing, people’s income increasing and the new consumption trend springing up, the high-quality and distinctive agricultural products are in short. This shows that the excess of the agriculture products is the relative excess. The low cost price competition sank into the predicament, which requests the guidance of new agriculture economy theories that match the situation of China. So the writer puts forward the agricultural products differentiate competition theory which is based on the consumer requirements, characteristic agriculture development and the farmer’s income improvement. This is innovation of this thesis.The theoretical basis of the agricultural products differentiate competition is the product differentiate theory, which becomes the theory trend of the Industrial Organization in 1970s. But product differentiate theory in the Western Economics is used to analyze the enterprises in price-settlement. And it is suitable for industrial products rather than agricultural products. But in fact, there exist differences amongagricultural products in species, quantity, taste, and shape, etc. The author firstly expounds product differentiate theory in details, and then analyzes the relationships between the product differentiate and competition. Based on the previous analysis, the author generalizes the basic connotation of the agricultural products differentiate competition. Because of the natural characteristic of the agricultural products, its differentiate competition is different from industrial products, and has its own peculiarity. According to comparison, this article concludes five peculiarities: the implement subjects, agricultural products supply, agricultural products marketing, agricultural products demand, the agricultural products differentiate display.This article adopts the following research methods: theoretical together with empirical study, inductive together with inductive methods, and comparative analysis methods, etc. Which are adhering to the study technique route of agricultural products differentiate competition, and the reasons why to carry out agricultural products differentiate competition and how to implement agricultural products competition. After explaining the theory of the agricultural products differentiate competition, the author points out the necessity of carrying out the agricultural products differentiate competition, and then analyzes four main decisive factors that affects agricultural products differentiate competition: the development of the characteristic agriculture, the ecological agriculture implementing, the new technology bringing forth as well as drawing up famous brands of agricultural products. Finally, the author works ou

  • 【分类号】F323.5
  • 【被引频次】10
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