

An Analysis on the Interpersonal Meaning of Code-switching in Novel 《Wei Cheng》--From a Functional Perspective

【作者】 廖福涛

【导师】 李发根;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 语码转换是指在同一次对话或交谈中使用两种甚至更多的语言变体。转换不拘数量,可以仅仅是一个词或几分钟的谈话。这是语言文化接触和跨文化交际中的一种普遍现象。自20世纪70年代以来,许多语言学家都致力于这一语言现象的研究,并取得了不少令人瞩目的研究成果。 本论文在第一章回顾了各语言学家们从不同的角度对语码转换的研究。他们的研究方向大致分为三类:一类从结构的角度研究语码转换在句中或句际间出现的规律性,即在一个话段或语篇中什么地方可能出现语码转换,什么地方不能出现语码转换。其代表人物有Poplack,DiSciullo和Carol Myers-Scotton等。Poplack提出了两条原则:“等同限制”原则和“自由词素限制”原则。DiSciullo等人用乔母斯基的管辖与制约理论作基础,提出了一条“依赖性原则”。Myers-Scotton总结了她多年的研究,提出了“基础框架”模式。另一类是从社会语言学的角度,研究社会因素与语码转换的内在关系,说明人为什么要语码转换,强调语码转换所具有的社会功能。其代表人物有Blom,Gumperz和Myers-Scotton等。第三类是从语用学的角度研究语码转换,认为语码转换与语境因素有关,其代表人物有Gumperz和Verschueren等。 以上的研究成果均未把语码转换纳入系统功能语言学研究的范畴。因此在本论文的第二章论述了从系统功能语言学的角度研究语码转换的可行性。语域理论是社会语言学和系统功能语言学共同的话题,语码转换是语言变体,而语言变体属语域理论研究的范畴。因此,本文是从语域理论的三要素之一语旨来体现语码转换的人际意义。论文的第三章阐述了人际功能的理论框架以及评价系统理论。语言的人际功能是指语言的参与功能,通过这一功能,参与者可表达他在某一情景中的态度和推断,并可影响他人的态度和行为。评价系统是用来研究、描述和解释人们对评价性词汇的修辞功能的理解,注重领会人际意义和社会关系之间的联系。它是对韩礼德提出的系统功能理论的扩展和延伸。第四章运用上述理论框架来分析小说《围城》中语码转换的人际意义。分析主要是从词汇,小句及语篇三个层面入手。词汇层面上,主要运用评价系统理论阐释单个词及词组所具有的人际意义;小句及语篇层面上则运用人际功能理论来解释其所具有的人际意义。分析所用实例均出自小说《围城》。 从以上分析得出结论:用系统功能语言学的有关理论来阐释语码转换这一复杂的语言现象是可行的,目的在于可以使我们更深层次地理解小说中语码转换所具有的内在涵义。本论文只是做了初步的尝试,对某些形式的语码转换如以“翻译对子”(translation couPlet)形式出现的语码转换未作分析,这些还有待于作进一步的研究。

【Abstract】 Code-switching refers to the fact that anyone who speaks more than one language chooses between them according to circumstances. It is a common phenomenon of linguistic interaction, and has become the central issue in bilingualism. Since 1970’s, many linguists have done a lot of researches on this subject, and received distinguished achievements.The first chapter reviews the prior research done on code-switching. Three different perspectives are offered: 1) the structural analysis, in which linguists attempt to discover regularities of code-switching. The representatives are Poplack, DiSciullo and Myers-Scotton. Poplack(1980) put forward two ’constraints’: one is "the equivalence constraint’, the other is ’the free-morpheme constraint’. DiSciullo and other linguistics(1986)develop ’the government constraint’, a traditional grammatical notion which has received a formulation within the theory of Government and Binding of Chomsky. Myers-Scotton (1993b) proposes the Matrix Language Frame model. 2) The social functions of code-switching, in which the researchers study the interlationships between social factors and code-switching. They illustrate the reasons why we use code-switching in utterance and emphasize the social functions of code-switching. The representatives are Blom, Gumpers and Myers-Scotton. 3) The pragmatic functions of code-switching. Linguistics think code-switching is closely connected with contextual features. In chapter two I discuss the feasibility of analyzing code-switching from systemic-functional perspective . Register theory is a common field between sociolinguistics and systemic-functional grammar. Code-switching belongs to language variety, while language variety is one of the topics in register theory. From one of the three dimensions-’tenor’, I analyze the interpersonal meaning of code-switching. In chapter three, I state the general framework ofinterpersonal metafunction and the appraisal system . The interpersonal metafunction refers to the fact that we use language to interact with other people, to establish and maintain relations with them, and to influence their behaviour and attitude. The appraisal system is concerned with evaluation梩he kinds of attitudes that are negotiated in a text. It appreciates the relationship between interpersonal meaning and social factors. It’s an extension of interpersonal metafunction. In chapter four I adopt the above theories to analyze the interpersonal meaning of code-switching at three levels: lexical, clausal and textual. The examples I use are all from this novel. On lexical level, I mainly adopt the appraisal system to explain the interpersonal meaning of single lexical choice or phrases, On clausal and textual level, I use the interpersonal metafunction to analyze their interpersonal metafunction. From the analysis, we see the functions of code-switching are multi-leveled.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
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