

On Max Weiber’s Thought of Economic Ethics and Its Meaning

【作者】 袁杰

【导师】 王初根;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 外国哲学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 德国现代著名社会学家和经济学家马克斯·韦伯(Max Weiber)不仅以其在学术界首倡“经济伦理”这一全新的研究领域,并做为有意识地研究经济与伦理关系的第一人而饮誉世界。更因其经典性的著作《新教伦理与资本主义精神》、《儒教与道教》等相关研究成果对之做出了开拓性的贡献而为后人所景仰。 笔者认为:韦伯的伟大之处不仅在于他的一些结论性的论断,有着惊人的预见性和正确性。更在于他的独特的观察事物的视角、思考问题的方法和相关研究领域中运用比较方法的意义。 由于韦伯的经济伦理思想庞杂而艰深,且又零星地分散于他的多种著作之中,从而在一定程度上有碍于对其经济伦理思想全面而正确的认识。因此,笔者认为:对韦伯的经济伦理思想进行一番系统有序的梳理就显得尤为必要,并试图对我国正在进行的社会主义市场经济建设的有益启示方面作一些尝试性的研究。

【Abstract】 The contemporary German writer, Max Weiber(1864-1920) is well-known all over the world because he is the first to advocate economic ethics which is completely an uncultivated research area, and to do concious research on the relations between economy and ethetic. Furthermore, he is respected by later generations as he has maken pioneering contribution to the developments of this area by his relevant research achievements, which are his classic works such as the protestant ethics and capitalist spirit and Confucianism and taoism as so on.The author thinks that Weiber’ s greater not only ties in some of his conclusive inference with surprising forecast and accuracy, but also consists in his distinctive visual angle of observing, ways of thinking and singnif icancal of applying conpraison in the relevant research area.For Mar weiber’ s economic ethics thoughts, being cumbersome and abstruse even scatterred in some of his works is. in a way, a hindrance to having a comprehensive and correct understanding of his thoughts.Then the author thinks it seems especially necessary to make a systematic analysis of his thought. So the author ties to do some research on the benifical enlightenment which his thought brings about in developing socialist marketoriented economy construction in our country.

  • 【分类号】B82-06
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】777