

Aesthetic Exposition of the Contemporary Popular Culture

【作者】 张剑萍

【导师】 陶水平;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代是中国城市大众文化迅速扩张、全面登堂入室的时代。大众文化的勃兴,不仅为促进文化生产与消费开拓了广阔的空间,也明显丰富了文化生活,极大地激发了大众对时代文化强烈的参与愿望和体验热情,最直接地切入了最大众化的社会生活。然而,大众文化既属文化范畴,必有其文化特性,而不仅仅具有工业化、商业化特征。 本文主要从美学角度对大众文化进行研究。首先,对这繁多复杂的大众文化概念作一个较全面的检视和梳理,并对其历史和特点作有关论述。大众文化是以大众传播媒介为手段、按商品市场规律去运作、旨在使大量普通市民获得感性愉悦的日常文化形态。其早在19、20世纪之交就已经萌发了,从80年代后期起、尤其是进入90年代以来,大众文化是作为主潮兴起和存在的。 接着分析和论述了大众文化与纯文学之间存在天然纽带,乃至亲缘关系。大众文化与当前接受美学之间有着相互影响的关系,大众文化生产影响着大众文化的接受且同样影响着大众的接受美学理论。相反,大众文化的接受主体即消费者的思想行为也将影响着大众文化的生产。 本论文还分析了当前大众文化批评的审美主义倾向。 最后是对大众文化创造和研究的美学期待,是走向审美实践批评的大众文化。大众文化既是审美的,又是实践的。具有艺术性和文学性,不能用已有的理论把它凝固,要走出大众消费主义观点和阿多诺模式的误区,要用辩证的方法对待日益创新的、动态的和开放的大众文化,不断丰富大众文化。 希冀本论文在实践上对大众文化的创作有一定的帮助和启示。

【Abstract】 It is an era that popular culture in Chinese cities sprang up quickly andviolently in 1990s. The vigorous growth of popular culture not only develops the large spare for promoting culture production and consumption, but also apparently enriches culture life and greatly arouses the popular’s strong interest and passion , even the most directly goes into the most popular life. However, it belongs to culture category, and surely has its cultural characteristic besides industrialized and commercialized characteristic.The article mainly studies popular culture on the aesthetics. First, it expounds the complicated concept ,history and characteristics entirely, then analyzes the interrelationship between popular culture and pure literature, including the history and concept of pure literature, illustrates the influence of reception aesthetics .It also analyzes the current aestheticism inclination of popular culture criticism. Finally it is the aesthetic prospect of popular culture creation and study, and aesthetics practical criticism of popular culture. It is aesthetics and practical, which has arts and literature, instead of restricting it with old theories .We should get rid of the popular consumption idea and Adolor model, treat the active and open popular culture with discrimination method .I hope this article will be helpful to popular culture creation in practice.

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