

The Currency System Reform in China 1935 and Choice of National Interest by China US UK and Japan

【作者】 陈仪平

【导师】 李浩;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 中外关系史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 美国政府于19世纪30年代实施的白银政策对银本位大国的中国造成巨大损害,白银大量外流,金融出现严重危机。为抵制日本对中国币制金融的破坏,为化解危机,中国政府积极与英美交涉,在英美不愿与日本正面冲突的情况下与美国达成了售银交易,取得了英国一定程度的支持,成功地改革和稳定了中国的币制,在复杂的东亚国际关系中,维护了中国的国家利益。

【Abstract】 In the mid of 1930s, after carrying out the silver Standard for years, China was suffering profoundly financially due to the silver policy implemented by the US, resulting in a drain of silver as well as serious financial crisis. For the sake of solving the crisis and resisting the Japanese attempt to destroy China financially, the Chinese government took a positive stance in seeking foreign aids, especially from the UK and the US, and succeeded in acquiring support from the UK(though merely to a certain extent)and exporting silver to the US, Which contributed to the final success in the followed reform as well as the stabilization of currency .As a result, China protected its national interests in the complicated relationships and interactions among eastern Asian countries.

  • 【分类号】K264
  • 【被引频次】3
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