

【作者】 陶好飞

【导师】 聂月岩;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我国小城镇建设和发展经历了一个曲折过程。20多年来,我国农村小城镇的发展从作为“大问题”提出,到成为经济社会发展的“大战略”,到形成具有“中国特色的农村城镇化道路”,经历了艰苦的探索和不倦的实践。 我国的基本国情,决定了我们必须走大中小城市和小城镇协调发展的中国特色的农村城镇化道路。 本文试图对中国农村走城镇化道路的战略选择作粗浅的探讨和思考。 文章分为三个部分: 第一部分从回顾改革开放以来我国农村小城镇的发展历程出发,力图对农村小城镇走过的道路作一简单评估。 第二部分从小城镇发展的城乡二元体制背景、推进农村城镇化的条件和基础、农村城镇化道路的必然选择等三个方面阐述中国农村走城镇化道路的历史必然性。 第三部分从农村小城镇与大中城市发展关系、农村城镇化进程中的制度变革等两个方面提出对农村城镇化进程中存在问题的对策思考。 农村城镇化道路是农村经济、社会发展的必然选择,是实现我国农村现代化的必由之路。它必将在实现二十一世纪中华民族伟大复兴道路上扮演重要角色。

【Abstract】 The construction and development of small town in China experience a devious way. The country small town’s development is firstly put forward as a serious problem, then becomes a great strategy of economic society evolution, finally forms China characteristic country townified way, which undergoes hard exploration and persistent practice in over twenty years.The basic situation of our country determines that we have to choice the China characteristic country townified way, which is the result of harmonious development between big, medium city and small town.This paper tries to make a simple discussion and thought about the strategic choice of Chinese countryside townified way.This paper includes three parts:Firstly, a simple evaluation about the townified way is made, from looking back the country developing process since China’s reform and opening up.Secondly, the historical inevitability is expatiated from three aspects. One is two systematic background, the other is the condition and fundament advancing country develops into town, and the last is inevitable selection of townified way.Thirdly, some countermeasures and consideration are put forward to solve existing problems during townified procedure from two aspects, which is the developing relation between small town and big city, and system transformation.The country townified way is an inevitable choice of rural economics and society development, the only way to realize country modernization,which will play an important part in achieving a thriving and prosperous Chinese nation in twenty first century.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】483