

【作者】 刘宁宁

【导师】 庄志民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 根据预测,2015年前后,发达国家将进入休闲时代,发展中国家会紧随其后。在休闲时代,消费者对“体验”的需求会空前高涨,世界经济形态也将因此从服务经济向体验经济过渡。未来几年中,我国将陆续承办奥运会、世博会等多项世界级重大节事,其他各级各类节事活动的举办亦会愈来愈多。因此,如何在体验经济的视野中设计出高质量的节事类旅游产品业已成为具有较强现实意义的课题。 与一般产品相比,节事类旅游产品是一类在本质上突出强调“体验性”的特殊产品,故本文首先对节事类旅游产品与体验经济的相关性进行了充分分析。在此基础上,本文以体验经济的相关理论为指导,提出了两个连贯性的节事类旅游产品的设计模式——RMP模式和TAI模式。RMP模式是产品的宏观设计模式,主要应用于对产品的导向性设计。该模式以分析产品与外部环境的关系为切入点,重点把握节事类旅游产品的设计与相关资源基础和市场导向的双向互动。TAI模式是产品的微观设计模式,该模式首先从产品内部提炼出主题、活动和形象三大构成要素,进而分别针对每一个要素的具体设计方法进行研究,并从三者整合的角度加以说明。对TAI模式的应用是节事类旅游产品的核心设计环节。最后,本文根据实践需要对体验经济视野中的节事类旅游产品的设计原则和设计程序加以概括,使设计过程得以完善。 本文首次将节事类旅游产品的设计置于体验经济的背景下进行研究,对于提高我国节事类旅游产品的吸引力、竞争力、可持续发展力等综合能力和经济、社会、文化等综合效益将具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 According to Time Magazine, it is anticipated that developed countries will enter the "era of leisure" around 2015. In this leisure era, people’s demand for great experiences will increase. The world’s economy will transfer from a service-oriented economy to an experience- oriented economy. China is hosting the 2008 Olympic Games and the 2010 World Expo, which are significant opportunities for China to promote itself as a place where people can have many great experiences. The design and creation of high quality event tourism products is a very relevant and challenging topic for China.Compared with other products, event tourism product puts an emphasis on experience. We first analyzed the relationship between the event tourism product and the experience economy. On this basis, with the tool of experience economy theory, we proposed two consistent event tourism product design modes: RMP and TAI. RMP mode is a macro design mode, which focuses on orient design. By analyzing the relationship between the product and external environment, this mode focuses on the interaction between the event tourism product and basic resources and market trends. TAI mode is a micro design mode. In this mode, we first extracted the theme, activity, and image from the product itself, did some research on each element’s specific design methods, and then presented it in an integrated style. Applying the TAI mode is pivotal to event tourism product design. We at last summarized the design rules and processes in the angle of the experience economy according to practical requirements, which can refine the design.As far as we are aware, this thesis is the first to conduct research on the background of the experience economy. The results should help enhance China’s event tourism product currently and in the future.

【关键词】 节事类旅游产品体验经济设计模式
【Key words】 Event tourism productExperience economyDesignMode
  • 【分类号】F590
  • 【被引频次】36
  • 【下载频次】1976