

【作者】 韩乾

【导师】 宁越敏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 城市空间结构是城市社会经济组成要素空间相互作用的空间投影。1990年4月18日,中央政府正式宣布开发开放浦东,14年来,浦东新区的整体面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,浦东新区不仅成为上海上个世纪90年代以来主要的经济增长空间,更担负着长江三角洲开发的龙头作用。在这样的背景之下,研究浦东新区的城市空间结构,以及浦东的城市空间结构对于整个上海市的影响,无疑具有理论和实用两方面的意义。 全文共分五章,各章主要内容归纳如下: 第一章绪论主要论述了城市空间结构的研究意义,介绍了我国目前在该领域的研究动态,最后部分是本文的研究方法和研究框架。 第二章着重介绍了城市空间结构的概念、演变规律以及我国城市空间结构的模式,包括上海城市空间结构的演变。 第三章和第四章是全文的重点。第三章从经济和人口两个角度出发,分别探讨了浦东新区产业空间布局特征和人口的空间布局。在收集了浦东开发开放以来经济和人口方面大量数据的基础上,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,对其发展规律作出分析和总结。第四章以开发区对城市空间结构的影响为切入点,重点探讨了浦东的四个国家级开发区在浦东新区开发开放过程中所起的作用。结果显示,经过10多年的建设和发展,浦东新区的四个国家级开发区已成为浦东乃至上海城市新的增长空间。 第五章是在前四章的基础上,对浦东新区的空间结构特征做一总结,并指出在新的发展形势下,在上海建设“四个中心”、世界城市的进程中,浦东仍然具有举足轻重的作用。浦东今后的发展方向当是更好的挖掘潜力,发挥其功效,带动上海乃至整个长江三角洲的发展。

【Abstract】 Urban spatial structure is the spatial correlation and interaction of elements that made up urban economy community. On April’18 of 1990, the central government announced to open and develop Pudong New Area. After 14 years, Pudong New Area is taking on totally new appearances. Pudong New Area has not only become the predominant factor in Shanghai’ s economy growth from 1990’ s, but also acted as a dominant role in Yangtze River delta’ s development. Based of this background, it’ s essential to research the urban spatial structure of Pudong, and to research how the spatial structure of Pudong affect Shanghai’ s spatial structure. However, many researches of the urban spatial structure make Shanghai as object, the work making Pudong New Area as the target is not enough. And this is the starting point of my dissertation.The paper consists of 5 parts as follows:Chapter 1 discusses the signification of urban spatial structure, as well as the progress of this specific field in China. In addition, the research approach and the frame of the paper are also described.Chapter 2 reviews some theories of urban spatial structure. And the pattern of China’ s urban spatial structure is also discussed, including the evolution of the city of Shanghai’ s urban spatial structure.Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 are the core of this dissertation. In Chapter 3, the demographic changes and adjustments of industrial structure of Pudong New Area since the opening of Pudong in 1990 are discussed. Based on the data about economy and population census, the paper applies the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, and summarizes the characters of economic and population’ s developmentsChapter 4 discusses the formation of function of the economic and technological development zones in Pudong, and studies the effects of development zones on urban spatial structure. The result shows the four development zones not only became Pudong New Area’ s, but also the city of Shanghai’ s new growth space.On the basis of Chapter 1-4, Chapter 5 summarizes the characters of spatial structure in Pudong New Area, and indicates that Pudong plays an extremely important role in the process of constructing "4 centers" and world city for Shanghai under new circumstances. Pudong’ s future goal should be established on making effective use of. its potential and functions so as to boost the prosperity of Shanghai and the whole Yangtze River delta.

【关键词】 空间结构演变浦东
【Key words】 spatial structureevolutionPudong New Area
  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】760