

【作者】 薛阿明

【导师】 吴志华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 新中国建立后,我国政府先后进行了多次行政体制改革。仅改革开放后的20多年来,较大规模的改革就有五轮(即1982年、1988年、1993年、1998年和2003年的改革)。改革虽然取得了一定的成效,但是改革并没有完全达到预期的目的,官僚主义等顽症依然严重、政府职能转变步履维艰、机构精简仍然没有摆脱“精简—膨胀—再精简—再膨胀”的历史怪圈。改革在一定程度上陷入了困境。 论文的前言部分对选题的背景、意义和当前的相关论题研究作了简要的说明。 论文的第一部分从四个方面简要回顾了改革开放以来我国行政体制改革的状况,通过改革的成效对比特别是一系列直观的数据对比,表明我国行政体制改革陷入了困境——官僚主义等顽症依然严重,政府职能转变步履维艰,机构改革在“精简—膨胀—再精简—再膨胀”的怪圈中反复,国家财政成了吃饭财政。 论文的第二部分指出行政体制改革陷入困境所反应的是改革的动力问题。缺乏改革的推动力,改革便无法顺利推行。行政体制改革的动力包含着外部动力和内部动力。论文的该部分首先介绍行政体制改革的动力论,然后介绍了外部动力和内部动力所包含的因素,最后通过比较分析得出行政体制改革陷入困境的症结是内动力不足。 论文的第三部分从新制度经济学和公共选择理论的理论分析视角,分析了行政体制改革内动力不足的原因所在。其中新制度经济学主要借用制度变迁理论的成本-收益理论、路径依赖以及制度变迁的方式三种理论方式。公共选择理论主要是运用了政府的经济人假设。 论文的第四部分以行政审批制度改革为例进行了实证分析。行政审批制度改革是行政体制改革的突破口,因而通过行政审批制度的改革来分析行政体制改革内动力不足的原因是最具典型意义的,因而也最能说明问题。该部分首先阐明了行政审批制度改革的必要性,接着分析了行政审批制度改革的成效不理想的现状,最后指出问题的关键即行政审批制度与行政部门及其人员的利益相关性。 论文的第五部分,提出了解决行政体制改革内动力不足的意见、见解。主要包括:合理利益的合法化补偿;激励一约束机制再设计;外动力内化的制度安排;为改革提供强制性制度动力和形成改革的精神动力等五个部分。希冀通过第五部分的探讨,能够形成对我国正在进行的和可能持续进行的行政体制改革提供自己的拙见。

【Abstract】 After the foundation of new China, the government has carried on administrative system reforms for some times. For the past twenty years only of the reform and the open policy, there are five extensive reforms (namely the reforms of year 1982, 1988, 1993, 1998 and 2003). Administrative system reforms have made a certain effect, but they haven’t totally achieved the anticipated goal. Persistent ailments such as bureaucracy etc, are still serious, It is difficult to transform the government functions; Administrative structure condensing is still hard to get rid of historical strange circle on "condense-expand-recondense-reexpand". Administrative system reform has got into a difficult position to a certain extent.The preface of the thesis briefly describes the background ^ the significance and the present relevant researching of the selected title.The first section retrospects the state of the administrative system reform of our country in the past twenty years by four respects. Comparing with the effect of the reforms, especially a series of ocular datum contrasts, it indicates that the administrative system reform of our country has got into a difficult position: Persistent ailments, such as bureaucracy, etc. are still serious; It is difficult to transform the government functions; Administrative structure condensing is still hard to get rid of historical strange circle on "condense - expand - recondense -reexpand"; Administrative system reform has got into a difficult position to a certain extent: The state finance has become ’mouth-feeding’ budget.The second section points out the cause that administrative system reform get into a difficult position reacts the power issue of the reform. Lacking the motive force, the reform is unable to pursue smoothly. The motive force of the administrative system reform includes external motive force and interior motive force. This part of the thesis introduces the motive force theory of the administrative system reform at first, then it introduces the including factors of external motive force and interior. Finally, it makes out the crux that the interior motive force is insufficient by comparative analyzing.The third section analyses the reason why interior motive force is insufficient by the theory of New Institutional economics and the theory of Public choice. Among the theory of New institutional economics, the theory the cost-the income, the Pathdefense and the means of institutional transforming are adopted. And among the theory of Public choice, the theory that the economical character of the government acts is adopted.The fourth section carries on real example analyses with examination and approval system reform for example. The examination and approval system reform is the breach of the administrative system reform. Therefore, it is typical significant to analyze the reform of examination and approval. It can be helpful to analyze the reason why interior motive force of administrative system reform is insufficient. This part expounds the necessity of the examination and approval system reform at first, then it analyses the current situation with unsatisfactory effect of the examination and approval system reform. Finally, it points out the key to the question is that administrative departments and personals are largely concern with the interests of examination and approval system.The fifth section puts forward the suggestions and opinions with insufficient motive force in administrative system reform of solving. They mainly include: The legitimate compensating of rational interests; Encouraged - tied mechanism is designed again; Institution Arrangement that external motive force transfers into interior motive force; Emitting system motive force and spiritual motive force etc. It hopes to be helpful for administrative system reform current and it also hopes to be helpful for administrative system reform continuously through the discussion of the fifth part.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】828