

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 薛跃;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 资产重组是眼下经济生活中的热门话题。在西方证券市场上,资产重组已经有了一百多年的历史。资产重组伴随西方国家经济的发展,在优化整个社会资源配置和企业资本运营、提高企业经济效益、推动整个经济发展起着不可磨灭的作用。本世纪80年代中后期以来,资产重组已经逐渐被我们认识,并付诸于实践,效果已初见端倪。 1992年底,宝安集团股份公司兼并上海延中实业股份公司,揭开我国上市公司资产重组的序幕,此后,伴随着我国国有企业改革的深入、经济结构的战略性调整以及证券市场的迅速发展,围绕上市公司展开的资产重组高潮迭起,一浪高过一浪。 资产重组浪潮呼唤会计必须做出与之相应的变革。纵观全球,英美等西方发达国家有关资产重组的会计研究虽然取得了一定的成果,国际会计准则委员会也颁布了一些与资产重组相关的会计准则,但时至今日,有关资产重组的许多会计问题仍是“仁者见仁、智者见智”,从我国近几年的资产重组的大量涌现及其对会计实务的要求来看,我国对资产重组会计问题的研究远远落后于实践对它提出的要求。因此,研究资产重组的会计问题以及制定相关的会计规范已是刻不容缓。 资产重组业务对会计的影响是全方位的。由于当前我国相关的会计方法的不规范、不完整,使得一些上市公司为了达到自身的目的,人为的对会计方法进行选择,或是使用准则中未规定的会计方法,从而在上市公司资产重组中产生许多的会计问题。本文主要选取我国上市公司资产重组中所面临的主要的、较为突出的3个会计问题进行深入的探讨,即兼并收购会计处理方法选择、资产剥离的会计处理以及资产置换的会计问题等。文章的基本内容和结构如下: 第一章是对我国上市公司资产重组概述。包括资产重组的概念和重组的作用,接着是对我国上市公司资产重组的历史回顾,从现状中分析我国上市公司资产重组的方式、特点,随后主要是我国上市公司资产重组所产生的对会计理论和会计实务的挑战,最后是本文研究上市公司资产重组会计的视角。 第二章是讨论我国上市公司并构会计处理方法的选择。首先对购买法与权益结合法进行比较,主要体现在理论假设不同、会计处理原则不同,会计后果不同,会华东师范大学硕士学位论文我国上市公司资产重组会计问题研究计信息质量不同等四个方面;其次是分析我国上市公司目前并购会计处理现状,包括对上市公司并购会计处理的现有规定和现有的并购会计处理规定存在的不足;再次是权益结合法在我国上市公司换股合并中的运用,主要采用案例分析的方法,即TCL集团吸收合并TCL通讯;最后是完善我国上市公司并购会计处理的建议以及对我国上市公司并购的会计处理选择。 第三章是对我国上市公司资产剥离会计处理的探讨。主要通过资产剥离会计处理的中外比较,分析我国上市公司资产剥离会计处理存在的缺陷,并针对这些缺陷提出一些改进办法。 第四章是资产置换会计问题研究。本章首先从资产置换会计处理的国际比较出发,分析我国上市公司资产置换中存在的会计问题,并将重点放在我国上市公司重大资产置换上,最后是对这些问题的会计政策建议。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, assets reconstruction is a frequently discussed topic in the business community. Whereas in the western security markets, assets reconstruction traces its history back to more than a century ago and accompanied the economic development in the western countries. It is widely adopted to optimize distribution of social resources and business capital, to enhance profitability and, consequently, promote the economic growth. Since middle and late 1980s, China’s business community has gradually come to realize the importance of assets reconstruction and put into effective practice.At the end of 1992, Baoan Group’s acquisition of Shanghai Yanzhong Co., Ltd marked the prelude of assets reconstruction of China’s listed companies. Thereafter, with the deepening of stated-owned enterprises, strategic adjustment of economic structure and fast development of China’s security market, more and more cases of assets reconstruction between listed companies have carried out.Waves of assets reconstruction call for corresponding changes in accounting. Viewing from a global perspective, accounting researches in assets reconstruction in western developed countries, such as UK and USA, has achieved some results and IASC has issued several related accounting standards. However, views about many fundamental accounting problems related to assets reconstruction still vary from people to people. Over the past few years, cases of assets reconstruction in China have sprung like mushrooms, but the related accounting researches have fallen far behind the demand in real practice. Therefore, it is highly urgent to carry out researches on accounting issue related to assets reconstruction, which is indispensable to the making of relevant regulations for real practice.Assets reconstruction impact on accounting is omni-directional. Because the accounting methods are nonstandard and not overall, which makes some listed companies choose accounting methods for their own purpose or choose the unspecified methods in accounting standard, a lot of accounting problems emerge during the assets reconstruction of listed companies. The author chooses three important and comparatively outstanding accounting problems in this paper to discuss: The choice ofaccounting methods of M&A, assets divestment and assets replacement. The paper’s basic content and structure run as follows.The first chapter deals with assets reconstruction in China in general terms, including the conception and significance. Based on review of the past and present, the author analyzes the means and characteristic of assets reconstruction of China’s listed companies, as well as the challenges to accounting theory and practice caused by assets reconstruction. The end of this chapter focuses on the study perspective of accounting research about assets reconstruction.The second chapter discusses the choice of accounting methods in M&A. Firstly, the author compares the purchase method with pooling of interests method, and their differences are theory hypotheses, accounting principles, accounting consequences and accounting information. Secondly, Current situations of accounting methods in M&A of China’s listed companies, including current regulations and their inadequacy, are treated, followed by the application of pooling of interests method in equity exchanges among China’s listed companies. For better illustration, the author selects TCL Group’s absorbing merge with TCL Telecommunications as case for study. After that, the author puts forward some suggestions for the perfection of accounting methods in M&A practices and choice of accounting methods.Discussions on accounting methods in asset divestment are mainly dealt with in the third chapter. By comparison with foreign countries, the author analyzes the accounting methods in asset divestment in China’s listed companies and points out the existing deficiency. In the end, effective means for improvement are also put forward.Beginning with the international comparisons of related accounting methods, the fourth chapter center

【关键词】 资产重组并购会计问题上市公司
【Key words】 AssetsReconstructionM&AAccountingProblemsListedCompanies
  • 【分类号】F275
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1269