

【作者】 王彬

【导师】 陈永明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放20多年以来,我国民办教育事业的发展突飞猛进,表现在数量上不断增加、规模上不断扩大。伴随着民办教育的实践发展进程,有关民办教育的理论研究也在日益深入。从研究现状来看,民办教育的研究内容主要涉及到以下四个方面:一是集中在民办学校举办者的合理回报问题上;二是关于民办学校的概念界定及其相关研究;三是民办学校产权界定及其所有权归属、投资模式和办学模式的探讨;四是民办学校的师资管理等民办学校的内部管理等方面。这些研究成果中既有民办教育的原理性阐述,也有民办学校具体个案经验的介绍;既涉及到民办学校的宏观和中观问题,也涉及到民办学校的内部管理等微观问题。纵观这些问题的研究文献,笔者发现研究人员对民办学校产权界定、投资模式等方面的研究给予了较多的关注。针对民办学校的产权界定、投资模式这一核心问题,虽然《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法》已经作了原则性的规定,但在我国民办教育的实际工作中,问题并没有得到很好地解决。产权明晰、给投资者以合理的回报只能解决投资者的积极性问题,有利于弥补我国教育投入不足,但民办教育要健康发展,最根本的是要靠规范化的管理制度和良好的运作机制来保障。因此,在明晰产权的前提下,如何进一步规范民办学校产权治理结构、解决民办学校的管理问题就成为需要进一步研究的课题。 一、论文的基本思路 首先,论文对该领域前人的相关研究进行了梳理与总结。在此基础上,通过对民办学校内涵的研究分析,揭示出界定民办学校概念的关键在于产权,产权是界定民办学校的唯一标准。然后以产权为主线,一方面先对民办学校产权结构概念及其内涵进行考察,明确了民办学校产权结构就是民办学校这一特定范围内的产权构成及其相互关系、产权主体的构成及其关系,其实质就是法人产权的组织形式和架构,它反映了各产权主体对权利的占有情形与构成;另一方面对民办学校产权的裂变过程进行考察;民办学校产权可以裂变为狭义所有权和占有、使用和支配等派生权利。狭义所有权属民办学校董事会所有,派生权利归以民办学校校长为首的民办学校管理层所有,二者之间形成了既相互联系又不能截然分开的两种结构,即民办学校的所有权结构与经营权结构,这两个方面的考察构成了本论文研究的前期铺垫。 其次,围绕民办学校各项产权的不同归属,提出了产权结构治理的构想。所谓治理,其实质就是为了进一步明确划分产权权能,为它们找到比较合理的归属,这个过程就是治理。治理的要义就在于如何合理地明确划分股东、董事会和经理人员各自的权利、责任和利益,从而形成三者之间相互制衡的关系。这一部分是本论文的重点研究内容,分成两个章节进行讨论,即一为所有权结构治理;二为经营权结构治理。 最后,考虑到民办学校校长既是董事会的成员,参与民办学校的决策,又是民办学校经营权的掌控者,对民办学校的发展起着至关重要的作用。鉴于民办学校校长处于上述两种结构相联结的关键位置,因此,在最后一部分,论文对公办学校与民办学校校长的权利进行了对比研究,通过分析揭示了校长职务角色与职业角色的错位现象,提出了与民办学校校长产权结构有效治理相对应的民办学校校长角色安排建议。二、论文的基本框架 论文分为五章内容。第一章是关于民办学校与民办学校产权的论述;该部分着重对目前民办学校产权研究领域的部分成果进行梳理,并对民办学校及民办学校产权等概念进行厘清,主要由民办学校的内涵、民办学校产权内容、民办学校界定等内容构成。第二章是民办学校产权结构概述;主要阐述民办学校产权制度、结构与功能,以及民办学校产权制度与结构之间的相互关系等内容。第三章主要讨论民办学校所有权结构治理;内容主要包括民办学校所有权结构的一般分析、民办学校所有权结构权能界定、董事会内部组成成分分析、股份制学校的所有权结构考察等相关内容。第四章探讨了民办学校经营权结构治理;这一部分内容包括民办学校经营权结构治理、民办学校所有权结构与经营权结构的统整等内容;第五章,主要讨论在既定的权能划分情形下,就民办学校校长的权力定位以及民办学校校长应该充当的角色等内容进行阐述。三、研究方法与创新之处 本论文主要采用了文献法、比较法、逻辑分析法等教育研究方法。基于目前比较成熟的产权经济学理论,论文在具体的论述过程中,借鉴了我国国企改革中比较成功的经验,主要是以逻辑分析法为主,这集中体现在民办学校所有权结构与经营权结构治理两章内容的研究上。 本论文创新之处在于较为全面系统地对董事会制度下的民办学校产权结构进行了梳理,并在此基础上提出了产权结构治理的崭新思路:论文围绕民办学校产权裂变过程,根据民办学校的特性,把基于民办学校财产所有权派生出的权利进一步裂变为法人财产权、组织机构设置权、学校发展规划权、教育教学权、教师聘任权、学生管理权、招生权等权利,这些权利的不同归属就构成了民办学校产权结构治理的中心内容,使民办学校在内部管理特别是权能划分上得到了比较确切的认识?

【Abstract】 Min-ban education in China has got a fantastic spurt in its quantity and size since the 1980s. With the development of Min-ban education of China, more research work has been done in this field. In point of the research documents related to Min-ban education, what has been primarily studied is revolved in the definition of the concept of Min-ban education and its financing mode, which draws more researchers ’ attention. The Law of Enhancing Min-ban Education of China has made some regulations in principle, however, the property right of Min-ban education remains a problem. The perspicuous property right and reasonable redounding to investor can only help solving the problem of increasing investor’s enthusiasm and making up the educational expenditure, but only standardized administrative system and steering mechanism could ensure the healthy development of Min-ban education.I. Problems the study would solve and logical thinking of the paperThe paper is intended to solve the problem of dividing the rights, responsibility and benefits among the stakeholders, directorate and managers in reason, and thus to form the relationship among the three, restricting each other and governing the Min-ban schools property rights in a proper way. Logical thinking of the study is as follows.Firstly, based on the summarization of the antecedents’ research work in this field, the paper analyses the connotation of the Min-ban schools, revealing that the key factor of defining Min-ban school is the property right which is considered the only criteria. It is this understanding that the paper reviews the concepts and connotation of Min-ban schools property right structure first, which refers to the composition of property right structure and the principle bodies of property rights. The relationship between them is also discussed in the specified area of Min-ban schools. The essence of Min-ban schools property right structure is the organizationalform and framework of corporative property right, which reflects the state of occupation and constitution of the rights the principle bodies possessed. On the other hand, the process of division of the Min-ban schools property rights is also debated.Secondly, according to the different ascription of Min-ban schools’ property rights, the paper proposed the thought of the governance of property rights structure. What is called the governance, its essence is to make the property rights division clear. The real meaning of the governance of property rights is how to divide the respected rights, responsibility and benefits of the stakeholders, directorate and managers in a proper way, which forms of relationship among the three restricting each other. This part discussed the governance of structure of Min-ban schools’ ownership and operating rights.Lastly, considering that the Min-ban schoolmaster is both the member of the directorate, participating the decision-making of the Min-ban schools, and the possessor of operating rights, who is in the key position and plays the important role in steering the Min-ban schools. As a result, the last part of the paper made the comparative study on the rights of headmasters in the state-run and people-managed schools, which shows the misplacement of the post role and professional role in the current situation. The paper made some suggestions of roles of Min-ban schoolmasters, responding to the effectively governing the property rights structure.II. Framework of the StudyThe paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter discusses Min-ban schools and its property rights, which summarizes the research findings in the field of study on the property right of Min-ban education. The second chapter deals with the structure of the property right of Min-ban education, which includes the system, structure and role of the property right of Min-ban education, in addition, the relationship between the system and structure. The third chapter mainly studies the governance of the structure of Min-ban schools’ ownership, which involves the general analysis of the

  • 【分类号】G522.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】457