

Text Interpretation in Translation Studies--From the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics

【作者】 刘伟

【导师】 陈舒;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以哲学阐释学理论与翻译理论相结合作为立论基础,旨在从哲学角度为翻译中的文本解读提供全新的视点。 文章首先以文献学、语言学、对比文学以及符号学等不同学科为主线对西方译学文本解读理论进行了回顾,此后以历史发展时期为主线,对中国古代译学理论、晚清明初译学理论、民国时期译学理论以及新中国成立后的译学理论进行了回顾,并在此基础上引入德国哲学家、阐释学派著名代表人物伽达莫尔的哲学阐释学基本理论,从偏见及前理解的形成、读者以文本为媒介与作者进行的对话、视域融合、效果历史等不同角度将其与翻译领域自身的理论相结合,从全新的角度就翻译中的文本解读提出具体的可行性操作方案。 但由伽达莫尔提出的哲学阐释学理论体系自身并不是完美无暇的,某些论点尚存在许多争议,本文特别指出哲学阐释学自身理论体系中存在的缺陷,并与具体的翻译实践相结合,以指出译者在应用阐释学理论进行文本解读的过程中应特别注意的问题及应力避的错误。

【Abstract】 The theoretical framework of this thesis paper is based on the combination of theories developed from both translation studies and philosophical hermeneutics. The aim lies in providing original perspectives for the process of text interpretation in translation studies.After a brief review of theories of text interpretation developed in the west based on philology, linguistics, comparative literature and those developed in China in different historical periods, including the theories developed in ancient China, in the Semi-colonial, Semi-feudal Society, during the Republic period of China and those developed after the foundation of the PRC, the paper introduces philosophical hermeneutics put forward by the famous German philosopher Hans Gadamer. The basic concepts of his theoretical framework include: the formation of pre-understanding, the interpretation process which is dialogue in essence, fusion of horizons and effective history, all of which are discussed in combination with the translation theories with a view to put forward practicable outline for text interpretation in translation studies.Yet, philosophical hermeneutic theories proposed by Hans Gadamer are by no means flawless. There’s still much controversy as to some propositions he put forward. The paper also makes clear the underlying defects of it and on which basis points out the traps posed by it a translator should be aware of.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】288