

On the Translator’s Subjectivity in Drama Translation

【作者】 郭雯婷

【导师】 张春柏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 众所周知,戏剧翻译研究的历史很短。然而近年来,这一情况正在逐步得到改善。随着有关戏剧翻译的专著以及论文集的相继出版,以及早期的理论的发展,戏剧翻译不再是人们未知的领域。 本文讨论了戏剧翻译中译者的主体性地位。在戏剧翻译中,译者拥有更大选择翻译策略余地,因此在戏剧翻译的评论中很有必要将译者因素考虑在内:译者的翻译目的,预期读者群以及译者自身的文化素养等,都将影响译者的翻译立场以及所采用的翻译策略。 本文的观点是译文必定体现译者的主体性,但译者主体性的体现又因各种因素的不同而不同。首先,本文对戏剧的发展历史作了大致介绍,并由此总结出了戏剧翻译区别于其他文学翻译体裁的特点。其次,本文又定义了“译者的主体性”以及“创造性反叛”的概念,阐明了两者在戏剧翻译中所起到的积极作用。文章的第三部分通过一些不同的译者对著名剧本片段翻译的比较,得出以下的结论。译者在翻译过程中占主体地位,译文是译者创造力在社会,文化及自身条件制约下最好的体现。任何将译者因素排除在外的戏剧翻译评论都是不全面、不客观的。 近年来,戏剧翻译中译者主体性问题开始受到越来越多的关注,希望这一新的视角能对未来戏剧翻译研究的发展起到一定的作用。

【Abstract】 As is known to all, the history of drama translation studies is rather short. However, the situation is improving, with the publication of several monographs and essay collections on the subject in recent years, (e.g. Upton 2000; Bassnett 2000 and Sirrku 2000). Together with earlier studies dating from the 1970s, these contributions mean that drama translation is no longer uncharted territory.This paper discusses the subjective role of the translator of dramatic texts. The translator has more freedom in the selection of strategies in drama translation. It is necessary that we call attention to the consideration of the translators. In the evaluation of translated dramatic texts, it is important to examine factors regarding the translator - her/his purpose of translation, intended target readers as well as her/his academic background, which will determine her/his standpoint and approach.The present paper holds that the translator’s subjectivity is bound to be revealed in the target text but will be different in different target languages with different translators. This paper first gives a brief introduction to the history and development of drama, as well as the specifics of drama translation. Secondly, I define the translator’s subjectivity and the concept of "creative treason" and clarify their active roles in drama translation.Through case studies of some famous dramatic texts by different translators, the present paper draws the conclusion that translation is a human process in which the translator is dominant. Translation is the best exhibition of the translator’s creativity under social, cultural and the translator’s own constraints. Any comment on a translated dramatic text without exploring the translator-related factors is incomplete.In China, the consciousness of the translator’s subjectivity in drama translation had not been awakened till recent years. Hopefully, the new perspective will be helpful to the evaluation of the translation of dramatic texts.

  • 【分类号】I046
  • 【下载频次】387