

【作者】 王莹

【导师】 王铮;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游目的地由于其在旅游业中的核心地位,一直都是业内人士的研究热点,而旅游目的地的综合评价却极少涉及,本文就选择了旅游目的地为研究对象,提出了旅游目的地评价原则,并顺应旅游信息化的趋势,研究了旅游目的地评价的可计算模型。 本文在前人的研究基础上,将旅游目的地的内容进行提炼,提出一个旅游目的地评价原则,从4方面来进行评价:1.区位;2.交通区位;3.资源:4.竞争与溢出。并在此基础上,对他们的可计算模型进行了研究并实现之。 本文用新经济学的观点来研究区位问题,将区位分为产业带区位和市场区位。其中,产业带区位我们从2个尺度来考察:一个从省区的角度,一个是从全国的角度。对于省区尺度,提供现场计算,对于全国尺度,建立知识库。市场区位从约束条件的不同分为时间约束和预算约束两种。这两类模型本文都利用数值计算方法实现了模型的可计算化。 交通区位的优劣,它首先决定于一个大的交通背景,就是交通势,对其进行研究可以让我们从全国的角度来看旅游目的地的交通状况,本文利用GIS辅助计算,数据库固定化的方法实现了可计算化;其次,集散中心作为游客进行活动开始的地方,对其进行研究也是必要的,而集散中心的计算,我们认为是一个典型的p-重心问题,分支界定法来实现了该模型的可计算化;再次,是可达性水平的评价,本文根据我国的实际情况,本文提出了铁路可达性模型、飞机可达性模型以及综合可达性模型,并据此分别设计了两个功能:单个城市可达性计算与全国可达性水平显示;最后,旅游目的地的内部交通网络也很重要,本文也将其包括到了旅游目的地评价系统中,用线点率、环数率和边数率来衡量其可达性,并利用计算机实现了动态图层调用,数值计算实现。 旅游资源是旅游目的地藉以吸引旅游者的最重要因素,资源评价构成了旅游目的地评价的重要部分。本文利用郭来喜等的分类模型(GWLF模型)和尹泽生等的分类模型(YWZWC模型)为基础,并针对它们的不足,提出了一个新的面向对象的分类体系(WWTLM模型)。在3个模型的基础上,我们实现了全国分类、各省分类和按区域分类的功能,并针对WWTLM模型的特点,提出了“单个景点评价”和“同类景点查询”。 旅游目的地的旅游产品既存在差异性也存在共同点,因此也就存在着竞争和溢出。本文资源竞争和溢出的角度出发,从全国这个尺度来衡量资源的竞争情况,提出了资源势,并利用GIS进行辅助计算,将结果作为知识库存入本系统;另外,由于竞争和溢出的存在导致了旅游圈的形成,而吴必虎等提出的500公里圈内也存在着竞争与溢出,因此本文就旅游圈和500公里圈内景点的构成情况来分析,依据资源评价模型考察不同范围内类型相同的以及类型不同的景点情况;最后,本文提出了景点密集度模型,从不同旅游圈内景点的分布情况得出一个综合评价值。这3方面的内容本文都进行了计算实现。 以上四个方面的内容的可计算模型,我们依其建立模型库,利用可视化开发!_具visualBa:ic 6.0为平台,结合建立在ocx技术基础上的Gls控件Mapobje。ts进行集成一次开发,并利用界面美化控件AC:iveBar 2.。来精化系统界面,成功开发了一个“旅游目的地评价计算环境原刑’,。

【Abstract】 In the recent years, tourism destination has been the research hotspot because of its importance in tourism. Considering the lack of tourism destination estimation, we decide to research it. In this paper, we put forward the principle of tourism destination estimation and research the computable models of tourism destination estimation under the trend of tourism information.Based on others’ studies, we propose the principle of tourism destination estimation and classify it into four kinds. They are 1) Tourism location 2) Traffic location 3) resource 4) Competition and Spillover. Based on the principle, we research and realize the computable models on it.First, we classify Tourism location with location zones and market location. We review location zones from two angles of view. One is China, the other is province. In realizing the location zones of China, a expert knowledge database is built up. In realizing the location zones of province, we compute it in running time. Market location is realized by time constraint and budget constraint. We calculate them through the way of numeric computing.We research Traffic location through four sides. Firstly, traffic location is determined by traffic potential. In this paper, we compute it based on GIS, then save result into export knowledge database so that users can transfer it. Secondly, it is necessary to research tourism distribute center. This is a P-Median problem. We adopt Branch-and-Bound algorithm to solve it because of its complexity. Thirdly, accessibility is too an important factor to traffic location. In the paper, we built up the models of accessibility on train, airplane and integration. Two functions are realized based on models built. One is computing of accessibility of a city, the other is show of accessibility of China. Finally, traffic network indices are used to evaluate tourism transportation system.Tourism resources are the most important factor to attract tourists. So we add resources evaluation to tourism destination estimation system. Based on model of GWLF and YWZWC, we propose a new object oriented model of resource evaluation (WWTLM). In according to the three models, we realize three functions. Especially we aim at model of WWTLM to develop two functions. One is evaluation of a landscape, the other is query of similar landscapes.A tourism destination shares similarity to another tourism destination on one hand while is different from it on the other hand, a relationship with competition and spillover combined. Froma perspective of competition and spillover, this paper puts forward resources potential based on the mapping of the resources competition nation-wide. We adopt GIS in calculation and save the results into the export knowledge database. On the other side, competition and spillover promotes to form tourism circuits. And there is competition and spillover in 500km circuit. So we analyze similar landscapes and dissimilar landscapes in tourism circuits and 500km circuit. Finally, we put forward the model of landscape density to estimate a value of landscapes distribution.Finally, based on these models, we build up model database. All the models in this thesis are realized with Visual Basic 6.0, MapObjects2.0 and ActiveBar2.0. They are easy to master and the price is low and can run in Windows98, 2000 and XP seamlessly.

【关键词】 旅游目的地评价可计算模型GIS DSS
【Key words】 Tourism destinationEstimationComputable modelGISDSS
  • 【分类号】F590
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】613