

Research on the Science Park’s Functions and Its Gathering Effects in Space of the Yangtze River Delta Area

【作者】 李靖

【导师】 谷人旭;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 从上世纪50年代至今,世界大学科技园的建设与发展已经历了半个多世纪,从最初为大学科研成果转化、解决研究经费而诞生,到如今成为区域创新系统主体中重要的一员,大学科技园的发展日益受到社会多方面的重视。大学科技园依托大学而创立,为大学科研成果商品化提供了一个平台,成为高新技术的重要辐射源,而且作为一个独立运营的组织机构,它还可以充当中介机构,促使大学与企业在技术创新领域达成更多的实质性合作,成功的大学科技园还依托大学以及自身雄厚的智力资源,不断孵化高新技术企业,加快了区域创新的步伐。 随着知识经济的到来,创新对各个国家和地区的发展所起的作用越来越大,因此对高新技术的辐射源—大学科技园的重视得到了加强。我国大学科技园建立起步的时间较晚,从上世纪80年代末至今,只有十几年时间,但借鉴世界大学科技园成功的经验,大学、政府和企业等多方参与建设,我国大学科技园的发展较迅速,并且在区域发展中已经开始发挥其创新作用。本文从地理学角度对大学科技园进行研究,选择一个特定的区域,探讨大学科技园的功能特点,并对其在空间上引起的集聚现象进行分析。 本文共分六个部分:第一部分说明论文写作的背景、研究角度、研究方法,同时对研究对象进行明确的界定;第二部分阐述大学科技园研究的理论基础;第三部分对国内外大学科技园的产生及其发展作一回顾,并对长江三角洲地区大学科技园的发展现状作重点分析;第四部分重点分析大学科技园在长江三角洲区域创新系统中的功能定位,这一部分既是论文探讨的一个重点,也为论文的核心部分一第五章的论述作一铺垫;第五部分是论文探讨的核心部分,结合区域发展现状,对大学科技园引发相关要素在空间上的流动和集聚进行重点论述,这是大学科技园的功能在空间上的具体体现;第六部分是本文的结论部分,对前面的分析作一概括和总结。 本文在对大学科技园发展现状作出分析的基础上,以长江三角洲为背景区域,对大学科技园的功能进行定位,由其功能定位出发,结合具体案例,对大学科技园引发的大学、高新技术产业等在地理空间上的集聚进行重点论证。纵观全文,其主要特色是从区域发展角度对大学科技园进行定位和研究,因此对于当前我国区域经济发展和区域创新系统的完善有一定的借鉴意义;通过实证研究指出了大学科技园对区内大学、企业有集聚作用,并共同形成了区域经济新的增长点,为大学科技园的研究提供了一个新的视角和思路。

【Abstract】 From the 1950s till now, the development of Science Park have experienced more than half of a century in the world. First it was to convert the result of research or for the budget in the university. But now, Science Park has become one of important parts in the innovative system of region, and its development has arisen much attention of the society. Science Park relies on universities, and it can not only help to convert the research results to commodities but also become a high-new-technique radiation. As an independent organization, it also acts as a medium to urge universities and enterprises to set up more cooperations in innovative field. Successful Science Parks , relying on the intelligence resources of universities and themselves, hatch the high-new-technique enterprises continuously. So it can make the innovative region develop more quickly. Along with the coming of knowledge-based economy, people put more and more attention to Science Park.In our country, Science Parks established much later. Form the late 1980s till now, the development of Science Parks in China has experienced ten years or also. But based on successful experience of the world Parks, the government and enterprises are in many ways with universities to establish and build Science Parks, which makes Science park of our country develop more quickly, and it has already started to exert its innovative function on many regions. From the geographical angle, this article chooses a particular region to study Science Park’s functions, and analyzes the gathering-together phenomenon in space caused by Science ParkThis article is composed of six parts: The first part introduces the background motive, the research angle, research methods and defines the research object clearly; The second part analyzes the theory foundation of the research of Science Park; The third part looks back on the development of Science Park in the world, and especially analyzes the development of Science Park in the Yangtze River delta area. The forth part confirms the function of Science Park in the regional innovation system of the Yangtze River delta area, which is not only an important point in this article but also a groundwork to the next part; The fifth part is the central part, in this part the author analyzes the gethering phenomenon caused by Science Park, which is the embodiment of its function in space; The sixth part advances the research conclusions.Take a wide view of the whole article, its mainly particular feature is the angle to study Science Park from the regional development, so some of it’ conclusions are useful to the regional development and to bulid the innovative system of region. Though analysis, the author points out that Science Park can bring universities, enterprises to gether together, and perhaps this three parts can become a new economy-increasing point gradually, so this conclusion can provided a new angle of view and a new way of thinking to the research of Science Park.

  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【被引频次】2
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