

【作者】 吴晓晨

【导师】 林伟民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 铁凝是中国新时期以来坚持创作至今仍活跃于文坛的重量级女作家之一。铁凝每一时期的作品,特别是小说创作,对于当代文坛无疑具有举足轻重的意义。本文力图以整体的眼光纵览铁凝小说创作全貌,梳理和剖析小说中所呈现的女性意识。本文从女性文学研究角度出发,力图以铁凝为个案,以“女性意识”切入来说明铁凝在当今文坛的重要地位。 正文部分的论述主要包括以下三个部分: 第一部分为女性意识的性别表述,主要通过自然性别的确认和社会性别的突显两方面阐释“女性意识”在铁凝小说中的性别表现。铁凝笔下“女性意识”的自然性别表现为对女性躯体健康与纯美的追求与赞赏、对女性独有的生理活动与生命体验的细致入微的表露、及对于性别意识觉醒之后女性欲望的自然流露。而社会性别在铁凝小说中不仅表现为女性作为女儿、妻子、母亲这三种社会角色的发现与发展,更着重书写着对这些社会既定社会角色的反思与反叛,揭示出父权压制下的女性生存窘态与女性之间的社会生存真相。 第二部分为女性意识的文化自觉,主要通过对男权中心的揭示、对女性自省两个部分来阐释女性意识在铁凝小说文本中的文化内涵。男权中心的揭示以历史文化为背景着重分析女性在男权中心文化中的弱势地位以及造成这种不平等地位的原因。女性自省则为女性主体性的确立与女性人性的深思,即一方面女性在男权中心内明确了自身的价值并付诸实践行动,另一方面女性自身在人性内部存在着两极分化,因此透过善恶表现来明确女性自身的缺憾与不足,以此达到净化女性人性的作用。 第三部分为女性意识的叙述策略,主要通过叙述视角的创新、叙述模式的创造与意义的拓展、叙述语言的艺术想象三部分阐释女性意识何以得以表现。叙述视角的创新表现为第三性视角的确立与男女视角互换的尝试,叙述模式则表现为录音带式与情节断裂式的文本创新,叙述语言的艺术想象以隐喻手法的运用使得女性经验得以隐晦表达,从而体现“女性意识”的写作策略。 本文力图通过以上三个部分的论述,来达到深入理解铁凝、把握铁凝小说创作、透视铁凝创作特色,透析铁凝小说中的“女性意识”的目的。

【Abstract】 Tie Ning has been one of the representatives of female writers in China since 1970, who still insists on writing today. Her works in different periods, especially the novels, occupy an important position in the literary world at the present age. The text tries to examine the panorama of Tie Ning’s novels from an overall angle, hackling and taking apart the unusual Feminism Consciousness in the novels. The text proceeds from the research of female literature and strives to illustrate the significant status of current literary world through the Feminism Consciousness with Tie Ning’s works as a case study.The text includes the following three parts:The first part is the gender expression of Feminism Consciousness, including the acknowledgement of the natural sex and highlighting of the social sex. The nature sex representation of the Feminism Consciousness includes the pursuit and admiration of the healthy and esthetical aspect of females’ bodies, the detailed display of females’ particular living activities and life experiences, the natural revealing of the female desire after the awakening of the Feminism Consciousness. The social gender in Tie Ning’s novels is reflected not only in the discovery and development of three social roles: daughter, wife and mother, but also in the thoughts and rebellion of these social roles that have been determined by the society since thousands of years ago. It depicts the existing poor situation of females suppressed by the fatherhood and the fact of the subsistence of them.The second part discusses the cultural awareness of the Feminism Consciousness, including indication of the dominant position of males and introspection of the subject position of females. The males’ domination can be traced back to the historical and cultural background. Besides, it analyzes the feeble status of the females in the male-centered culture and the reason for it. The introspection of females contains the establishment of the principal part of the females and the brown study of the humanity of the females. In other words, on one side, the females definitude their importance and commit to real activities in the male-centered world, and on the other hand, there are polarization concerning the humanism of females. Through the contradictory behavior of women in the novels, we can find the weakness of the females themselves,and in this sense the novels can purify the humanity of females.The third part elaborates on the narration strategy of the Feminism Consciousness, including the innovation of the narration visual angle, the creation of the narration mode and the development of the significance, the artistic imagination of the narration language. The innovation of the narration visual angle contains the establishment of the Third Sex Visual Angle and the experiment of the interchange of the male-female visual angle. The narration mode is about the text innovation: tape style and plot splitting style. The artistic imagination of the narration language talks about the implicit expression of female experiences by means of the metaphor. All of those illuminate the writing strategy of the Feminism Consciousness.The text attempts to have an insightful analysis of Tie Ning’s works in depth and probe into her writing style through the three parts above in order to have a better understanding of the Feminism Consciousness in her novels.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】6
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