

【作者】 胡铁英

【导师】 何修猛;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国社会主义市场经济建设中,企业的道德状况不容乐观,例如,诚信缺失状况严重、社会责任意识淡薄、片面追求经济效益忽视社会效益等,企业的道德建设日益为人们所关注。现实呼唤着理论研究的加强。本文旨在通过对于企业文化中德性机制的研究,为在企业中落实“以德治国”方略的基础工程,推动企业乃至社会的道德建设提供可以借鉴的理论参考。 德性因素是企业文化的根基,也是确保企业生命之树常青的根本原因。本文立足于我国企业德性建设的现状,从结构和内容上对企业德性进行了尝试性的分析,提出了企业文化中的德性机制概念,进而创新性地提出了对企业道德建设具有指导性意义的德性熏陶策略,以运用于企业道德建设的实际操作。 本文共分为三个部分。第一部分对企业文化与德性的关系做了分析,提出德性是企业文化理念的根本,是企业管理现代化的必然要求,是企业强化竞争力的有效手段,企业文化中存在着强烈的德性需求。 第二部分,对企业文化中的德性结构做了剖析。提出了德性结构中的存在的三种范畴:指导性范畴、拓展性范畴和应用性范畴。首先,将诚信视作理念层面的指导性范畴,探讨了中西方诚信道德的内涵,从诚信是市场经济的必然要求、企业长远发展的前提和企业重要的无形资产等方面分析了企业诚信存在的必要性,并对企业诚信的缺失现状与危害做了阐述。其次,对同一层面的责任意识、公正意识和公平意识进行了阐述,认为它们是诚信范畴的拓展。理念层面的四项范畴共同指导着企业活动的开展,并在操作层面延伸为生产德性、营销德性、社会德性、生态德性、人际德性等有着具体要求的应用性范畴。文章对这些范畴均做了本质含义和具体要求上的阐述。 第三部分,阐述了进行企业德性建设的具体原则和策略。提出企业德性建设应利用企业文化的无形性和潜移默化的感染性对员工实施德性熏陶,并阐述了德性熏陶中应遵循的古为今用、洋为中用、以人为本和因地制宜四项原则,进而提出了德性熏陶实施时可采用的三项策略:示范策略、活动策略和自我道德提升策略。

【Abstract】 With the development of socialist market economy in China , the status of enterprises’ morality is not optimistic . For example , they are short of honesty and credit , without the sense of responsibility and focus on the economic interests only while ignore the social interests ,such as these . On this occasion ,the moral construction in the enterprises is catching more and more attention . The reality calls for suitable research in theory .The essay aims to provide some theoretical ideals for reference to implement the fundamental projects in enterprises under the strategy of "Run the country with morality" and push forward the moral construction of enterprises and social through exploration into the moral mechanism in enterprise culture .The moral element is the base of enterprise culture . It is also the primary reason why some enterprises can keep sustained advantage in competition . According to the reality of enterprises’ moral construction in China , the essay tries to analyze the structure and contents of the enterprises’ morality . The essay also sets up an innovative conception - moral edification tactics , which has guidance value for enterprises’ moral construction , to contribute to the practice of ideology and moral education in enterprise .The essay is composed of three parts . The first part points out that morality is the fundamental aim of enterprise culture , the necessary request of the modernization of enterprise management and effective measure to strengthen the competitive ability . In a word , there exists strong moral needs in enterprise culture .In part two , the essay goes deep into the moral structure in enterprise culture and put forward that there are three kinds of categories in moral structure which include directive category , extended category and applied category . First , the essay takes the honesty and credit as the directive category of the ideological level . It goes deep into the content of honesty andcredit both in China and western country and demonstrate the necessity of this morality in enterprises because it is the inevitable request of the market economy, the precondition of enterprises’ long-term development and important intangible property of enterprises . The sense of responsibility , justice and equity , which are at the same level as honesty and credit , is the complement of honesty and credit . They four categories guide the activities and change into produce morality, sales morality, social morality, biology morality and interpersonal morality at the applying level . The essay deals with both the essential meanings and specific requirement of these categories .The third part puts forward some principles and tactics in enterprise moral construction. It points out that the moral construction should enforce moral edification tactics through enterprise culture to affect the staff . It also sets forth four principles which should be obeyed in the practice of moral edification : to adapt foreign things for Chinese use ,to make the past serve the present, to suit the measure to local conditions, to put human above everything else . In the end , it points out three tactics that can be used in the process of moral edification : model-demonstrate tactics, activity tactics and moral-improve tactics .

  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【下载频次】194