

【作者】 邢希娜

【导师】 杨烨;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网从诞生的那一刻起,便开始对人类社会产生了史料未及的影响。从个人生活的方方面到一个国家的政治、经济、军事、文化等,无不折射出网络的影子。鉴于其巨大的力量,国内外的学者纷纷给予越来越多的重视。网络安全也日益成为国家安全的重要组成部分。本文围绕着网络安全,主要从以下几个方面进行了探讨: 导言中,主要对网络、网络时代等概念进行界定,介绍了互联网的发展历程,以及目前国内外的研究现状,从而为整个文章的展开做一些概念上的铺垫。 第一部分,先从整个时代的大背景入手,分析了网络与网络时代的特征;接着论述了在网络时代下,网络安全挑战传统国家安全,这里主要从三个角度来认识:在与传统安全进行对比后,指出了国家安全的转变;从安全范式、战争范式、安全主体与安全目标等方面对网络安全进行了阐释以及网络作为国家软力量的重要作用。再者,从各个层面分析了冲击网络安全的因素;最后,对网络冲击的特点做了一些分析。 影响一国网络安全的因素,除了上述的几点以外,在目前,网络信息霸权日趋抬头,也应该日益成为我们关注的对象之一。在第二部分里面,追溯了信息霸权产生的过程,分析了其表现形式以及产生的根源,并进一步地详细论述了美国的信息霸权。 第三部分,围绕目前我国的网络安全状况进行阐述,主要从全国性的管理协调缺乏相支持、人们的网络安全意识普遍淡漠、网络安全立法和执法不力、基础信息产业严重依赖国外等几个方面分析目前我国在网络建设中存在的问题,并从国内和国际两个层面寻求解决的方法和途径。在国内层面,应该形成一个保障网络安全的国家战略、积极树立网络安全意识、加强信息网络安全的法律法规建设、构筑信息网络安全的技术屏障、加强政府与企业在网络安全上的合作、加强网络道德教育和网络法律教育、加快信息安全产业建设的步伐;国际层面上加强国际间的网络合作,积极推动建立“国际信息新秩序。”

【Abstract】 Internet has an unprecedented influence on the world when it appears. From the people’s life to a country’s politics, economy, culture and so on, we can see the shadow of Internet. For its great influence, many scholars in and aboard have paid more attention to it. The thesis discusses the network security from the following aspects:In the introduction, the thesis introduces Internet developing course and the academic research status. In this part, it also defines some concepts, such as Internet, network security, the network times.In part 1, the thesis first analyzes the characters of the network times. Then discusses that network security challenges traditional security in the network times. We can understand this question by four angles: the first is to point the transformation of nation’s security after contrasting with traditional security. The second is to expatiate network security from security pattern, warfare pattern, security body and security target. The third is to analyze the factors that impact network security. The last is to analyze the characters of the network impacts.With the development of network, network hegemony is rising up. In part 2, the thesis tells about the past of information hegemony, introduces the origin of it, analyzes manifestation of it and makes an exhaustive study of US information hegemony.In part 3, the thesis concerns about the current condition of network security in our country. What it pays attention to is the problems in the network development. This includes several aspects. The management lacks relevant sustainment in all country; People’s consciousness about network security is indifferent; the law about network security is insufficient; the basal information industry depends on foreign countries. How to settle these questions? We can take matures from internal and international aspects. On the internal side, we should set a strategy to ensure network security, build up the consciousness about network security actively, legislate manyrelevant laws and execute the law strictly, build the technical protective screen for the network security, advocate the cooperation between government and corporation and so on. On the international side, we should promote the international corporation on network and establish a new international informational order.

  • 【分类号】D81
  • 【下载频次】1052